Showing posts with label lesbian feminism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lesbian feminism. Show all posts

Sunday, February 15, 2015


The Changer and the Changed

In 1975, Olivia Records arrived in North Texas via a Meg Christian concert in Dallas.  I was living in Denton at the time, and my community included as many straight feminists as lesbians.  Two amazing straight friends, Elaine Carpenter and Bonnie Bonnell, persuaded me and my lover to attend the concert, though I was fearful of doing so because I thought it might out me further.

We got there late, and the place was so crammed that wimmin were being shunted forward to sit on the edge of the stage, literally at Meg Christian's feet.  Elaine grabbed my hand and dragged me to that spot, and that's how I watched the concert.

Nothing was ever the same afterward.  Wimmin's music was different than anything I'd ever heard.  Fundamentally different.

I bought the Meg Christian album, but Elaine went one better and bought the other album they were offering, by someone called Cris Williamson, showing a woman wearing only denim overalls standing in the desert.  The next time I visited Elaine, she exclaimed she had been playing it non-stop and started it up on her stereo.  We listened to it front and back, and I bought my own copy as soon as I could.  Every song on it became an anthem for my generation, and we'd sing them at gatherings.  Get two or my dykes of my generation together, hum a bar of any selection, and you'll find we know every lyric.  It's a secret cultural glue outsiders don't know about.

So when I think about choosing only one Cris song for my memorial service, I get flummoxed.  (Only one because there are so many different songs from other sources I want to include, and Alix will definitely have to represent more than one.)  Some days it's Song of the Soul ("Come to your life like a warrior / Nothing will bore yer / You can be happy"), other days it is of course Waterfall ("Filling up and spilling over, it's an endless waterfall.")  Maybe I should pick Shooting Star, which was a nickname given me by one sweet lover ("Out of the corner of my eye / I saw you blazing brightly by / You're such a shooting star / That's what you are").

But then I realize it has to be Sister.  Sister is the song where we came to our feet, pulsing with emotion, and linked our arms around each other, swaying together in shared definition:

And you can count on me to share the load
And I will always held you hold your burden
And I will be the one to help you ease your pain
Lean on me
I am your sister
Believe on me
I am your friend

Any survivor of girlhood, any woman who shared that tricky path her own way:  You were and are my sister.  We know what this sisterhood means.  It is for us, by us.

Happy birthday, Cris, our Changer.  You gave us all bedrock and vision.  We, the Changed, forever hank you.


Friday, September 5, 2014


Females who say no to males are not "discriminating." Male supremacy flows in only one direction. 

Pass it on.


Friday, July 27, 2012


(Seated Mother Goddess flanked by two lionesses from Çatalhöyük, Turkey, Neolithic age about 6000-5500 BCE,, today in Museum of Anatolian Civilizations in Ankara)

In 1980, I was driving my small, bumper-stickered Honda in San Francisco when I did something (I don't know what) to piss off a young white guy in a massive pick-up. Maybe I cut him off. At any rate, he began honking and yelling out his window at me, starting to tail me very closely. His initial insults focused on the fact that I was driving a foreign car and had a pro-union bumpersticker.

We were in thick, fast-moving traffic and I had no choice but to stay focused on the car ahead of me. Ignoring him escalated his anger, and he kept rushing me but managed to stop just short of hitting me -- for the time being. He got enough of a look at me from behind to take in my size, and his abuse shifted to calling me a fat commie fuck.

After a minute, he shifted lanes and got beside me enough to see that I was a woman. His fury escalated again, and he began screaming I was a fat CUNT, I had no right to be on the road. And he began trying to drive me off into oncoming traffic. It took all my agility to keep from being wrecked.

He surged up level with me again and realized I was a lesbian, dressed in "male" attire, and his reaction went entirely off the cliff. The cars around us began trying to get away from his assaults. I made a wild U-turn, somehow escaping being broadsided, and heard the screeches behind me as this guy followed suit. He was shrieking "dyke! dyke!" and saying all I needed was a good fuck.

I was near North Beach and knew where the police nearest station was, how to get there the quickest route (I drove delivery at the time), and in short order pulled up in front of the station. He gave up then. I sat in my car, shaking, for a long time. He really did mean to kill me.

Here's my question: What oppression was being leveled at me? Class, fat, sexism, homophobia, transphobia? Any of those could be claimed, and at the time I felt most targeted for being female because the point when he realized I wasn't a guy is when he seemed to become entirely unhinged. But that could be my perception, where my trigger points are most reactive.

The truth is, the violence we encounter out there (overt or subtle) is almost never one-pronged or neatly identifiable. And we interpret it subjectively, yes, but that does not in any way lessen its reality and impact. However you map this incident in your mind will be according to your lived experience, and if that experience is wearing blinders (conditioned or chosen by ghettoization), you will miss essential elements of what keeps so many of us in numb fear.

When I read the actual story of Brandon Teena (not the media hype), I identified with her as a teenaged raised-poor rural lesbian who simply wanted to date girls and was willing to use any means toward that end: in my case, in 1970 and with somewhat functional parents, shifting gender was not an option, or else I might have tried it. Though what I deep down wanted was to be a girl with girls, have my community love and welcome me, and go on doing all the other things that interested me.

I don't see the current environment offering any more genuine liberation options now to someone in a similar situation. And the fact that progress has not actually occurred to me indicates we once touched the dragon -- we dared name that "male domination is what makes everybody / angry" -- and the system rose up to distort everything it could about our achievements.


Sunday, May 17, 2009


Dorothy Allison, 2002
I cannot pretend to any objectivity about Dorothy Allison. In 1993 I was given a gift certificate to Book People here in Austin and went shopping in that store for the first time -- I usually did all my book buying at BookWoman, our feminist bookstore. I purchased Bastard Out of Carolina by Dorothy Allison and two books by Sarah Schulman, After Delores and Empathy. I read them all, one after another, and, as they say, my world split open.

I first began writing at age nine, urged into collaborating on a short story with a girl whom I loved passionately, desperately. After we moved away from the town where she lived, I continued writing short stories but also, at the end of that summer, wrote my first poem. It is linked temporally with the point at which I discovered there was a word for who I was: Lesbian. I shared that first poem with my mother, who was overwhelmed by our family circumstances and offered only a hurried criticism. After that, I did not tell anyone about my poems for another four years. I didn't share my sexual preference for another year beyond that.

But both identities are core to me, inextricable from Who I Am. During the 1970s and 1980s, I thought of myself as a writer as much as I called myself a dyke, though there were times when I didn't write much, if at all. Occasionally I was published. Mostly I was focused on activism, on trying to save the world.

I felt powerful barriers to being/becoming a writer. I could not imagine ever being paid for what I wanted to write, because my voice and my story were not valued by the world at large. It wasn't just the lesbian aspect, although that was certainly a clear gulf at that point in our culture -- the only people who cared about the lives of dykes were other dykes. Beyond that, however, I had been raised poor and had rejected upward mobility. My repudiation of shame made me suspect, even (and sometimes especially) among the working class. In addition, I had terrible secrets about sex and violence. I had broken silence on these secrets, but how could that become literature?

My friend Holly and I sometimes talked about what she called "survivor art", which she defined as artistic expression that went beyond simply naming what had been done to us as children, beyond confession. She envisioned it as reclaiming a whole girlhood, envisioning and creating (through writing, in my case) a reality where scars no longer acted as boundaries. It was an idea I found compelling.

And when I read Bastard Out of Carolina, I discovered Dorothy Allison had made the idea manifest. She told an entire story, all the pieces that my own contained, in a way which every reader understood. It was a finalist for the National Book Award, ferchristsake. This alone was concrete proof that my reality was no longer relegated to the shadows.

Likewise, Sarah Schulman wrote about a lesbian existence I comprehended intimately, but she did not offer a great deal of explanation: no back and fill to make it "easy" for a non-native reader. Again, her books were selling like hotcakes. If I didn't have to apologize, or translate, or temper my own words, then I too could write whatever I wanted. These women had just handed me an E-ticket to one of my core identities.

I had read occasional essays or poems by Dorothy Allison in women's publications. Now I went on a feeding frenzy, consuming The Women Who Hate Me and Trash in a gulp. Every time a new book appeared by her -- Skin, Two or Three Things I Know For Sure, Cavedweller -- I was first in line to buy and read them. In particular, her essay A Question of Class gave me much of the bedrock I now occupy in understanding and talking about classism.

She broke the trail I now follow. Still, I didn't take the step to becoming a Writer. Not yet.

Then in July 1999, after my left knee had decided to retire from my body but before I replaced it with titanium and plastic, I read that Dorothy Allison was teaching a workshop on writing memoir at a literary arts nonprofit called Gemini Ink in San Antonio. I enlisted the help of friends to get there and enrolled. I was terrified that morning of the workshop, and almost backed out. Once I was there, however, Dorothy looked across the room at me and grinned. By the end of the day, she gave me her phone number, the phone number of her agent, and said when I was ready, to call her.

I learned worlds that day about exactly what I needed to do. She was candid and generous. I can still hear her voice in my head saying certain things. Like "You get to tell your story, exactly how you want to tell it. Nobody else can tell your story, don't edit it for anybody." That writing is catharsis, if done right, but that's not why you should write. That she doesn't "do" therapy -- that's what friends are for. That to gear up for a hard patch of writing, she'll down a 2 liter bottle of Coke (me, too, my drug of choice). That nobody except Stephen King and Danielle Steel are earning a living strictly from what they write, every other writer either has a teaching gig, sells screenplays and movie rights, or has somebody to support them while they pursue their art.

When my friend and I got to her car afterward, my friend pounded on the dash and yelled "You got her phone number! She's going to make sure you get published, you wait and see." But I knew I was only just beginning.

Since then, I've had to contend with increasing disability, a lost year due to the cognitive injury during my surgery, growing poverty and isolation, and much, much death and loss. However, I've never stopped heading toward the next step in becoming a writer. Others stepped in to mentor me (Sharon Bridgforth, Terry Galloway), and I finally got the writing group of my dreams. I crossed the border and became the writer I was meant to be. Now I'm almost done with my novel, and eventually, when I have product in hand, I'll be calling Dorothy. I owe so much to her.

So do we all, in various ways.

She was born to an unmarried, dirt-poor 15-year-old girl in South Carolina, raised in poverty and abuse but also with love and rich Southern family culture. Lesbian-feminism saved her, as it saved me (although she was East Coast during those critical years and I was West Coast, which makes a difference). She's been partnered with Alix Layton for a couple of decades, and they have a teenaged son, Wolf Michael. She travels around lecturing when she isn't writing. She gives her energy away as much as she can -- more than she should, probably. She wears her hair long, is blind in one eye, and lives now in Northern California, the promised land for her. She looks damned good on a motorbike. Her recipe for red velvet cake is the best ever.

Read her as if she holds the key to emancipation, because in fact I think she does.


"I grew up poor, hated, the victim of physical, emotional, and sexual violence, and I know that suffering does not ennoble. It destroys." -- from A Question of Class

"I do not write about nice people. I am not nice people." -- from Skin: Talking About Sex, Class And Literature

“Change, when it comes, cracks everything open.” -- O Magazine, January 2004

"There was a myth of the poor in this country, but it did not include us. no matter how hard I tried to squeeze us in. There was an idea of the good poor—hard-working, ragged but clean, and intrinsically honorable. I understood that we were the bad poor: men who drank and couldn't keep a job; women, invariably pregnant before marriage, who quickly became worn, fat, and old from working too many hours and bearing too many children; and children with runny noses, watery eyes, and the wrong attitudes." -- from A Question of Class

Re the early feminist movement: "It was like opening your eyes under water. It hurt, but suddenly everything that had been dark and mysterious became visible and open to change."

“Two or three things I know for sure, and one of them is that if we are not beautiful to each other, we cannot know beauty in any form.”

“Independent presses and bookstores give access to literature specific to a place. Readers can find stories they need.”

“I wear my skin only as thin as I have to, armor myself only as much as seems absolutely necessary. I try to live naked in the world, unashamed even under attack, unafraid even though I know how much there is to fear.” – from Skin: Talking About Sex, Class & Literature

"Entitlement … is a matter of feeling like we rather than they … Why are you so afraid? my lovers and friends have asked me the many times I have suddenly seemed a stranger, someone who would not speak to them, would not do the things they believed I should do, simple things like applying for a job, or a grant, or some award they were sure I could acquire easily. Entitlement, I have told them, is a matter of feeling like we rather than they." -- from A Question of Class

“It’s an illusion that writers have a lot of choice about what they write. Your stories are your stories. They’re the only ones you can really tell, and if you try telling ones the world would like you tell, you’ll do it badly.”Curve Magazine 2001

“Feminism gave me a vision of the world totally different from everything I had ever assumed or hoped. The concept of a feminist literature offered the possibility of pride in my sexuality.”

“I’m completely aware that people would like me to write a love story. It’s just that when I write a love story you probably are not goin’ to be able to tell. I don’t believe in romance in that sense. I actually believe romance is almost as much work as raising children.”Curve Magazine 2001

"The horror of class stratification, racism, and prejudice is that some people begin to believe that the security of their families and communities depends on the oppression of others, that for some to have good lives there must be others whose lives are truncated and brutal. It is a belief that dominates this culture." -- from A Question of Class

“I don’t want to simplify when I write. I want people there with their warts on. I want you to love them even when you hate them.” - from "Dorothy Allison: Telling Tales, Telling Truths", essay by Kate Brandt in Happy Endings: Lesbian writers talk about their lives and their work

“I write who I can write—people I can understand. I can understand deeply wounded, hidden kinds of girls.”Curve Magazine 2001

“There are only supposed to be certain people who are worth the trouble and you basically have to be middle class or exceptional in some way, really beautiful or really smart or be kissed by Jesus for god’s sake—the rest of us, we’re background noise and our stories aren’t important. And I just don’t believe that. I think the working class is the story of this country. The rich and the upper class have been riding on our asses for hundreds of years, and I don’t want to see us made over into a story that glorifies them. Our stories are glory enough.”Curve Magazine 2001

“We are the ones they make fiction of – we gay and disenfranchised and female – and we have the right to demand our full, nasty, complicated lives.”


