Thursday, December 20, 2012


It was a no-visitor morning, so I got to have a slow start to the day. Then Tammi and I experimented with a chewy sugar cookie recipe from America's Test Kitchen. I wanted something chewy and solid enough to stand uo to icing, and we substituted whole wheat flour for white, brown sugar for white, and used 1/3 less sugar. They could not have come out more perfect, bursting with flavour. Tomorrow I will mix multiple kinds of icing and decorate these.


Mama focused on family baking and crafts during the holidays, and that is what I have missed about adult celebrations of Christmas. She was unhurried and we laughed as we messed up in the learning process. Her Must Make list included divinity (both white and black fudge), lemon bars, Danish wedding cookies, candy-cane cookies (sprinkled with crushed peppermints we got to whack into dust with a hammer, and stained glass cookies. These latter were not the short-cut versions almost every recipe now has, but involved a double layer of dough with the top being an actual mosaic of colours cut from various hues and painstakingly fitted together by earnest little fingers. Sheer joy.

She was also a big fan of fruitcakes, but often simply waited for the one Aunt Sarah would send every year from that place in Corsicana. None of the rest of us could abide fruitcake, and the gingered candies were expensive to buy.

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