Wednesday, November 10, 2010



This is how we get ready
Even as we tuck wisdom
into skin pouches, lots to spare
and marvel at what joy we have
simmered, still redolent decades
later -- even as we admit
we were stronger than anybody
ever told us, we have been heroes
Still, we are tired, we face night
with tricks to wick away twitchy thoughts
of what we are not sure we can
face again. Yes we endured it once
but twice may not be worth it
Heresy you dare not speak to friends
who cling to you tighter than ever
There is no one who can promise
it will get easier and you can coast
Lying back in the slow boat for a
long glide, take in the view, never
having to hear of another impossible
death, watch governments destroy themselves
or women put a cast-iron lid over
their own world-saving spark

Copyright Maggie Jochild, 10 November 2010, 2:15 a.m.
(My little brother Bill would have been 52 today)

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