The Women Who Hate Me (poetry), 1983 by Firebrand Books, ISBN-10 : 0932379982

Trash (short stories), 1988 Plume Books, ISBN-10 : 0452283515 -- Winner of Lambda literary awards as best lesbian small press book and best lesbian fiction

Bastard Out of Carolina(novel), 1992 by Plume Books, ISBN-10 : 0452269571 – National Book Award finalist, Ferro Grumley & Bay Area Book Reviewers Awards, translated into more than a dozen languages and published in more than a dozen countries; in 1995, it was made into a movie directed by Angelica Huston and premiered on Showtime

Skin: Talking about Sex, Class, and Literature (essay collection), 1994 by Firebrand Books, ISBN 1-56341-044-3 – Gay & Lesbian Book Award, American Library Association

Two or Three Things I Know for Sure (memoir), 1996 by Plume Books, ISBN-10 : 0452273404 – named notable book of the year by New York Times Book Review

Cavedweller (novel), 1998 by Plume Books, ISBN-10 : 0452279 – Lambda literary award for fiction

She Who (forthcoming from Penguin Putnam)


Dorothy Allison's website

A Question of Class (essay at History Is A Weapon)

FemBio biography of Dorothy Allison

Interview with Dorothy Allison as Zale Writer in Residence at Tulane

Interview with Dorothy Allison at Salon

Interview with Dorothy Allison at Identity Theory

(Maggie at Dorothy's writing workshop in July 1999, Gemini Ink, San Antonio, Texas; Maggie is upper right, Dorothy is to my right)

[Cross-posted at Group News Blog.]


Sunday, October 26, 2008


Notes From The First Year, a women's periodical from 1968
"The root of oppression is the loss of memory" -- by Paula Gunn Allen*

It is not possible to overestimate the impact of the written word on the Second Wave of the women's movement, especially when it comes to lesbian-feminist culture. Literally thousands of publications, printed on newly-developed offset presses which removed censorship from the hands of male-dominated presses, were available to women/lesbians in every corner of the country. Access to books and journals was more widespread, crossing class barriers, than the internet today. Many of them were free, either by design (as in Lesbian Connection's still existing policy of "Free to lesbians, pay what you can") or because they were precious commodities, handed on from woman to woman and household to household.

We had a decade-long conversation, under the noses of the patriarchy. It was the ultimate FUBU. We defined, for ourselves, what it meant to grow up female in this culture, in all its permutations. And from this language we uncovered the means to form our own presses, bookstores, coffeeshops, clubs, schools, rape crisis centers, shelters from violence, art galleries and movements, dance troupes, disabled networks, political action groups -- anything we could imagine that would be informed by something other than the male-conditioned viewpoint.

It no longer exists, nor does anything out there even begin to approach it. Some argue it is no longer necessary. However, with the current realization among young feminists that their input and assumption of power is not tolerable to a disheartening proportion of their presumed progressive male allies, I see an echo of 1968, when we realized the male left was not going to budge from identifying us as primarily sex and joke material.

For those of you who have not bought into the biological determinist myth, who are struggling to un-cover and un-learn the conditioning that actually makes you the race, gender, and class that you are (regardless of appearance or self-declaration) -- for those of you who don't buy the media or revisionist hype about the 1970's -- here's a list of what we, in our separate world, were reading cover to cover.

Consider that most journals had 16 to 100 pages, that it was accepting the best thinking and writing coming in from (sometimes) half the population, that we were speaking to not just those we loved passionately but all future generations. Consider what has been silenced: Deliberately, I believe, by those too frightened to allow women's and girl's voices to be heard without male-identified temporizing and demand for airtime.

If you are under 40, consider how many of these publications you have not ever seen or even heard mentioned. Understand that for many of us over 50, most of these titles are familiar. Where has all this writing and information been buried? Consider the notion that whatever you have been told about what it contains may be a distortion, even by other feminists, even by those called experts, and the only way you can inform yourself is to actually read the primary texts. Do a few Google searches and discover how next to impossible it will be for you to find this primary source material, and ask yourself why it is so inaccessible.

Consider that one of the primary tenets of women's publication was to allow every woman, any woman, to speak for herself, without paraphrase or interpretation. That tenet has, under the backlash, been perhaps the most violated, even (and sometimes especially) in so-called gender studies courses. Consider the dozens of women's bookstores, the hundreds of women's presses, which were scattered across the country, giving women in even small towns easier access to these publications than you now can attain.

Consider that one of the first actions of sexism is to deny women, lesbians, and others not the "correct" gender the right to define ourselves and name our own reality without interference.

And, finally, consider the words of Monique Wittig: “There was a time when you were not a slave, remember that. You walked alone, full of laughter, you bathed bare-bellied… You say there are no words to describe this time, you say it does not exist. But Remember. Make an effort to remember. Or, failing that, invent." -- Les Guérillères

This is a guide to women's/lesbian periodicals which were published from 1968 to today in the United States (with two exceptions, the "first ever" from 1947 and one from 1956). I limited the list to publications which existed in print, to those produced in the United States, and to those whose primary production and readership consisted of women. I excluded zines, and I guessed at distribution for the rest when hard data was not available. I would not be surprised if an exhaustive list of periodicals put out by women from 1968 through 1985 wasn't double what I've uncovered here. However, I think most of the rags with an intent at national distribution are named.

The sources for this list are as follows:
--The Timeline created by the Austin Lesbian Activism in the 1970's Herstory Project, founded by me.
--Write On, Woman, A Writers and Artists Guide to Women's Alternate Press Periodicals, expanded edition for 1979, edited by Lynne D. Shapiro, self-published in 1979.
--A list of Women's Periodicals compiled by Martha Leslie Allen for her book The Development of Communication Networks Among Women, 1963-1983, found online here.
--The Feminist and Lesbian Periodical Collection held at the University of Oregon, found online at University of Oregon Women's Periodical Collection.
--Our Own Voices: A Directory of Lesbian and Gay Periodicals, 1890s-2000s, compiled by Alan V. Miller, found online at LGBT periodicals.
--The list of Lesbian Periodicals in the McCormick Library of Special Collections at Northwestern University.
--The LGBT Life database.
--The extraordinarly rich website of J.D. Doyle, Queer Music Heritage. He hosts a radio show "Queer Voices" on KPFT, 90.1 in Houston, Texas every fourth Monday of the month at 9 p.m. CST.

There are 718 publications listed here. Of these, 401 could be identified as to year of origin. Of these 401, 330 were published from 1968 to 1985, or 82% during this 17-year era. Once the backlash began, from forces outside and inside our communities, the number drops to 71 new publications begun from 1985 to present (a period of 23 years, 1.5 times the span of the "boom" years).

Of these 718 publications:
237 or 33% were primarily by and for lesbians
64 or 8.9% were primarily by and for women of color [with the breakdown as follows: mixed/multiracial 11; African-American 20; Latina 15; Asian/Pacific Islander 8; Native American 4, Jewish 4; Arab 1; and "emphasis on Middle East" 1]
Approximately 257 of 35% were intended for local or regional rather than national distribution

Other special emphasis includes: Focus on rural/farm/women on land 10; focus on women in music 8; focus on women and girls in martial arts 4; focus on women and children in prison 3; focus on disabled women 3; focus on prostitutes 2; and periodicals with "mother" in the title 10.

Of the 718 on the list, 640 could be identified as to place of origin for publication. Seven states were not found on the list: Alabama, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Wyoming. Five places dominated the list: California (with 160 publications or 25%), Illinois (35 or 5.5%), Massachusetts (38 or 5.9%), New York (128 or 20%), and Washington DC (47 or 7.3%). States with a median range of publications include Colorado (10), Florida (12), Hawaii (9), Indiana (9), Maryland (9), Michigan (19), Minnesota (10), New Jersey (13), New Mexico (8), Ohio (15), Oregon (12), Pennsylvania (21), Texas (10), Washington (19), and Wisconsin (22). States with a small number of publications include Alaska (2), Arizona (2), Arkansas (2), Connecticut (5), Georgia (6), Idaho (1), Iowa (7), Kansas (3), Kentucky (4), Louisiana (5), Maine (3), Mississippi (2), Missouri (7), Nebraska (1), Nevada (1), New Hampshire (2), North Carolina (7), Oklahoma (1), Rhode Island (2), Tennessee (2), Utah (2), Vermont (3), Virginia (5), and West Virginia (1).

Of these 718 publications, almost all of them were printed as cheaply as possible (far more cheaply than the main lesbian/queer publications today) and were available for reading at women's bookstores, coffeehouses, gathering places, or handed from woman to woman at no cost, meaning women like me who lived in poverty still got to read almost anything I wanted. If you've been told that women's writing during the Second Wave was overwhelmingly white, middle to upper class, and straight, consider how the complex reality of this list contradicts the myth that's been handed on -- and consider who is served by this myth.

I welcome any additions or corrections to this list. I'm putting it out here for others to use -- this material is gathered from public record, it is not copyrighted -- and all I ask is for credit to be given if you use me as a source. I encourage you to support the archives and researchers who are attempting to preserve this extraordinary body of material. I encourage you to read it for yourselves -- the originals, not the anthologized or critiqued pieces selected by those who wish to influence your opinion. And to begin with, I suggest you read an online essay entitled "The Eight Characteristics of Women's Media that are different in our Media from Men's Media" by Dr. Donna Allen, found at the Women's Institute for Freedom of the Press website. A synopsis of these elements is:

1) The conventional journalism of male-owned media reports news in the third person.
2) Men tend to define "news" as conflict and violence.
3) Male-owned media claim a journalistic goal of "objectivity."
4) Women-owned media are nearly all non-hierarchical.
5) Women's media would replace the competitiveness of male media's "scoops" and financial rivalry with cooperation.
6) Women-owned media tend toward a common carrier concept of journalistic function.
7) The greatest difference from male-owned media is women's characteristic analysis of mass media as hostile to women.
8) The eighth difference is in content -- Read the article for specifics on these.

In her book online at the same website, The Development of Communication Networks Among Women, 1963-1983 (a history of women's media in the U.S.), Martha Leslie Allen rephrases these characteristics and gives concrete examples. Again, you should read the original chapter, but here's a synopsis of her points about how herstorical women's publications differed from all else:

(1) The practice of women writing for themselves rather than reporting other women's news and opinions for them.
(2) Use of a collective structure and approach.
(3) Advocacy of noncompetition, cooperation and sharing among women's media and efforts.
(4) Analyzing the role of mass media. Quest 's special issue on "Communication and Control," drew the issue sharply. Alexa Freeman and Valle Jones wrote: "[F]eminist communication must incorporate the notion that to communicate is to share, that it is, through whatever medium, a process by which something is exchanged. It is, ideally, a mutual process. This principle of mutuality demands both that we have access to the tools of communication and that we actively participate in it. Current media allow us neither."
(5) A non-attack, no-name-calling approach to journalistic reporting.
(6) Being an open forum for all women.
(7) Provision of new information not found in mass media.
(8) An activist tendency.

Legend: Any listing in lavender was created by and/or intended for mainly lesbians. For each title, I'd like to have the place of publication; the name of the editors/collective which produced it; when it began and ended; circulation and intended distribution scope; frequency of publication; and what genre of material it included.


