Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The Twelfth Carnival of Radical Feminists is now up at Burning Times, and I'm deeply honored to say that one of my posts here, Feminism Unadulterated: The Politics of Housework, was recommended by the Carnival host Debs. Thank you, thank you. The list of articles in this month's Carnival looks especially juicy and illuminating, so go for it, folks. New writers/ideas/blogs to discover!

Another of my posts, the Helen 'Wheels' Keller piece at Maoist Orange Cake, also got honored. One of the folks I mentioned in that essay, author/director Terry Galloway, recently let me know she's finished her biography Mean Little Deaf Queer and it's being considered by a publisher. Here's hopin'!

I have volunteered to be an editor/host for this Carnival, and will filling that post in May. I am very much looking forward to reading all the essays submitted and having Meta Watershed display the results.

I also want to let you know, this weekend will be the Blog Against Theocracy, promoting Religious Freedom in America around the blogosphere, and I plan to participate in this effort here. Be sure to check in!

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