Saturday, March 22, 2014


(Dinah napping by the AC vent)
This morning I woke up without deep pain, for the first time in over a week.  On day 3 of Flagyll as well.  The Miralax, however, has not yet unplugged me.  Still, I am more alert and ready to consider life again, post massive UTI.

The doctor came for a check-up yesterday.  He brought his usual tech and a trainee who was pushed forward to do the blood draw – from the looks of it, I may have been his first ever.  I simply squeezed my eyes shut and thought about Skene until the fumbling ventilations were over. 
The doc had not yet read my sleep study results and could not find them in the record, so seemed to want to rely in MY impressions rather than off his own interpretation; this does not inspire confidence.  (I miss you so much, Mobile Docs!)  However, he silently wrote me scrips for prophylactic antibiotics against the next Foley change, plus one for Vicodin for emergencies, and mumbled something about continuing the oxygen/Bi-Pap.  He also palpated my inflamed kidney with a resultant shriek and what they refer to as “guarding” on my part. 
Fascinatingly, Dinah (who hasn’t come near me willingly in over a week) tottered up to sit protectively on the foot of the bed between me and the doc.  I was very moved by her old kitteh aegis.