1) A Change is Gonna Come. Published in San Francisco, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
2) Aché, A Journal for Black Lesbians. Published in Albany, Berkeley and Oakland, California. Published interviews, political analyses, reviews, essay, and poetry. Begun 1989, lasted to 1993.
3) A-CROSS. Published in Iowa City, Iowa. Probably not nationally distributed.
4) Aegis: Magazine on Ending Violence Against Women [formerly: Feminist Alliance Against Rape.]. Washington DC
5) Ain't I A Woman? Published by the Ain't I A Woman Collective, Iowa City Women's Liberation Front, Iowa City, Iowa. Begun in 1970, lasted through 1974. Bimonthly.
6) Ain't I A Woman? Published in Boston, Massachusetts. Begun 1980, lasted to 1982.
7) Akamai Sister. Published in Honolulu, Hawaii. Probably not nationally distributed.
8) Albatross: The Lesbian Feminist Satire Magazine. Published quarterly since 1974 from East Orange, New Jersey. Circulation 4000 nationally in 1979. Published lesbian-feminist satire, comix, cartoons, short funny poems, funny short stories, satirical book, film/movie and music reviews, and "all else if funny". Lasted until 1980.
9) Albuquerque Lesbian Rag: A Monthly Lesbian Information and Nonsense Source. Published in Corrales, New Mexico. Begun 1991. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
10) Al Dia, Newsletter of the National Conference of Puerto Rican Women, NYC chapter. Published in Bronx, New York.
11) Alert. Published in Washington, DC.
12) Alert: Women's Legislative Review. Milwaukee, WI
13) [The] Allegheny Feminist. Published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Begun in 1977. Probably not nationally distributed.
14) AMA: Women in African and American Worlds, An Outlook. Published in Washington, DC. Published articles of concern to black women.
15) Amazon: A Midwest Journal for Women. Published six times a year by Amazon Collective in Milwaukee, Wisconsin since 1971. Circulation 1500 nationally in 1979. Published biographies, how-to articles, interviews, herstory/history pieces, research pieces, and theory pieces; excerpts from novels, short stories, poetry, diaries/letters, personal testimonies and autobiography; analysis of news events, news reporting, book, film/movie and music reviews; line drawings and photographs. -- "We don't spend much energy on men."
16) Amazon Farmers. Published by Ozark Wimmin on Land in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Begun 1977 (?).
17) [The] Amazon Nation Newsletter. Published in Chicago, Illinois. Begun in 1972, lasted to 1974.
18) Amazon Quarterly. Published in West Somerville, Massachusetts and Oakland, California. Begun in 1972, lasted to 1975.
19) Amazon Times. Published in Baltimore, Maryland. Begun 1990, lasted to 1993.
20) [The] American Negro Woman. Published in Cleveland, Ohio. Began March 1974.
21) Anamika. Published in Brooklyn, New York. Asian-American focus. Begun 1985 (?).
22) And Ain't I A Woman? Published in Seattle, Washington. Probably not nationally distributed.
23) APHRA, a women's literary periodical. Published in New York, New York. Quarterly. Begun in 1969.
24) A P L Network News. Published by the Asian Pacific Island Lesbian Network (APL) in New York, New York. Begun 1988.
25) Apple, published by Sister in Seattle, Washington. Published irregularly since 1977. Circulation unknown, distributed nationally. Published women's erotica with emphasis on theory piece, short stories, and line drawings; also how-to articles, interviews, herstory/history pieces and research pieces; poetry; diaries/letters, personal testimonies and autobiography; book and film/movie reviews; and photographs.
26) Aradia. Published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Probably not nationally distributed.
27) [The] Artemis Path: A Journal of Self Transformation. Published in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Probably not nationally distributed.
28) Asian Lesbians of the East Coast Newsletter. Published in New York, New York. Begun 1983.
29) Asian Women. Published in Berkeley, California. Begun in 1971.
30) Asian Women's Center Newsletter. Published in Los Angeles, California. Begun in 1973, published irregularly until 1974.
31) Associated Lesbians of Puget Sound (ALPS) Newsletter. Published in Washington. Begun 1979 (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
32) Atalanta: Newsletter of the Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance from Atlanta, Georgia. Published monthly since 1973, lasted until 1994. Circulation 220 nationally in 1979. Published with emphasis on southeastern region, especially Georgia women, with higher priority to how-to articles, theory pieces, news analysis, local movement news, personal testimonies and autobiography, book, film, and music reviews; also biography, interviews, herstory/history pieces, research pieces; poetry; diaries/letters; and line drawings.
33) Aurora: Prism of Feminism. Published in Suffern, New York. Probably not nationally distributed.
34) Aurora: Speculative Feminism. Published in Madison, Wisconsin. Begun in 1975. "Devoted to discussion of science fiction and fantasy from feminist points of view."
35) Austindyke. Published in Austin, Texas. Begun 1979, lasted to 1980. Probably not nationally distributed.
Salsa Soul Sisters, lesbian publication 1977-1983 36) Azalea: A Magazine by Third World Lesbians. Published by the Salsa Soul Sisters Collective (now called African Ancestral Lesbians United for Societal Change), New York, New York. Begun 1977, lasted to 1983. Quarterly.
37) Bad Attitude: a Lesbian Sex Magazine. Published in Boston, Massachusetts. Begun 1984, lasted to 1985. Quarterly.
38) Bay Area Lesbians in Law Newsletter. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1976. Probably not nationally distributed.
39) Bay Area Women's Liberation Newsletter. Published in San Francisco, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
40) Bearded Women's Exchange. Published in Roseburg, Oregon. Begun in 1979 (?).
41) Best Friends. Published in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Probably not nationally distributed.
42) Better Homes and Dykes, newsletter of the Lesbian Alliance. Published in Iowa City, Iowa. Begun 1972, lasted until 1981. Monthly.
43) G.B.F. Magazine. Published in Hollywood, California. Begun 1990. For black gay females (BGF).
44) Big Apple Dyke News (B.A.D. News). Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1981, lasted to 1985. Monthly. Covered national and international lesbian news, politics and culture.
45) Big Mama Rag. Published in Denver, Colorado. Began 1972, lasted to 1984.
46) Bint el Nas. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1998, still publishing. "Arab-world identified online magazine."
47) Blackberry. Published in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Published quarterly since 1975. Circulation 125 in 1979, not distributed nationally. Published poetry mostly oriented to heterosexual women. Also published reviews of poetry books and magazines.
48) Black Belt Woman, The Magazine for Women in the Martial Arts and Self Defense. Published in Medford, Massachusetts. Begun in 1975, lasted to 1976.
49) Black Lesbian Newsletter, San Francisco Women's Center black lesbian newsletter. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1982. Probably not nationally distributed.
50) Black Maria. Published in Chicago, IL. Published quarterly since 1971. Circulation 1000 nationally in 1979. Published with orientation to feminist women only, higher priority to drama, short plays, excerpts from novels and short stories, line drawings and photographs. Also published biographies, interviews, herstory/history pieces, research pieces and theory pieces; poetry, diaries/letters, personal testimonies and autobiography, and book reviews.
51) Black Women's Educational Policy and Research Network Newsletter. Published in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Begun in 1981.
52) Black Women's Log, An Independent Monthly Magazine For and By Black Women. Published by Barbara J. Hudson in Springfield, Massachusetts. Began in 1974.
53) Black Women's Voice. Published by the National Council of Negro Women in New York, New York. Began in 1979.
54) Blazing Star: Come Out Fighting. Published by the Chicago Women's Liberation Union, Chicago, Illinois. Begun 1974, lasted to 1979. Bimonthly. Earlier known as Secret Storm and as Chicago Women's Liberation Union News.
55) Booklegger Magazine. Published in San Francisco, California.
56) Born A Woman. Published in Los Angeles, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
57) Boston Women's Music Newsletter. Published in West Somerville, Massachusetts. Begun in 1977.
58) Boxcar. Published in San Francisco, California. Published 8 issues yearly since 1977. Circulation 2000 in 1979, not distributed nationally. A journal of the Women's Itinerant Hobo's Union publishing short stories, poetry, personal testimonies, autobiography, and photographs. Also published drama/short plays, novel excerpts, diaries/letters, and line drawings.
59) Bread &; Roses. Published in Madison, Wisconsin. Begun in 1977. A Midwest-based journal focused on cultural, political, and social concerns of women, with content addressed to a feminist reading public and intended to inspire and activate change. Probably not nationally distributed.
60) Bridges: A Jewish Feminist Journal. Published in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Founded 1989. Features essays, fiction, poetry, art and reviews on the cutting edge of feminist Judaism, including translations of literature side-by-side with the Latino, Spanish and Yiddish originals.
61) [The] Bright Medusa. Published in Berkeley, California. Begun in 1976. "A quarterly feminist journal of prose, poetry, art, essays and interviews."
62)Broomstick. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun in 1978, lasted through 1987. Probably not nationally distributed.
63) Burnt Out Lesbian Newsletter. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1973. Probably not nationally distributed.
64) Bylines. Published in Honolulu, Hawaii. Probably not nationally distributed.
65) C A L F A Notes. Published in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Publication of the Cleveland Area Lesbian Feminist Alliance (CALFA). Begun 1976. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
66) Calm Voices. Published by Chicago Asian Lesbians Moving (CALM), Chicago, Illinois. Probably not nationally distributed.
67) Calyx: A Journal of Art and Literature by Women. Published in Corvallis, Oregon. Published 3 issues yearly since 1976, now published twice a year. Circulation 1000 nationally in 1979, 15,000 currently. Publishes poetry, short fiction, visual art, essays, reviews, and interviews. Known for discovering important writers, such as Julia Alvarez, Paula Gunn Allen, Olga Broumas, Natalie Goldberg, Barbara Kingsolver, and Sharon Olds. CALYX was the first to publish the artwork of Frida Kahlo in color in the U.S.
68) Camera Obscura, A Journal of Feminism and Film Theory. Published in Berkeley, California.
69) Camping Women Trails. Published in Sacramento, California / Reno, Nevada. Probably not nationally distributed.
70) Canswers: the Quarterly Newsletter of the Lesbian Community Cancer Project. Published in Chicago, Illinois. Begun in 1992.
71) Capitol Alert. Published in Sacramento, California.
72) Caring For Our Own. Published in Washington, DC.
73) Carolina Lesbian News. Published in Charlotte, North Carolina. Probably not nationally distributed.
74) Cassandra: Radical Feminist Nurses Network. Published in Williamsville, New York.
75) Catalyst Media Review. Published in New York, New York.
76) [The] Celibate Woman, A Journal for Women Who Are Celibate or Considering this Liberating Way of Relating to Others. Published in Washington, DC. Begun in 1982, lasted to 1988.
77) . Published in Los Angeles, California. Begun in 1971.
78) Changes. Published by Greater Orlando Lesbian/Feminists, Winter Park, Florida. Begun 1976, lasted to 1981. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
79) Changing Herizons: Herizon is a Woman Space. Published in Binghamton, New York. Begun 1980, lasted to 1987. Monthly. Continued as Herizon Newsletter.
80) [The] Changing Woman. Published in Portland, Oregon. Probably not nationally distributed.
81) Childbirth Alternatives Quarterly. Published in Stanford, California.
82) Chromo Uri. Published in Amherst, Massachusetts. Published 3 times yearly since 1974. Circulation 1500 nationally in 1979. Published women's literature and art, higher priority to short stories, poetry, book reviews, line drawings, and B&W photographs. Also published biographies, interviews, research pieces, drama and short plays, novel excerpts, diaries/letters, personal testimonies and autobiography, film/movie reviews, and any reproducible visual art in B&W.
Chrysalis, women's publication from 1977-1980 83) Chrysalis: A Magazine of Women's Culture. Published in Los Angeles, California. Published quarterly since 1977 through 1980. Circulation 13,000 nationally in 1979. Published with emphasis on interviews, herstory/history pieces, research pieces, theory pieces, novel excerpts, short stories, poetry, news analysis, book and film/movie reviews, line drawings and photographs. Also published biography, how-to articles, drama and short plays, and news reporting.
84) Circles: Celebrating Colorado's Lesbian Community. Published in Boulder, Colorado. Begun 1996. Bimonthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
85) CLARA. Published in Fredonia, New York. Begun 1977. Bimonthly newsletter and research report on women's music.
86) Clear Beginnings Quarterly. Published in Chesterland, Ohio. Probably not nationally distributed.
87) Clearinghouse on Women's Issues in Congress. Published in Washington, DC.
88) Clique Magazine: the National Magazine for Lesbians and Bisexual Women. Published in Bronxville, New York. Begun 1994. Monthly.
89) C L L Newsletter. Published by Chicago Lesbian Liberation CLL), Chicago, Illinois. Begun 1973.
90) Clone. Published by Lesbians Rising Collective, Hunter College Women's Center, New York, New York. Begun 1974. Continued as Lesbians Rising. Probably not nationally distributed.
91) CLUW> News. (Coalition of Labor Union Women) Published in New York, New York.
92) Coalition Newsletter. Published in Detroit, Michigan.
93) Colores: Newsletter of Bay Area Lesbians of Color. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1987 (?).
94) Come Forth. Published in Washington, DC. Probably not nationally distributed.
95) Common Lives / Lesbian Lives. Published in Iowa City, Iowa. Quarterly begun in 1981, lasted to 1996. "Documented the experiences and thoughts of lesbians."
96) The Common Woman. Published in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Published twice a year since 1977. Circulation unknown, distributed nationally. Published for/by/about all women, higher emphasis on theory pieces, poetry, book reviews, and line drawings. Also published biography, how-to articles, interviews, herstory/history pieces, research pieces, drama and short plays, novel excerpts, short stories, diaries/letters, personal testimonies and autobiography, news analysis, film/movie and music reviews, and photographs.
97) Commonwomon. Published in Winooskie, Vermont. Begun 1978. Probably not nationally distributed.
98) Common Woman [The Common Woman is the Revolution]. Published in Berkeley, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
99) [The] Company of Women Newsletter. Published in Stewartsville, New York. Probably not nationally distributed.
100) Concern. Published in New York, New York. Probably not nationally distributed.
101) Conditions. Published in Brooklyn, New York. Began in 1976, lasted to 1990. Published 3 times yearly. Circulation 2500 in 1979, distributed nationally. Published interviews, herstory/history pieces, research pieces, theory pieces, drama and short plays, novel excerpts, short stories, poetry, diaries/letters, personal testimonies and autobiography, book reviews, line drawings, and B&W photographs.
102) Congress to Unite Women. Published in New York, New York.
103) Conmoción: an international Latina lesbian vision. Published in El Paso, Texas. Begun 1995, lasted to 1996. Quarterly.
104) Connections, Black Women's Network. Published in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Begun in 1979.
105) Connexions. Published in Oakland, California. Begun 1981.
106) .Country Women. Published in Albion, California. Begun in 1975, lasted to 1978. Bimonthly. Circulation 10,000 in 1979, distributed nationally. Themed issues. Published how-to articles, theory pieces, line drawings, photographs. Also published interviews, herstory/history pieces, research pieces, poetry, diaries/letters, personal testimonies and autobiography, book and music reviews. "Country Women begins as a vision of sharing...We see Country Women as a feminist country survival manual and a creative journal. It is for women living with women, with men, and alone, for women who live in the country already and for women who want to move out of the cities. We need to learn that women can do in the country and learn to break out of our isolation from one another, to know that we aren't alone, that we aren't crazy, that there is a lot of love and strength and growing to share. Country Women can bring us together."
107) Cowrie. Published by Community of Women, New York, New York; edited by Liza Cowan and Carol Hardin. Highlight - the series "What The Well Dressed Dyke Will Wear" by Liza Cowan. Begun April 1973, lasted to August 1974. Bimonthly
108) Coyote Howls. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun in 1974. Quarterly. Circulation 20,000, distributed nationally. Was for/by/about prostitutes and all people affected by the institution; especially interested in articles about police abuse, prostitution enforcement and political organizing for decriminalization. Also covered issues such as welfare, violence against women, rape, and machismo.
109) Cries from Cassandra. Published in Chicago, Illinois. Begun in 1973. Probably not nationally distributed.
110) Cry Out. Roanoke Valley Women's Coalition. Probably not nationally distributed.
111) Curve. Published in San Francisco, California. (Called Deneuve from 1991-1995, changed to Curve in 1995.) Begun in 1991. Bimonthly.
112) Daily Dyke. Published in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Begun 1974.
113) Dallas Lesbian News. Published in Dallas, Texas. Begun 1998. Quarterly. Probably not nationally distributed.
114) Daughters of Sarah. Published in Chicago, Illinois. Probably not nationally distributed.
115) Dayton Women's Liberation. Published in Dayton, Ohio. Probably not nationally distributed.
116) [The] Deconess Movement. Published in Des Moines, Iowa. Probably not nationally distributed.
117) Denver Women's Newsletter. Published in Denver, Colorado. Probably not nationally distributed.
118) DE-LIBERATION. Published in Iowa City, Iowa.
119) Desperate Living. Published in Baltimore, Maryland. Begun Winter 1977.
120) Dinah Soar News: A Monthly Publication of the Lesbian Activist Bureau. (Continued as just Dinah.) Published in Cincinnati, Ohio. Begun 1976, lasted to 1981.
121) Distaff. Published in New Orleans, Louisiana. Began 1973. Poetry, short stories, essays, photography and political opinion. Probably not nationally distributed.
122) Do It NOW. Published in Washington, DC and Chicago, Illinois.
123) Dork Dyke. Published in Chicago, Illinois. Begun 1995. Probably not nationally distributed.
124) Double Standard: a Newspaper for Colorado Lesbians. Published in Denver, Colorado. Begun 1980, lasted to 1984. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
Flyer for first issue of Dyke:  A Quarterly (Promotional flyer for the first issue of Dyke: A Quarterly. From L to R: Deborah Glick, Liza Cowan, Val ____, Penny House, and Alix Dobkin, circa 1975, New York. Image courtesy of Liza Cowan.)
125) Dyke: A Quarterly. Published by Tomato Publications (Liza Cowan and Penny House), New York, New York. Begun Winter 1975, lasted to Summer 1978. Circulation 1200 in 1978, distributed nationally. Quarterly. Exclusively for lesbians. Themed issues. "Don't send pieces about how men rule the world and what creeps they are. We know it already." Published biographies, how-to articles, interviews, herstory/history pieces, research pieces, theory pieces, diaries/letters, personal testimonies and autobiography, news analysis, book, film/movie and music reviews, line drawings and photographs.
126) Dyke Diannic Wicca. Published in Berkeley, California. Begun in 1980.
127) Dyke Digest. Published in New Orleans, Louisiana. Begun 1978, lasted to 1979.
128) Dyke Life. Published in Indianapolis, Indiana. Begun in 1976.
129) Dyke Review. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1992, lasted to 1994.
130) Dyke Separatist / Amazon Magick. Published in Berkeley, CA. Begun 1982. Probably not nationally distributed.
131) Dykes, Disability and Stuff. Published by Disabled Women's Educational Project in Boston, Massachusetts. Begun 1988.
132) Dykes and Gorgons. Published in Berkeley, California. Begun in 1973, lasted to 1986.
133) Dykes and Tykes Newsletter. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1977, lasted to 1979.
134) Dykes Central News Bulletin. Published in Tampa, Florida. Begun 1976.
135) Dykes Opposed to Nuclear Technology. Published in New York, New York. Begun 1979.
136) Dykes Unite. Published in Geneseo, New York. Begun 1974. Monthly.
137) Dykespeak: Lesbian News and Views from San Francisco to New York City. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1994.
138) Earth's Daughters. Published in Buffalo, New York. Begun in 1971. Quarterly. Circulation 200 in 1979, distributed nationally. Feminist arts periodical which prints "high-quality ficton and poetry with a specific feminist stance".
139) Echo of Sappho. Published in Brooklyn, New York. Begun in 1972, lasted to 1973. Probably not nationally distributed.
140)ECOS Nacionales, National Conference of Puerto Rican Women. Published in San Antonio, Texas.
141) Electra. Published in Rochester, New York. Probably not nationally distributed.
142) El Faro: The journal of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses. Published in San Antonio, Texas.
143) Elima: A Journal of Writing. Published in New York, New York.
144) Emma Goldman Clinic Newsletter [subsequently: Emma's Periodical Rag] Published in Iowa City, Iowa. Probably not nationally distributed.
145) Enterprising Women [formerly: Artemis for Enterprising Women]. Published in New York, New York.
146) Equal Rights Monitor. Published in Sacramento, California.
147) Equal Times. Published in Boston, Massachusetts.
148) [The] ERA Times. Published in Madison, Wisconsin.
149) Esto No Tiene Nombre: revista de lesbianas latinas. Published in Miami, Florida. Begun 1991, lasted to 1994. Newsletter of Las Salamandras de Ambiente.
150) [The] Ethnic Woman. Published by Thelma Dailey in New York, New York. Began in 1977. "The Ethnic Woman is here to act as a medium of exchange among ethnic women throughout the world."
151) Everywoman. Published in Venice, California. Begun 1970, lasted to 1972. Monthly.
152) [The] Executive Woman. Published in New York, New York.
153) Farm Woman. Published in Washington, DC.
154) Feelings. Published in Brooklyn, New York. Probably not nationally distributed.
155) Female Studies. Published in Old Westbury, New York.
156) Feminary. Published in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. A feminist journal for the South emphasizing lesbian visions. Begun 1978, lasted to 1982. Quarterly.
157) Feminine Connections. Published in San Francisco, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
158) Feminist Arts Journal. Published in Brooklyn, New York. Begun in 1971, lasted to 1977.
159) [The] Feminist Bulletin. Published in Ossining, New York. Begun in 1973. Published monthly. Circulation 4000 in 1979, distributed mostly in Westchester County, New York. Oriented mostly to heterosexual readers, a newspaper for women in Westchester County.
160) Feminist Bookstores' Newsletter. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun in 1976.
161) The Feminist Chronicle. Published in San Francisco, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
162) Feminist Collections: Women's Studies Library Resources in Wisconsin. Madison, Wisconsin. Probably not nationally distributed.
163) Feminist Communications. Published in San Diego, California. Begun in 1973 (?).
164) [The] Feminist Computer Technology Project Newsletter. San Diego, CA
165) Feminist Health Fund, Inc. Newsletter. Published in Yellow Springs, Ohio. Begun in early 1980s (?).
166) Feminist Journal. Published in Minneapolis / St. Paul, Minnesota.
167) Feminist Media Project Newsletter. Published in Washington, DC.
168) Feminist Party News. Published in New York, New York.
169) Feminist Party News. Published in San Francisco, California.
170) Feminist Periodicals: A Current Listing of Contents. Published in Madison, Wisconsin.
171) [The] Feminist Review. Bimonthly. Review of literature and the arts.
172) Feminist Renaissance. Published in New York, New York. Begun 1982, lasted to 1983. Bimonthly.
173) Feminist Times. Published in New York, New York.
174) Feminist Revolution (previously Woman's World). Published in New York, New York.
175) The Feminist Voice. Published in Chicago, Illinois. Begun in 1971.
176) Feminist Women's Health Center Report. Published in Los Angeles, California.
177) Feminist Writers' Guild National Newsletter. Published in Berkeley, California.
178) Feminist Women's Health Centers. Published in Oakland, California.
Fighting Woman News cover circa 1975 179) Fighting Woman News. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1975. Published 8 issues per year. Circulation 3500, distributed nationally. "For women martial artists and those interested in self-defense. Interested in publishing articles about women's martial arts, self-defense and combative sport. We stretch those definitions a bit. Abortion activism is self-defense."
180) [The] Flame. Published in Seattle, Washington. Probably not nationally distributed.
181) Focus (a.k.a. Maiden Voyage). A monthly journal of the Daughters of Bilitis, published in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Begun in 1969, lasted through 1983. Circulation 300 in 1979, not distributed nationally. Published articles, poetry and reviews, exclusively for lesbians.
182) Focus on Women, Journal of Addictions and Health. Published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
183) Folklore Women's Communication. Published in Ft. Collins, Colorado.
184) For Us Women Newsletter. Published in Washington, DC.
185) Free Indeed. Published in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Probably not nationally distributed.
186) [The] Friendly Woman. Published in New York, New York. Probably not nationally distributed.
187) From the Apple to the Archive. Published in Columbia, Maryland.
188) Frontiers: A Journal of Women's Studies. Published at University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.
189) Front Page. Published in Bloomington, Indiana. Begun 1974. Probably not nationally distributed.
190) Full Moon. Probably not nationally distributed.
191) The Furies. Published in Washington, DC. Begun in January 1972, lasted to May/June 1973. Monthly.
192) Gay Revolution of Women (GROW) Newsletter. Published in Rochester, New York. Begun in 1973, lasted to 1974. Bimonthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
193) Gay Women at Brown University Newsletter. Published at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. Begun 1977. Probably not nationally distributed.
194) Gay Women's Newsletter. Published in Champaign, Illinois. Begun in 1972. Probably not nationally distributed.
195) Gibbous Rising. Published in Sacramento, California. Begun in 1975. Published 10 issues per year. Circulation 2000 in 1979, distributed nationally. "A newsjournal for all women with movement activitists and women's studies students/teachers among their usual contributors."
196) Girljock: the Magazine for the Athletic Lesbian with a Political Consciousness. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1991. Quarterly.
197) [The] Girls' and Women's Taekwondo Newsletter. Published in Gemantown, Maryland.
198) Goldflower. Published in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Bimonthly. Circulation about 750 in 1979.
199) Goodbye to All That. Began as newsletter of the Austin Lesbian Organization. Published in Austin, Texas. Begun 1975, lasted to 1978.
200) Goodbye to All That. Published by Women's Center, San Diego, California. Begun in 1970 (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
201) Gravida. Published in Hartsdale, New York. Begun in 1974, lasted to 1979. Circulation 500, not distributed nationally. Quarterly. Poetry journal for women.
202) [The] Greater Golden Hill Poetry Express. Published in San Diego, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
203) Green Mountain Dyke News. Published in Bennington, Vermont. Begun 1980, lasted to 1981. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
204) Hagborn: a Radical Feminist Newsjournal. Published in Albany, New York. Begun 1979, lasted to 1980. Quarterly.
205) Hag Rag. Published by the Intergalactic Lesbian Feminist Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Begun 1989, lasted to 1993.
206) Halt the Sky. Published in Dallas, Texas.
207) Harrington Lesbian Fiction Quarterly. Published in Binghamton, New York. Begun 2000 (?).
208) Harvest. Published in South Framingham, Massachusetts. Probably not nationally distributed.
209) Healthright, Inc. Published by Women's Health Forum in New York, New York. Begun in 1973. Quarterly. Circulation 1500 in 1979, distributed nationally. "Published articles on health and women with an orientation to heterosexual readers."
210) [The] Helen Review. Published in Brooklyn, New York. Begun in 1978. Published 3 issues per year. Circulation 1000 in 1979, distributed nationally. "Interested in all subjects handled with freshness and imagination from all women."
211) Helicon Nine, A Journal of Women's Arts and Letters. Published in Kansas City, Missouri. Tri-annual. Begun in 1979. "Publishes women's accomplishments in the fields of literature, music, the visual and performing arts."
Heresies, women's publication 1977-1982 212) Heresies. Published in New York, New York. Begun 1977, lasted to 1982. Quarterly. Circulation 5000 in 1979, distributed nationally. "For the feminist and art communities interested in political research and analysis, articles on women's art and art-making, especially those that examine feminist art as political; visual art pieces; work specifically by Third World women and work with an international perspective."
213) Her Own Right. Published in Cottage Grove, Oregon. Probably not nationally distributed.
214) Her Own Right. Published in New Orleans, Louisiana. Probably not nationally distributed.
215) Her-Self. Published in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Begun 1976. Probably not nationally distributed.
216) Hijas e Cuantemoc. Long Beach, CA. Begun in 1971. Probably not nationally distributed.
217) Hikané: The Capable Womon. Published in Hillsdale, New York. Begun Spring 1989. "Disabled Wimmin's Magazine for Lesbians and our Wimmin Friends."
218) Hikin' Dykes. Published in New York, New York. Begun 1986. Quarterly.
219) Homemakers' Equal Rights Association. Published in Bellevue, Washington.
220) Hot Flash. Published in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Probably not nationally distributed.
221) Hot Flash. A Newsletter for Mid-Life & Older Women. Published in Stony Brook, New York.
Hot Wire, Journal of Women's Music and Culture, 1984-1988, image from J.D. Doyle 222) Hot Wire: The Journal of Women's Music and Culture. Published in Chicago, Illinois. Begun 1984, lasted to 1988. Quarterly.
223) Hothead Paisan: Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist. Published in New Haven, Connecticut. Begun 1993. Quarterly.
224) Houston Breakthrough [Daily Breakthrough]. Published in Houston, Texas. Begun in 1976. Published 10 issues per year. Circulation 10,000 in 1979, not distributed natonally. "A most local newspaper covering local women's news and with from a feminist perspecive with some feature stories, an arts section, and stories which celebrate the positive accomplishments of women."
225) Hudson Valley Women's Times. Published in Hyde Park, New York. Probably not nationally distributed.
226) Hurricane Alice. Published in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Begun in 1983. Quarterly. "Provided a forum for feminist writings that were not publishable in more traditional or professionally oriented journals; included reviews of culture, women's stories and letters."
227) Hysteria.
228) I Know You Know. Published in Indianapolis, Indiana. Begun 1984 (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
229) Index/Directory of Women's Media. Published in Washington, DC.
230) Indianapolis Women's Liberation Newsletter. Published in Indianapolis, Indiana. Probably not nationally distributed.
231)Innerviews. Published by Aradia, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Begun 1978, lasted to 1983.
232) Inside/Outside. Published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Probably not nationally distributed.
233) [The] Insider. Published in Clinton, New Jersey. Probably not nationally distributed.
234) Intercambios Femeniles. Published by the National Network of Hispanic Women. Quarterly.
235) [The] International Congress on Women in Music Newsletter. Published in Los Angeles, California. Begun 1983.
236) International League of Women Composers Newsletter. Honolulu, Hawaii. Quarterly publication.
237) In the Life: the Newsletter of the June L. Mazer Lesbian Collection. Published in Los Angeles, California. Begun 1990 (?).
238) In The Running [formerly: Spring]. Published in Washington, DC. Probably not nationally distributed.
239) In Touch; Asian Women United. Published in New York, New York.
240) Irregular Periodical: Newsletter of the Bread and Roses Women's Health Center. Published in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Probably not nationally distributed.
241) Island Lesbian Connection. Published in Paia, Hawaii. Begun 1996. Probably not nationally distributed.
242) Issues! The Magazine for Lesbians of Color. Published __________. Begun 2000.
243) It Ain't Me Babe. Published in Berkeley, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
244) Jersey Lesbian. Published in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Begun 1976. Probably not nationally distributed.
245) Jewish Lesbian Newsletter. Published in Metairie, Louisiana. Begun 1996.
246) Jota! Published in Los Angeles, California. Chicana lesbian poetry review.
247) Journal of Lesbian Studies. Published by Haworth Press, Binghamton, New York. Begun in 1997, still publishing. "An enlightening balance of scholarly and practical information, the Journal of Lesbian Studies presents an interdisciplinary body of work in a completely lesbian context." Quarterly.
248) Just Like A Woman. Published in Atlanta, Georgia. Probably not nationally distributed.
249) Kahawai, Journal of Woman and Zen. Published in Honolulu, Hawaii.
250)Kalliope, A Journal of Women's Art. Published in Jacksonville, Florida. Begun in 1979.
251) Keyhole. Published by the Lesbian Feminist Alliance, Campbell, California. Begun 1976. Probably not nationally distributed.
252) Killer Dyke. Published by the "Flippies", Feminist Lesbian Intergalactic Party, in Chicago, IL. Begun in 1971, lasted through 1972.
253) Kinheart Womyn's News. Published in Evanston, Illinois. Begun 1983. Probably not nationally distributed.
254) Klondyke Kontact: The Anchorage Lesbian Newsletter. Published in Anchorage, Alaska. Begun 1976, lasted to 1980. A.K.A. Cuni Linguist, Klondyke Cuntree, Lesbian Milepost. Probably not nationally distributed.
255) KNOW News Bulletin. Published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
256) Kuumba: a Poetry Journal for Black Lesbians and Gay Men. Published in Los Angeles, California. Begun 1991. Quarterly.
257) The Ladder. Publication of the Daughters of Bilitis. Published in Fanwood, New Jersey/San Francisco, California. Published 1956-1972. Circulation 3500 in 1972.
258) Lady Unique Inclination of the Night. Published in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Begun in 1976. Published twice a year. Circulation 1000 in 1979, distributed nationally. "A magazine for matriarchal feminists -- those who see a meeting place for the spiritual and political aspects of feminism and are developing theory from the perspective."
259) La Razón Mestiza. Published by the organization Concilio Mujeres in San Francisco, California. Began in March 1974. By and for Latinas. Circulation 200. Publishing organization also had a performing arts group and a monthly educational television show.
260) Lavender Woman. Published in Chicago, Illinois. Begun in 1971, lasted until 1976. Circulation 1500-2000, irregular publication schedule.
261) Lavender Vision. Published in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Begun in 1970, lasted to 1971. Probably not nationally distributed.
262) Lazette. Published by Daughter of Bilitis in Fanwood, New Jersey. Begun in 1971, lasted to 1975. Probably not nationally distributed.
Leaping Lesbian publication from 1977-1981 (Leaping Lesbian, image from University of Oregon Lesbian Periodicals Collection) 263) The Leaping Lesbian. Published in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Begun 1977, lasted to 1981. Bimonthly.
264) Lesbian Alliance Newsletter. Published in St. Louis, Missouri. Begun 1974, lasted to 1975. Monthly.
265) Lesbian/Lesbienne. Published in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Begun 1979, lasted to 1982. Bimonthy. Probably not nationally distributed.
266) Lesbian Community Center Newsletter. Published by the Lesbian Community Center, Chicago, Illinois. Begun 1989. Probably not nationally distributed.
267) Lesbian Connection. Published in East Lansing, Michigan. Begun in 1974, still publishing. Bimonthly. Circulation 7,500 in 1979, distributed nationally. A forum for lesbians to share news, information, and points of view.
268) Lesbian Contradiction: a Journal of Irreverent Feminism (a.k.a. LesCon). Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1982, lasted to 1993. Quarterly.
269) Lesbian Ethics. Published in Venice, California. Begun 1984, lasted to 1989. Quarterly.
270) The Lesbian Feminist. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1973, lasted to 1979.
271) Lesbian-Feminist Union News. Published in Louisville, Kentucky. Begun in 1975, lasted to 1978.
272) Lesbian Front. Published by Mississippi Lesbians, Jackson, Mississippi. Begun 1975, lasted to 1977. Monthly. A.k.a. Unnamed Lesbian Newsletter. Probably not nationally distributed.
273) Lesbian Health Resource Center Newsletter. Published in Durham, North Carolina. Begun in 1985. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
274) Lesbian Herstory Archives Newsletter. Published in Brooklyn, New York. Begun in 1975.
275) Lesbian Home Journal. Published in Seattle, Washington. Begun 1976.
276) The Lesbian Insider/Insighter/Inciter. Published in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Begun 1980, lasted to 1983. Bimonthly.
277) Lesbian Interest Press. Published in Utica, New York. Begun 1987, lasted to 1990. Quarterly.
278) The Lesbian Letter. Published by the Daughters of Bilitis in New York, New York. Begun in 1971. Probably not nationally distributed.
279) Lesbian Life Space Newsletter. Published in New York, New York. Begun 1973. Probably not nationally distributed.
280) (The) Lesbian Lipservice. Published in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Begun in 1975, lasted to 1976.
281) Lesbian News. Published in Culver City/Los Angeles, California. Begun in 1975, still publishing. Monthly. Circulation 1200 in 1979, distributed nationally. "Publishes news and features on subjects which directly affect women/lesbians with movement activitists among their usual contributors."
282) [The] Lesbian Newsletter. Published in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Begun in 1975.
283) Lesbian Milepost. Published in Anchorage, Alaska. Begun in 1976. Probably not nationally distributed.
284) Lesbian Quarterly. Published in ___________. Begun 1971. Probably not nationally distributed.
285) Lesbian Review of Books: an International Quarterly Review of Books by, for, and about Lesbians. Published in Altadena, California/Hilo, Hawaii. Begun 1994, lasted to 2002.
286) Lesbian Rights Project Newsletter. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1985, lasted to 1987. Quarterly.
Lesbian Tide publication 1971-1980 287) [The] Lesbian Tide. Published in Los Angeles, California. Begun in 1971, lasted to 1980. Monthly. Circulation 8,750, distributed nationally. "A magazine for all lesbians who are feminists."
288) Lesbian Uprisings! Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1994. Probably not nationally distributed.
289) Lesbian Visions. Published by Women's Collective of the Gay People's Union at Stanford, California. Begun 1975. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
290) Lesbian Visual Artists Newsletter. Published in San Francisco, California.
291) [The] Lesbian Voices. Published in San Jose, California. Began in 1974, lasted to 1981. Quarterly. Circulation 500-1000 in 1979, distributed nationally. For "garden variety and movement activist" lesbians.
292) Lesbian World Newspaper. Published in Euclid, Ohio. Began 1992, lasted to 1993.
293) Lesbiana Speaks. Published by the Dade County N O W Lesbian Task Force in Miami, Florida. Begun in 1976, lasted to 1977. Bimonthly.
294) Lesbians in Colorado. Published in Denver, Colorado. Begun 1992. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
295) Lesbians Fight Back. Published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Begun in 1972.
296) Lesbians of Color Quarterly. Published in Seattle, Washington. Begun 1979.
297) Lesbians of Color Caucus Newsletter. Published by the Lesbian Community Center, Seattle, Washington. Begun 1980.
298) Lesbians Organizing. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1976.
299) Lesbians Rising. Published at Hunter College, City University of New York, New York, New York. Begun 1976, lasted to 1981. Quarterly.
300) Letras Femeninas. Published by the Asociatión Femenina Hispánica at Lamar University in Beaumont, TX. Published essays, narrative, poetry and news.
301) Letters. Published in Saratoga Springs, New York. Begun in 1974. Quarterly. Circulation 1000, distributed nationally. "A literary forum for all women which is especially interested in publishing letters and related pieces -- short shorts, poems, and journal entries."
302) Light, A Poetry Review. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1973. Quarterly. Circulation 600 in 1979, not distributed nationally. "Especially interested in translations of women's poetry and concrete and visual poems."
303) Little Sister. Published by Women's Center in New Haven, Connecticut. Begun in 1973. Probably not nationally distributed.
Lilith Magazine, began publication in 1976 304) Lilith Magazine. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1976. Quarterly. Circulation 10,000 in 1979, distributed nationally. Published "everything related to Jewish women's experience including new insights into Jewish life and history from a feminist perspective, biographies and journals."
305) Lilith. Published in Seattle, Washington. Probably not nationally distributed.
306) Lilith's Rib. Published in Chicago, Illinois.
307) Lone Star Lesbians. Published in Austin, Texas. Begun 1977, lasted to 1978. Probably not nationally distributed.
308) [The] Longest Revolution. Published in San Diego, California. Begun in 1977. Bimonthly. Circulation 3,000-5,000 in 1979, distributed nationally. Focused on "news and views of progressive feminism, with movement activities among its usual contributors."
309) The Lunatic Fringe. Published in Chicago, Illinois. Begun 1980. Probably not nationally distributed.
310) [The] "L" Word. Published in Bayside, California. Begun 1988, lasted to 1995.
311) Maenad, a women's literary journal. Published in Gloucester, Massachusetts. Quarterly. Published prose and visual arts and welcomied controversial manuscripts.
312) Maine Freewoman's Herald. Published in Portland, Maine. Begun in 1972. Published 10 issues per year. Circulation 1,500 in 1979, distributed nationally. "Oriented mostly to lesbian readers with movement activists and local women among its usual contributors."
313) Maine Lesbian Feminist Newsletter/M L F Newsletter. Published by Maine Lesbian Feminists (MLF) in Belfast, Maine. Begun 1976, lasted to 1981. Probably not nationally distributed.
314) Maize: a Lesbian Country Magazine. Published in Minneapolis, Minnesota; Preston Hollow, New York; and Serafina, New Mexico. Begun 1982, lasted to 1997. "News of lesbians living and building on the land in North America. Maize is a space to swap shop plans as well as recipes for feel-good food and healthy feet. Maize also features book reviews, free ads for country lesbians, and lots of letters about living peacefully and self-sufficiently on the land."
315) Majority Report. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1971, lasted to 1978. Biweekly. Circulation 25,000, distributed nationally. "Especially interested in expose articles about the right wing, corporate rip-offs, and exploitation and cooptation of the women's movement by the establishment."
316) Malintzin: Chicana Newsletter / Carta Infomante Chicana. Published in San Antonio, TX. Published in 1981. Purpose was "building a communication and support network for Chicanas and providing a forum to stimulate discussion with Chicanos on the nature of relations between men and women".
317) Mama Bears News and Notes. Published by Mama Bears Bookstore in Oakland, California. Began October 1983, lasted to 1999. Probably not nationally distributed.
318) MANA Newsletter. (Mexican American Women's National Association). Published in Washington, DC. Offering a Chicana perspective to national news
319) Marin Women's News Journal. Published in San Rafael, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
320) Martha Matters. Published in Arlington, Virginia.
321) The Matriarchist. Published in Brooklyn, New York. "A newsjournal for the matriarchist community."
322) Matrices: a Lesbian and Lesbian-Feminist Research and Network Newsletter. Published by Center for Advanced Feminist Studies, University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
323) Matrix. Published in Olympia, Washington. Begun in 1979. Formerly Lesbian Feminist Community Newsletter. Probably not nationally distributed.
324) MAW: A Magazine of Appalachian Women. [subsequently: Appalachian Women]. Published in Huntington/Ashton, West Virginia. Begun in 1977. Published 6 issues a year. Circulation 2 000, not distributed nationally. "For all women who live in or are concerned with Appalachia."
325) Meandyke. Published in Los Angeles, California. Begun 1992. Probably not nationally distributed.
326) Media Report to Women. Published in Washington, DC.
327) Medica: Women Practicing Medicine. Published in New York, New York.
328) Medical /Mrs. Magazine. Published in Rye, New York.
329) Moccasin Line; Northwest Indian Women's Circle. Published in Seattle, Washington.
330) Momma; The Newspaper/Magazine for Single Mothers. Published in Venice, California.
331) Mom's Apple Pie. Published by the Lesbian Mother's National Defense Fund in Seattle, WA. Begun in 1974, lasted to 1985. Quarterly.
332) Momazons. Published in Columbus, Ohio. Begun in 1993. Probably not nationally distributed.

333) Monitoring the Media in Hawaii. Published in Honolulu, Hawaii. Probably not nationally distributed.
334) Monthly Cycle: a Monthly Journal of Lesbian Creativity. Published in Lawrence, Kansas. Begun 1980, lasted to 1981.
335) Monthly Cycle: Women on Wheels Newsletter. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1986. Bimonthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
336) The Monthly Dob'r. Published by Daughters of Bilitis, Dallas, Texas. Begun 1974, lasted to 1976. Probably not nationally distributed.
337) Moonstorm. Published in St. Louis, Missouri. Begun in 1973, lasted to 1980. Quarterly.
338) Mother. Published in Stanford, California. Begun 1971, lasted to 1972. Bimonthly. Continued as Proud Woman. Probably not nationally distributed.
339) Mother Jones Gazette. Published by Knoxville Lesbian Collective in Knoxville, Tennessee. Begun in 1973, lasted to 1975.
340) [The] Mother Church Bulletin [subsequently: Bulletin of the Feminist Religion]. Published in Satellite Beach, Florida.
341) Mother Lode. Published in San Francisco, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
342) Motheroot Journal. Published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Reviews and essays about women's literature or culture.
343) Motive.
344) Mountain Moving -- A Feminist Quarterly. Published in Evanston, Illinois. Begun in 1976. Published 3 issues a year. Circulation 15,000 in 1979, distributed nationally. "Interested in exciting, controversial, thought-provoking pieces. We probably appeal to a radical fringe."
345) Mountain Moving Day. Published in Carbondale, Illinois. Probably not nationally distributed.
346) Mountain Moving Coffeehouse for Womyn and Children Schedule of Events. Published by Mountain Moving Coffeehouse, Chicago, Illinois. Begun 1990, lasted to 1992. Probably not nationally distributed.
347) Moving Out. Published by Wayne Women's Liberation at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. Begun in 1969. Published twice a year. Circulation 1,000-2000 in 1979, distributed nationally. "A feminist literary and art magazine for all women with women's studies teachers and students among chief contributors."
348) Ms. Magazine. Published in New York, New York.
349) Multi-Cultural Jewish Dyke Newsletter. Published in Huntington, New York. Begun in 1996.
350) Music Women. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1977. Monthly. Circulation 300+ in 1979, distributed nationally. "An international magazine for managers, producers and distributors of women's culture."
351) Musica: A Newsletter About Women in Music and the Music in Women. Published in San Francisco, CA. Begun in 1974 "with the express purpose of creating a network to share skills and set up tours".
352) N L F O News. Published by National Lesbian Feminist Organization (NLFO), Los Angeles, California. Begun 1978. Earlier known as It's About Time.
353) NAJDA: Women Concerned about the Middle East. Published in Berkeley, California.
354) Napa Valley Women's Network. Published in Yountville, California. Begun in 1990. Probably not nationally distributed.
355) N.A.R.A.L. News. Published in New York, New York.
356) National Abortion Rights Action League Newsletter. Published in Washington, DC.
357) National Black Feminist Organization. Published in Chicago, Illinois.
358) National Black Feminist Organization. Published in New York, New York.
359) National Coalition of American Nuns Newsletter. Published in Chicago, Illinois.
360) National Center for Lesbian Rights Newsletter. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1990, lasted to 1991.
361) National Communication Network for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Published in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
362) National Lesbian Information Service Newsletter. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun in 1972.
363) National Task Force on Prostitution News. Published in Washigton, DC.
364) National Women's Health Network News. Published in Washington, DC.
365) N.C.H.E. News. (National Committee on Household Employment) Published in Washington, DC.
366) Neighborhood Women. Probably not nationally distributed.
367) Network (International Women's Writing Guild). Published in New York, New York.
368) Network: A National Newsletter for Black Women. Published in Kansas City, Missouri.
369) Network Newsletter (HACER/ Hispanic Women's Center) Published in New York, New York.
370) New Books on Women and Feminism. Published in Madison, Wisconsin.
371) [The] New Broom, a Legislative Newsletter for Massachusetts Women. Published in Boston, Massachusetts. Probably not nationally distributed.
372) New Carolina Woman. Published in Knightdale / Fayetteville, North Carolina. Probably not nationally distributed.
373) New Directions for Women. Published in Englewood / Westwood / Dover, New Jersey. Begun in 1971, lasted to 1989. Quarterly. Circulation 30,000 in 1979, distributed nationally. "A news and feature quarterly. Mostly for heterosexual readers with movement activists and women's studies students/teachers among their usual contributors."
374) [The] New Feminist. Published in New York, New York.
375) New Moon: a Quarterly Journal of Science Fiction and Cultural Feminism. Published in Madison, Wisconsin. Begun in 1981.
376) Newsletter. Published by Lesbians in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. Begun 1982. Probably not nationally distributed.
377) New Space: New Time. Published in Lauderdale, Pennsylvania. Probably not nationally distributed.
378) New Women's Times. Published in Rochester, New York. Begun in 1975, lasted to 1984. Monthly. Circulation 3,000, distributed nationally. "A newsjournal for all women with movement activists and women's studies students/teachers among their usual contributors."
379) N.J. Published in Old Bridge, New Jersey. Probably not nationally distributed.
No More Fun and Games, women's publication cover from 1972 380) No More Fun &Games, A Journal of Female Liberation. Published by Cell 16 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Begun 1968, lasted through 1973. Espoused separatist feminism (though not lesbian separatism).
381) No More Cages: A Bi-Monthly Women's Prison Newsletter. Published in Brooklyn, New York.
382) Northshore Lesbian Community Newsletter. Published in Salem, Massachusetts. Begun 1976, lasted to 1979. Probably not nationally distributed.
383) Notes from L A R C. Published by Lesbian Alumnae of Radcliffe College (LARC) in Putney, Vermont. Begun in 1970s (?).
384) Notes From The First [Second, Third] Year. Published in New York, New York.
385) Noticias De Mujeres. Published by the New Mexico Commission on the Status of Women in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Probably not nationally distributed.
386) NOW Acts. Published in Malibu / Los Angeles, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
387) NOW Times. Published in Los Angeles, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
388) OCAW SPEAKS. (Organization of Chinese American Women) Published in Arlington, Virginia.
Off Our Backs, women's publication begun in 1970 389) Off Our Backs. Published in Washington, DC. Begun February 1970. Published quarterly, circulation currently 15,000 (10,000 in 1979). Distributed nationally. "An independent, radical feminist women's journal" which publishes feminist news, commentary, reviews and conference reports.
390) Ogden Women's News. Published by Ogden Women's Group, Ogden, Utah. Begun 1995. Probably not nationally distributed.
391) Ohio Lesbian Archives Newsletter. Published by Ohio Lesbian Archives (OLA) in Cincinnati, Ohio. Begun 1995. Quarterly.
392) OHOYO; for, about and by American Indian women. Bimonthly.
393) The OLOC Reporter. Published by Old Lesbians Organizing for Change, Houston, Texas.
394) On Campus With Women. Published in Washington, DC.
395) On Our Backs: Entertainment for the Adventurous Lesbian. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun 1984, lasted to 2006. Quarterly.
396) On Our Way. Published in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Probably not nationally distributed.
397) On The Way. Published in Anchorage, Alaska. Probably not nationally distributed.
398) One-to-One -- A Lesbian/Feminist Journal of Communications. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1973.
399) Onyx Newsletter. Kansas City, MO / Berkeley, CA A bimonthly by and about black women. Begun 1983, lasted to 1984.
400) [The] Opening. Published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Probably not nationally distributed.
401) The Original Lavender Woman. Published by Chicago Lesbian Liberation in Chicago, Illinois. Begun 1974.
402) (The) Other Black Woman. Published by the Committee for the Visibility of the Other Black Woman: the Black Lesbian, in Jackson Heights, New York. Begun 1981. Quarterly.
403) Otherviews. Published in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Begun 1983. Probably not nationally distributed.
404) OURS: A Feminist Newspaper. Published in Little Rock, Arkansas.
405) Out and About. Published in Seattle, Washington. Begun in 1976, lasted to 1986.
406) Outcry. Published in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Probably not nationally distributed.
407) OWL Observer. (Older Women's League)
408) Paid My Dues: Journal of Women and Music. Published in Chicago, Illinois. Quarterly begun in 1977 with national distribution. Feminist women's music journal.
409) Pandora: A Washington Women's News Journal. Published in Seattle, Washington. Begun in 1970. Monthly. Circulation 7,000, not distributed nationally. "Published news about and of interest to the women's movement in Washington State or nation."
410) Pandora's Box. Published in San Diego, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
Pearl Diver, lesbian publication from 1977-1978 (Pearl Diver cover, image from University of Oregon Lesbian Periodicals Collection) 411) Pearl Diver. Published in Portland, Oregon. A black lesbian magazine. Begun 1977, lasted to 1978. "Pearl Diver is black slang for lesbian: an owning of our heritage and beautiful imagery. Pearl Diver is a public meeting place for open discussion--a blank page for the lesbian community to share the interests and issues, communication, analysis and news of our lesbian lives."
412) [The] Pen Woman Magazine. Published in Washington, DC.
413) Platform, Newsletter of Women in Instructional Technology. Published in Ilton, New York.
414) Plexus, A Bay Area Women's Newspaper. Published in Berkeley, California. Begun 1974, lasted to 1987. Monthly. Circulation 4,000 in 1979, distributed nationally. "The San Francisco Bay Area's forum for news and cultural reviews of interest to a large spectrum of women with a feminist 'bias'."
415) Pointblank Times. Published in Houston, Texas. Begun in 1975.
416) Portcullis. Published in Los Angeles, California. Begun 1972. Probably not nationally distributed.
417) Pregnancy Rights Monitoring Project News. Published in Washington, DC.
418) Primapara. Published in Oconto, Wisconsin. Began in 1974. A semi-annual poetry journal by and for the women of Wisconsin. Circulation 300 in 1979, not distributed nationally.
419) Primavera, A Women's Literary Magazine. Published at University of Chicago in Illinois. Begun in 1975. Published annually. Circulation 1,000, distributed nationally. "For mostly heterosexual readers interested in women's unique experiences and perspectives."
420) Prime Time. Published in New York, New York.
421) Progressive Woman. Published in Middlebury, Indiana.
422) Proud Woman. Published in Stanford, California. Begun in 1971. Probably not nationally distributed.
423) Public Policy Bulletin. Published in Washington, DC.
424) The Puce Mongoose. Published by United Sisters in Garwood, New Jersey. Begun 1971, lasted to 1981. Formerly known as DOB News Journal. Monthly. Circulation 100 in 1979, limited by them, but distributed nationally. "A mimeo sheet mostly for our local lesbian sisters."
425) Purple Rage. Published by Gay Women's Liberation Front in New York, New York. Begun in 1971.
426) Purple Star: Journal of Radicalesbians. Published by Women's Liberation of Ann Arbor, Michigan. Begun in 1970.
427) Quest, A Feminist Quarterly. Published in Washington, DC. Begun in 1974, lasted to 1984. Quarterly. Circulation 2,500 in 1979, distributed nationally. "A national journal committed to the exposure of feminist political analysis and ideological development from feminist organizers." 428) Radical Chick. Published by the Radical Chick Collective in New York, New York. Begun 1992, lasted to 1993.
429) Rain and Thunder. Published in Northampton, Massachusetts. Begun in 1998, still publishing. A radical feminist journal of discussion and activism. "We are interested in theory, opinion, strategy, action updates, event and conference write-ups, news, reviews, and information about upcoming events. Artwork, cartoons, and photos are also welcome."
430) Raising Cain. Published in Washington, DC. Probably not nationally distributed.
431) Rape Crisis Center News. Published in Madison, Wisconsin. Probably not nationally distributed.
432) Reach Out. Published by Daughters of Bilitis in Detroit / Dearborn, MI. Begun in 1971. Probably not nationally distributed.
433) Rebirth of Artemis. Published in Methuen, Massachusetts. Begun in 1982. Annual. "Published poetry written by women, about women."
434) Remember Our Fire. Published by Shameless Hussy Press in Berkeley, CA. Women's poetry journal. Begun in 1969.
435) Research in Progress. Published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Probably not nationally distributed.
436) Research in Progress. Published in Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania. Probably not nationally distributed.
437) Research in Progress. Published in West Lafayette, Indiana. Probably not nationally distributed.
438) Response to Violence and Sexual Abuse in the Family. Published in Washington, DC.
439) Revolution Within the Revolution. Published in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
440) Richmond Lesbian Flyer. Published by Richmond Lesbian Feminists in Richmond, Virginia. Begun 1980. Monthly. Former known as Lesbian Feminist Flyer. Probably not nationally distributed.
441) [The] Right Woman -- Congressional News for Women & Family. Published in Washington, DC.
442) Rocky Mountain Career Women's Association. Published by RMCWA in Denver, Colorado. Begun 1992. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
443) Room: A Women's Literary Journal. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun in 1976. Semi-annual. Circulation 7,500, distributed nationally. "Published prose, poetry, humor, interviews, book reviews, with emphasis on diversity of style and content."
444) Rubyfruit Readher. Published in Felton/Santa Cruz, California. Begun 1976, lasted to 1978. Bimonthly. Circulation 500 in 1979, not distributed nationally. "Publishes writing and graphics by local lesbians." 445) Runes, News Journal. Published in Santa Rosa, California. Begun in 1976. Monthly. Circulation 1,000, distributed nationally. "Interested in publishing movement news and personal pieces."
446) Rural American Women News Journal. Published in Washington, DC.
447) Sage: A Scholarly Journal About Black Women. Published in Atlanta, GA. Begun in 1983.
448) Salsa Soul Sisters/Third World Women's Gay-zette. Published by the Salsa Soul Sisters Collective (now called African Ancestral Lesbians United for Societal Change), New York, New York. Begun 1976, lasted to 1985.
449) Sappha Speaks. Published by Sisters of Sappha, San Jose, California. Begun 1978. Probably not nationally distributed.
450) Sapphic Condition. Published in Baltimore, Maryland. Begun in 1970s (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
451) Sapphic Sisters Newsletter. Published by Sapphic Sisters in Union, New Jersey. Begun 1978, lasted to 1981. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
452) Sapphic Touch. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun in 1981. Probably not nationally distributed.
453) Sapphire. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun in 1973. Bimonthly.
454) Sapphire Speaks. Published in Washington, DC. Begun 1981. Probably not nationally distributed.
455) Sappho's Isle. Published in Albertson, New York. Probably not nationally distributed.
456) Sappho Speaks. Published at University of California - San Diego in La Jolla, California. Begun 1984. Quarterly. Probably not nationally distributed.
457) Sappho's Isle: the Tri-State Lesbian Newspaper. Published in New York, New York. Begun 1988. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
458) Sappho's Sisters Rising. Published in Detroit, Michigan. Begun in 1970s (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
459) Satin for Gay Women. Published in San Jose, California. Begun in 1974. Probably not nationally distributed.
460) Scarlet Letter. Published in Madison, Wisconsin. Begun in 1971. Probably not nationally distributed.
461) Seattle Radical Women Calendar. Published by Seattle Radical Women in Seattle, Washington. Begun in 1996. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
462) Sea Wench Times. Published in Big Pine Key, Florida. Probably not nationally distributed.
463) Seacoast Woman. Published in Exeter, New Hampshire. Probably not nationally distributed.
464) Second Coming. Published in Austin, Texas. Probably not nationally distributed.
465) Second Opinion [formerly The Coalition News]. Published in San Francisco, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
466) 2nd Revolution. Published in San Diego, California.
467) [The] Second Wave: A Magazine of the New Feminism. Published in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Begun in 1971. Quarterly. Circulation 2,000-3,000 in 1979, distributed nationally. "Has radical feminist with anarchist leanings and is interested in political theory and analysis incorporated with real women's struggles but not in an academic milieu."
468) Seeds. Published in New York, New York.
469) S F L A News. Published by Southern Feminist Library and Archives (SFLA) in Atlanta, Georgia. Begun in 1983. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
470) S.F. Women's Liberation Internal Newsletter. Published in San Francisco, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
471) Shadow's Edge. Escondido, CA Probably not nationally distributed.
472) Shamakami: Forum for South Asian feminist lesbians. Published in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Begun 1990.
473) Shameless Hussy Review. Published in Berkeley, California. Begun in 1972.
474) She. Women's paper from Chicago/Northbrook, Illinois. By 1977. Circulation of 60,000.
475) Shekinah. Published in Waco, Texas. Probably not nationally distributed.
476) Shenabe Quai. Published by the North American Indian Women's Council on Chemical Dependency in Turtle Lake, Wisconsin. Published irregularly.
477) Sibyl-Child: A Women's Arts and Cultural Journal. Published in Hyattsville, Maryland. Begun in 1975. Published 3 issues per year. Circulation 1,000 in 1979, distributed nationally. "A women's arts and culture journal presenting women's work in all the arts."
478) Signal. Published by Gay Nurses' Alliance in Brownsville, Texas. Begun 1977, lasted to 1981. Quarterly.
Signs, a Journal of Women in Culture and Society, bgun in 1975 479) Signs: A Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Published at Barnard College in New York, New York. Begun in 1975. Quarterly. Circulation 8,000, distributed nationally. Published "scholarly and theoretical essays by academics in all fields."
480) Sing Heavenly Muse. Published in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Semi-annual. Begun in 1978. "Fostered the work of women poets, fiction writers, and artists."
Sinister Wisdom, women's publication from 1976 to currently 481) Sinister Wisdom. Published in Lincoln, Nebraska / Charlotte, North Carolina/Berkeley and Oakland, California. Began in 1976. Circulation 5,000 in 1979, distributed nationally. Women's multicultural literary journal "interested in publishing work about the lesbian experience and analysis of issues from a lesbian feminist perspective."
482) Siren: A Journal of Anarcho-Feminism. Published in Chicago, IL. Begun in 1971.
483) Sister. Published by Women's Center of New Haven, Connecticut. Begun in 1974. Probably not nationally distributed.
484) Sister: Los Angeles Feminist News. Published in Manhattan Beach, California. Begun in 1972, lasted to 1979. Probably not nationally distributed.
485) Sister Advocate. Published in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Founded March 1975, published 64 consecutive months to July 1980? Probably not nationally distributed.
486) Sister Courage: Greater Boston's Independent Feminist News Journal. Published in Boston/Allston, Massachusetts. Published from 1975 to 1978. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
487) Sisterhood. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1971. Probably not nationally distributed.
488) Sisterhood is Powerful. Published in Louisville, Kentucky. Begun in 1971. Probably not nationally distributed.
489) Sisterhood of Black Single Mothers Newsletter. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1979.
490) Sisterhood Songs. Published by Gay Women's Liberation Front, New York, New York. Begun in 1971.
491) Sisterlife Journal. Published by Feminists for Life in Tucson, Arizona. Begun 1973. Quarterly. Probably not nationally distributed.
492) Sisters. Published in Tallahassee, Florida. Probably not nationally distributed.
493) Sisters: By and For Gay Women. Published by Daughters of Bilitis, San Francisco, California. Begun in 1970, lasted through 1975. Probably not nationally distributed.
494) Sisters in Poverty. Published in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Probably not nationally distributed.
495) Sisters in Solidarity. Published in Denver, Colorado.
496) Sisters of Sappho of San Jose Newsletter. Published in San Jose, California. Begun 1974. Later known as Lesbian Voices. Probably not nationally distributed.
497) Sistersource: a Midwest Lesbian / Feminist Newspaper. Published in Chicago, Illinois. Begun 1981, lasted to 1982. Probably not nationally distributed.
498) Sistersharing. Published in Los Angeles, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
499) Sisterspace. Published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Begun in 1970s (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
500) Sisters Stand. Published in Salt Lake City, Utah. Probably not nationally distributed.
501) Sisters Unite. Published in Houston, Texas. Probably not nationally distributed.
502) Sisters United: a Lesbian Womyn's Magazine. Published in Galena, Kansas. Begun 1979, lasted to 1981. Bimonthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
503) Skirting the Capital. Published in Sacramento, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
504) Snippets, A Melange of Women. Published in Shaker Heights, Ohio. Probably not nationally distributed.
505) Sobering Thoughts. Published in Quakertown, Pennsylvania. Probably not nationally distributed.
506) Sojourner: A Third World Women's Research Newsletter. Published at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan; edited by Harriet McCombs and Erlene Stetson. Published in 1977.
507) Sojourner: The New England Women's Journal of News, Opinions, and the Arts. Published in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Begun in 1975. Monthly. Circulation 5,000 in 1979, distributed nationally. "An open forum about anything of interest to women and will publish any articles not racist, sexist or homophobic as space allows."
508) Solana. Published in Saint Louis, Missouri. Begun in 1976. "Covered fiction, poetry, art, and photography." Probably not nationally distributed.
509) Something About the Women. Published in Manhattan, Kansas. Probably not nationally distributed.
510) S.O.S. -- Speak Out Sisters. Published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
511) So's Your Old Lady. Published by Lesbian Resource Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Begun in 1973, lasted to 1979. Quarterly. Circulation 300 in 1979, distributed nationally. "A non-specialized literary magazine oriented mostly to lesbian readers."
512) Southern Feminist. Published in Athens, Georgia. Begun in 1983 (?).
513) Southern Rural Women's Network Newsletter. Published in Jackson, Mississippi.
514) [The] Sow's Ear. Published in Pittsburgh, California. Tri-annual. Begun in 1977.
515) Spare Rib. Published in Chicago, Illinois.
516) Spazm. Published in Berkeley, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
517) Spectre. Published in Revolutionary Lesbians in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Begun in 1971, lasted through 1972.
518) [The] Speculator. Published in Honolulu, Hawaii. Probably not nationally distributed.
519) The Spokeswoman. Published in Chicago, Illinois. Probably not nationally distributed.
520) Sportswoman. Published in Palatine, Illinois / Lafayette and Culver City, California.
521) Statues of Liberty. Published in Rochester, New York. Probably not nationally distributed.
522) Susan Saxe Defense Committee Newsletter. Published by Susan Saxe Defense Committee in West Somerville, Massachusetts. Begun in 1976.
523) TABS: A Quarterly Journal of Aids to Ending Sexism in Schools. Published in Brooklyn, New York. Begun 1977. Quarterly. Circulation 1000+ in 1979, distributed nationally. "TABS exists to encourage feminist teachers and educators in the front line of non-sexist teaching practices and looks for positive movement, not the problems."
524) Tacoma Lesbian Concern (TLC) newsletter. Published in Tacoma, Washington. Begun 1989 (?), lasted to 2003 (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
525) [El] Telarañazo - Newsletter of La telaraña, the Latina lesbian writers’ web. Published ___________.
526) Telewoman. Published in Pleasant Hill, California. Monthly begun in 1981, lasted to 1986. "Connected women through their writing, art, and spiritual vision."
527) Texan Woman. Published in Austin, Texas. Begun 1973, "to provide a forum for the voices of Texas women". Probably not nationally distributed.
528) Themis. Published by Susan B Anthony Coven No. 1 in Los Angeles, California. Begun 1979, lasted to 1981. Continued publishing as Thesmophoria.
529) The Way We See It. Published in Springfield, Massachusetts. Probably not nationally distributed.
530) Thesmophoria [previously: Themis, The Voice of the Feminist Witch]. Published in Oakland, California. Begun 1979, lasted to 1981.
531 )Third Woman. Published by the Chicano-Riqueño Studies Department in Bloomington, IN. Begun in 1981. "Focused on the creative work by, about and on behalf of Hispanic women in and outside of the United States."
13th Moon, women's publication begun in 1973 532) 13th Moon. Edited by Ellen Marie Bissert, published in New York, New York. Begun in 1973. Published 3 issues per year. Circulation 3,000, distributed nationally. Published poetry, fiction, reviews, and graphics by women.
533) Through the Hoop [ formerly: Eastern Women's Basketball Newsletter]. Published in State College, Pennsylvania. Probably not nationally distributed.
534) Through the Looking Glass. Published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Probably not nationally distributed.
535) Through the Looking Glass: A Women's & Children's Prison Newsletter. Published in Seattle, Washington. Monthly. Free to prisoners and poor people. Circulation 1,000, distributed nationally. "For prisoners, friends and families of prisoners, and men and women interested in the prison movement."
536) Thursday's Child. Published by San Diego Lesbian Organization in San Diego, California. Begun July 1978. Probably not nationally distributed.
537) To, For, By & About Women. Published in Charlotte, North Carolina. Probably not nationally distributed.
538) Tooth and Nail. Published in Berkeley, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
539) Tradeswomen Magazine: A Quarterly Magazine for Women in Blue-Collar Work. Published in San Francisco, California.
540) Tres Femmes. Published by Gay Center for Social Services in San Diego, California. Begun in 1972. Probably not nationally distributed.
541) Tribad : A Lesbian Separatist Newsjournal. Published in New York, New York. Begun 1977, lasted to 1979. Published bimonthly. Distributed nationally. "Accepted only work by lesbian separatists about lesbian-separatist issues -- locally, nationally and internationally."
542) Triple Jeopardy. Published by the Third World Women's Alliance in New York, NY; edited by Frances M. Beal. Published from 1971 through 1975. Focused on racism, imperialism, sexism, news of women of color around the world, health, radicalism, politics, and international relations, often in Spanish.
543) Trivia: A Journal of Ideas. Published in North Amherst, Massachusetts.
544) Truth, Newsletter of the Association of Black Women Historians. Published in College Park, Maryland.
545) Two Dykes & Others. Published in Austin, Texas. Begun in 1977. Probably not nationally distributed.
546) The Udder Side. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1973. Probably not nationally distributed.
547) Ultra Violet: the Thinking Lesbian's Magazine. Published by Lesbian Resource Center (LRC) of Seattle, Washington. Begun in 1996. Quarterly.
548) Uncommon Uncommon Women. Published by Mount Holyoke College Lesbian Alumnae Network in Dorchester, Massachusetts. Begun in 1990, lasted to 1991. Probably not nationally distributed.
549) [The] Underground Woman. Published in St Louis, Missouri. Probably not nationally distributed.
550) [The] Union Maid. Published in Madison, Wisconsin.
551) Union W.A.G.E. Published in San Francisco, California.
552) Union Wage Newsletter. Published in Berkeley, California. Begun in 1971. Bimonthly. Circulation 4,000, not distributed nationally. "For working women. Published news and features about such issues as union organizing, reports of strikes, occupational health and safety, day cay, child custody, abortion, etc."
553) United Sisters. Published in Tampa, Florida. Probably not nationally distributed.
554) University of Michigan Papers in Women's Studies. Published in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Probably not nationally distributed.
555) Up Against the Wall, Mother. Published in Alexandria, Virginia.
556) Up from Under: By, For, and About Women. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1970, lasted to 1972.
557) Update. Published in San Francisco, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
558) Uva Ursi. Published in Robbinston, Maine. Begun in 1973, lasted to 1976. "Funky Down Home Lesbian Journal, Stories, Pictures, How Ta Do."
559) Velvet Fist. Published in Venice, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
560) Velvet Glove. Published in Livermore, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
561) Velvet Park: Dyke Culture in Bloom. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 2002, still publishing. "Our mission is to articulate and foster the inherent aesthetic and cultural values of the contemporary queer and women’s movement."
562) Velvet Wings. Published in Berkeley, California. Begun in 1976. Published 3 issues a year. Circulation 500, not distributed nationally. "A poetry, fiction, and art magazine especially interested in prisoner's, women's and children's poetry, fiction and art."
563) Vice Versa. Published in Los Angeles, California. Begun in 1947, likely first lesbian or gay publication. Bimonthly, total number of copies six (though passed from hand to hand, so circulation is undetermined). A forum for lesbians to communicate with each other via readers' letters, personal essays, short fiction and poetry, with a mix of editorials, short stories, poetry, book and film reviews and a letters column.
564) Visibilities. Published in New York, New York. Begun in Summer 1987, lasted to 1991. Bimonthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
565) Visible. Published in Mendocino, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
566) [The] Vocal Majority. Published in Washington, DC.
567) [The] Voice of American Agri-Woman. Published in Dubois / Shebbona, Illinois.
568) [The] Voice of The Women's Liberation Movement. Published in Chicago, Illinois.
569) Washington Women in Film and Video, Inc. Published in Washington, DC. Probably not nationally distributed.
570) Washington Women Outdoors, Inc. Published in Garrett Park, Maryland. Probably not nationally distributed.
571) Washington Women's Art Center News. Published in Washington, DC. Probably not nationally distributed.
572) WAVELENGTH. Published by Groundswell, a lesbian-feminist revolutionary political group in Seattle, Washington. Begun 1985, lasted to 1989. Quarterly.
573) WEAL National Newsletter. Published in Washington, DC.
574) W.E.A.L. Texas Newsletter. Published in Dallas, Texas. Probably not nationally distributed.
575) WEAL Washington Report. Published in Washington, DC. Probably not nationally distributed.
576) We Got It. Published by Lesbian Communications Collective in Madison, Wisconsin. Begun in 1975, lasted to 1976. Continued as United Newsletter.
577) Webs Inviolate. Published in Oakland, California. Begun in 1985. Probably not nationally distributed.
578) West-East Bay (W.E.B). Published in Los Angeles, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
579) What She Wants. Published by the What She Wants Collective in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Begun in 1971, continued to 1976.
580) Which Way / Witch Way. Published in Pompano Beach, Florida. Probably not nationally distributed.
581) Whole Woman.
582) Wicce: a Lesbian/Feminist Newsletter. Published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Begun in 1973, lasted to 1974. Bimonthly.
583) [The] Wild Iris. Published in Berkeley, California. Begun in 1973. Published twice a year. Circulation 600 in 1979, distributed nationally. "Interested in anything relating to women's lives by women writing well and honestly about their lives."
584) Wildflowers. Published in Isla Vista, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
585) Wimmin Magazine. Begun 1991 (?).
586) Wisconsin Tribal Women's News, Najinakwe. Published in Madison, Wisconsin. Published irregularly between 1974 and 1976. Probably not nationally distributed.
587) WISE (Women for the Inclusion of Sexual Expression). Published in New York, New York.
588) [The] Wise Woman. Published in Sacramento, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
589) [The] Wishing Well. Published in Santa Rosa, California. Begun in 1974, lasted to 1989. Quarterly. Circulation 1,000, distributed nationally. Provided lesbian feminists with a network to confidentially contact other women having similar interests.
590) WOAR Newsletter. Published in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Probably not nationally distributed.
591) [The] Woman Activist. Published in Falls Church, Virginia.
592) Woman Becoming. Published in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Begun in 1972, lasted to 1975. Bi-yearly. Feminist literary journal including political analysis and stories about adolescence, lesbianism, and motherhood.
593) Womanart Magazine. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1976. Published three times a year. Circulation 2,000, distributed nationally. "Looking for good, organized writing on topics of interest to women in the visual arts by women artists and professionals in the visual art field."
594) Womanfire. Probably not nationally distributed.
595) Womankind. Published in Indianapolis, Indiana. Begun in 1977, lasted to 1982. Probably not nationally distributed.
596) Womankind. Published in Detroit, Michigan. Begun in 1971 (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
597) Womankind. Published in Louisville, Kentucky. Probably not nationally distributed.
598) WomaNews. Published in Gainesville, Florida. Begun in 1975. Circulation 6,000 in 1979, distributed nationally.
599) WomaNews. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1980.
600) WomaNotes. Published at Humboldt State University, Arcata, California.
601) Woman of Power. Published in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Begun in 1986, lasted to 1991.
602) Womanpower. Probably not nationally distributed.
603) Woman Rising. Published in Phoenix, Arizona. Begun in 1976. Probably not nationally distributed.
604) [The] Woman's Paper. Published in San Jose, California. Begun in 1973 (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
605) Womansphere. Published in Washington, DC. Begun in 1975.
Womanspirit, women's publication 1974-1980 606) Womanspirit. Published in Wolf Creek, Oregon. Begun 1974, lasted to 1980. Quarterly. Circulation 5,000 in 1979, distributed nationally. "Produced by Ruth and Jean Mountaingrove, WomanSpirit is a rich account of women's lives on the west coast and beyond."
607) [A] Woman's Place. Published in Athol, New York.
608) Woman's Place Newsletter. Published in Portland, Oregon. Begun in 1975. Probably not nationally distributed.
609) Womansword. Published in Athens, Georgia. Begun in 1977, lasted to 1978. Probably not nationally distributed.
610) Woman's Woman. Published in Seattle, Washington. Begun 1975, lasted to 1976. Probably not nationally distributed.
611) Womantide. Published in Moss Landing, California. Begun in 1975. Probably not nationally distributed.
612) Womantide Magazine. Published in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Begun in 1982.
613) Woman to Woman. Published in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Personal newsletter issued free to lesbians and other women in prisons. Begun 1983, lasted to 1987. Monthly.
614) Women, A Berkshire Feminist News Journal. Published in Lenox, Massachusetts. Begun in 1971 (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
615) Women Against Pornography Newsreport. Published in New York, New York.
616) Women Against Violence Against Women Newsletter. Published in Los Angeles, California.
617) Women Against Violence Against Women Newsletter. Published in Seattle, Washington.
618) Women Against Violence in Pornography & Media. Published in Berkeley, California. Begun in 1977, lasted to 1983.
619) Women Against Violence in Pornography & Media Newspage. Published in San Francisco, CA
620) Women, A Journal of Liberation. Published in Baltimore, Maryland. Begun in 1969. Published 3 issues per year. Circulation 11,000, distributed nationally. Themed issues.
621) Women and Art. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1972.
622) Women and Children First Bookstore Programs. Published by Women and Children First / Lambda Publications in Chicago, Illinois. Begun in 1990, lasted to 1992. Probably not nationally distributed.
623) Women and Film. Published in Santa Monica, California. Begun in 1972.
624) Women & Health Roundtable. Published in Washington, DC.
625) Women & Literature. Published by the Department of English at Douglass College, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Begun in 1972. Quarterly devoted to reviews, articles and review-essays on literature by and about women, including an annual bibliography.
626) Women & Performance: a Journal of Feminist Theory. Published in New York, New York.
627) Women and Revolution. Published in New York, New York / San Francisco, California.
628) Women are Human [subsequently: Women's Studies Review]. Published in Columbus, Ohio.
629) Women are Powerful. Published in Riverside, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
630) Women Artists News. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1975. Monthly. Circulation 5,000 in 1979, distributed nationally. "For predominantly visual artists and some dance/theater performers and less often writers and musicians."
631) [The] Women Artists Group News. Published in Seattle, Washington. Probably not nationally distributed.
632) Women as Women as Women. Published in Kansas City, Kansas. Begun December 1974.
633) Women at the Helm Quarterly. Published in Santa Monica, California.
634) Women at Work: News About the 80%. Published in Washington, DC.
635) Women Energy. Published in Lexington, Kentucky. Begun in 1978, lasted to 1980. Continued as Womin Energy.
636) Womenews. Published in Cleveland, Ohio.
637) Women in Distribution. Published in Washington, DC.
638) Women in Libraries. Published in Slingelands, New York. Begun 1970 (?).
639) Women in Unison. Published in Salem, Oregon. Begun in 1986 (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
640) Women Library Workers Journal. Published in Berkeley, California. Begun in 1975 (?).
641) Women of Ukiah. Published in Ukiah, California. Begun in 1980. Probably not nationally distributed.
642) Women on Land. Published in Grants Pass, Oregon.
643) Women: A Berkshire Feminist News Journal. Published in Massachusetts. Probably not nationally distributed.
644) Women for Change. Published in Dallas, Texas.
645) Women for Legislative Action Bulletin. Published in Los Angeles, California.
646) Women in Action. Published in Washington, DC.
647) Women in Education. Published in Ventura, California.
648) Women in Martial Arts Newsletter. Published in Los Angeles, California.
649) Women in Mid-Stream Newsletter. (YWCA Menopause Study Group)
650) Women in Performing Arts Newsletter.
651) Women in Softball. Published in West Sacramento, California.
652) Women in Sunlight. Published in Rochester, New York. Begun in 1974. Probably not nationally distributed.
653) Women in the Life: DC's Premiere Lesbian Monthly. Published in Washington, DC. Begun 1993. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
654) Women in the Trades. Published in New York, New York.
655) Women Make Movies Newsletter. Published in New York, New York.
656) Women New York. Published in New York, New York. Begun 1976, lasted to 1981. Probably not nationally distributed.
657) Women of Color News. Published in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
658) Women of the Garden Island. Published in Kilauea, Hawaii. Begun in 1996. Monthly. Probably not nationally distributed.
659) WREE View. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1975. Bimonthly. Circulation 3,000 in 1979, distributed nationally. "A newsjournal of Women for Racial and Economic Equality, oriented to working class and special needs of minority women in the context of what all women need."
660) Women Spirit Rising. Published in Costa Mesa, California. Begun in 1989 (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
661) Women Studies Abstract. Published in Rush, New York.
662) Women Talking, Women Listening. Published in Dublin, California. Begun in 1975. Circulation 800 in 1979, distributed nationally. An annual anthology of poems from California women only.
663) Women Today. Published in Washington, DC.
664) Women United. Published in Washington, DC.
665) Women United for November 6 Newsletter. Published in San Francisco, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
666) Women Writing. Published in Newsfield, New York. Begun in 1975.
667) Women's Access Coalition -- Cable News. Published in Dorchester, Massachusetts.
668) Women's Action Movement. Published in Madison, Wisconsin.
669) Women's Agenda. Published in New York, New York. Begun in 1976.
670) Women's Art Center Newsletter. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun in mid 1970s (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
671) [The] Women's Center. Published by Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Probably not nationally distributed.
672) [The] Women's Center. Published in Oregon City, Oregon. Begun in 1980. Probably not nationally distributed.
673) Women's Center Newsletter. Published in Ithaca, New York. Begun in 1970s (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
674) Women's Center Newsletter. Published in Sacramento, California. Begun in 1970s (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
675) Women's Center Review. Published in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Begun in 1982. Probably not nationally distributed.
676) Women's Community News. Published in Bakersfield, California. Begun in 1986. Probably not nationally distributed.
677) Women's Defender. Published in Columbia, Missouri. Begun in 1970s (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
678) Women's Diaries: A Quarterly Newsletter. Published in Pound Ridge, New York.
679) Women's Information Bureau Newsletter. Published in Allandale, Michigan. Begun in 1977 (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
680) Women's Legal Defense Fund Newsletter. Published in Washington, DC.
681) Women's Liberation. Published in Moorestown, New Jersey. Begun in 1971 (?).
682) Women's Liberation News. Published in Providence, Rhode Island.
683) Women's Liberation Newsletter. Published in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
684) Women's Lobby Quarterly. Published in Washington, DC.
685) Women's Media Project. Published in Memphis, Tennessee.
686) [The] Women's News Journal. Published in San Rafael, California. Begun in 1971 (?).
687) Women's Network. Published in Bronx, New York. Begun 1977, lasted to 1982. Quarterly.
688) Women's Newsletter on Socialist Feminism. Published in Durham, North Carolina.
689) Women's Opportunity Center. Published in Grants Pass, Oregon. Begun 1980 (?). Probably not nationally distributed.
690) [The] Women's Page. Published in San Francisco, California.
691) Women's Political Times. Published in Washington, DC.
692) Women's Press. Published in Eugene, Oregon. Begun in 1970, lasted to 1990. A.k.a. Womyn's Press. Published 10 issues per year. Circulation 1,500 in 1979, distributed nationally. "Covers all news which deals with women, especially women in resistance, and subjects which put forth a strong political perspective for radical change."
693) Women's Research and Resources Center Newsletter. Published at Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia.
694) Women's Review of Books. Published in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Begun in 1983.
695) Women's Sports. Published in Palo Alto, California.
696) Women's Studies, An Interdisciplinary Journal. Published in Flushing, New York.
697) Women's Studies in Indiana. Published in Bloomington, Indiana. Probably not nationally distributed.
698) Women's Studies Quarterly. Published in Old Westbury, New York. Begun in 1972.
699) Women's Traveller. Published in San Francisco, California. Begun in 1990.
700) Women's Voice. Published in Detroit, Michigan. Begun in 1982, lasted to 1985.
701) Women's Voices. Published in Santa Rosa, California.
702) Women's Washington Representative. Published in Washington, DC.
703) Women's Work [Connections]. Published in Washington, DC.
704) WomenSports. Published in New York, New York.
705) Womensource. Published in Bloomington, Indiana. Begun 1977, lasted to 1980.
706) WomenWise. Published in Concord, New Hampshire. Begun in 1977.
707) Wommonspeak Newsletter. Published in Chicago, Illinois. Begun in 1992. Monthly
708) Womynlovers. Published in Oakland, California. Begun in 1981. Probably not nationally distributed.
709) Womyn's Barter Network. Published in San Francisco, California. Probably not nationally distributed.
710) Womyn's Braille Press Newsletter. Published in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Begun 1980.
711) Womyn's Words. Published by Womyn's Energy Bank, St. Petersburg, Florida. Begun in 1983. Monthly.
712) Womyn's Works. Published in Warrenville, Illinois. Begun in 1984. Weekly.
713) Woodswomen News. Published in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Probably not nationally distributed.
714) The Word Is Out! Published by Lesbian Voices of Columbus, Ohio.
715) Working Women Newsletter. Published in Cleveland, Ohio.
716) Workprint. Published in Boston, Massachusetts.
717) Write On, Sister! Published in Sacramento, California.
718) Yoni: Lesbian Erotica Quarterly. Published in Oakland, California. Begun 1986, lasted to 1989.

*(In her essay "Who is Your Mother? Red Roots of White Feminism", published in The Graywolf Annual Five: Multicultural Literacy. edited by Rick Simonson and Scott Walker, St. Paul: Graywolf Press, 1988, pp. 13-27.)

Vice Versa, first lesbian periodical in U.S. (Vice Versa, the first ever lesbian publication in the U.S., from 1947, created and hand-typed by "Lisa Ben")