Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Abba -- generic term for any grandparent, gender irrelevant.
Abfall -- Skene island dedicated to compost, recycling, junkyard
Aga (pronounced ah-gah) -- stove/hearth, the center of every Manage; fueled by geothermal steam; it is never turned "off" and always has a cistern of simmering water for tea
Aggie -- the emma who is the biological parent (egg donor) of a child; there is no name for the sperm donor, as this role has no parenting function on Skene
Arancia (named for orange color of hot springs): Small island in Pya's west between Mti and Hamsa; has hot springs that are bright orange and toxic to humans; no clean freshwater source, thus uninhabitable
Archivist -- state position on Skene who preserves history and records, has own Manage and protected archives behind a vault hidden in a hillside on Riesig
Argile -- Skene island dedicated to clay production
Arta -- Pea Pod island where Mill and Oby have Manage with Oby's emmas Api and Ollow, plus Oby's sib Lowitt and child (with Mill) Abbo, both residing there only part-time; has fresh-water pond, three medium-sized fields rotated between wheat, millet, and corn, plus tillage, chicken run and roost, large landing pad, and rim of woods around most of island. First of Pea Pods to be settled. Connected by ferry to Koldok.

Baicang -- A snack made from the pupae of silkworm lavae after the silk has been extracted. The pupae is deep-fried and seasoned with spices. Especially popular on Seda and in the Western Tendril.
Balik -- a fish akin to our snapper
Banyu -- a fish akin to our flatfish (flounder, halibut, turbot)
Baun -- Pea Pod island; connected by ferry to Dodor
Beras-- Skene island dedicated to rice cultivation
Bezelye -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Koldok
Bixi -- achiote
Blossom -- a sexual enhancement device used primarily between X's on Skene. Made of thick but very expansible and pliable opaque kelp-plastic, blossoms have a central tube about the diameter of a carrot with flaring fronds (or blossoms) on either end, spreading out at a tilt. The interior of blossoms is filled with a colored viscous organic fluid which can be concentrated in a frond, for example, to inflate it. One sexual partner will "deflate" one end of the blossom by squeezing all the internal fluid to the other end, then insert the deflated end inside her vagina. When the internal fluid is squeezed back into the deflated end, inflating it again, the blossom is held snugly inside her vagina by muscles at the lip, and the inflated fronds exert delicious pressure against the internal wall of her vagina which abuts on the mass of clitoral tissue -- the most sensitive part of the vagina, right inside the lip. With the other end deflated, it can now be inserted into the vagina of a partner, and the first woman uses her Kegel muscles to re-inflate that end as well. Trading pressure leads to extreme sensation, where rocking and side-to-side motion is much more satisfactory than thrusting. Design consideration involves choosing one which works better face to face versus back to front. Blossoms are created by cottage industry on Verzin, involving the use of a rubber mold that is inserted into the purchaser's vagina and filled with a gel that hardens to replicate her individual shape. Removal is painful, the process is embarrassingly intimate, and the cost is expensive, so most people on Skene don't have blossoms. In fact, most people have never seen one, although jokes about them abound. However, they are popular almong pilots and yanjangers.
Borso -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Koldok
Bosco-- Skene island dedicated to forests and lumber as well as pig raising
Botaniste -- horticulturalist; makes decisions about which species of plants or animals to resurrect from cold storage; annually elected position, though tends to be held by same person for long periods.
Brandynose -- drunkard.
Bridie -- a hand-held pastry filled with sweet or savory stuffing
Broeks -- Quilted linen pants (outdoor presentable attire).
Buckling -- Immature male goat older than two months of age.
Bucky -- A residence hall for unpartnered workers in a given locale.
Buksers -- Roomy canvas work pants.
Bupkis -- Pea Pod island; connected by ferry to Dodor
Burzaka -- waterproof rain slicker
Burzas -- second month of the year, marks onset of winter, long storms, hog slaughter time; also small island in west Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Byli -- experimental ejida + cranberry bog island in West Tendril; only inhabitants are workers for ejida
Bysen -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Hamsa

Calças -- silk pleated pants (dress attire)
Califia-- name of a Fling in the West Tendril on Skene
Capriste -- goatherder
Cao -- cow, historical animal seen only in ancient books
Cartagen-- papermaker
Carynn (pronounced kah-RIN) -- peace, serenity; commonly used in farewell of "Carynn bye", meaning "Peace be yours"
Cauca -- a fish akin to our catfish
Cha-- harvest (also the name of Qala's katt)
Chakka -- pineapple
Chanticleer -- rooster
Child -- child (no differentiation as to gender on Skene)
Chimiste -- chemist
Chloddia -- Skene island in the Eastern Tendril dedicated to mining (mostly metals)
Chongyong -- turbulent ocean
Chwet (named for owl): Medium-sized island in east Pya; set aside as owl preserve; covered with mixed-growth forest; also home to wild pigs and squirrels; has Manages of a few families, the "Owl People", who live in conservation of the environment there; has ferry link to Dvareka
Comadrona -- Midwife. Most births on Skene are at home with a comadrona assisting.
Cogio -- town at southern tip of Dvareka in Pya, which has a salt factory, several refineries and ore processing plants, a distillery, a kelp factory, and a number of the only taverns on Pya
Cortices-- shoreline areas
Curandera -- doctor/healer, trained at the University
Curtilage-- the land, including tillage, around a Manage

Dagaa -- a fish akin to our anchovies
Delma -- one of two moons for Skene, the other being Luwise; smaller of the two, has less tidal pull
Dichter -- poet/songwriter whose official job is to create metered verse for lighters to distract leviathans; now historical, since Pax Piscata -- Yoj was the Last Dichter of All Skene
Djost -- Chevon/goat cheese (as opposed to pecorino or sheep cheese, kaas).
Djostiker -- Maker of goat cheese (as opposed to maker of sheep cheese, kaasyaste).
Doeling -- Immature female goat older than two months of age.
Dogefish -- a fish akin to our monkfish.
Doimoi (name means renew): Island in Pya's north, has ferry link to Dvareka from Talaba; devoted to recycling and soil creation
Dou -- Pea Pod island; connection by ferry to Koldok
Dvareka (name means two rivers): Main island in Pya's center; has two large rivers, plus Puaa Stream; has seven towns, Pertama, Koldok, Dudor, Sepek, Cogio, Fjer, and Talaba; most population lives on Dvareka; heavily devoted to farming, plus most of industry in Pya

Ehr -- roe
Ejida -- State run cooperative farm, for produce, animals, and/or greenhouses (as opposed to a Manage curtilage or tillage, which is for an individual family). All products go toward the annual allotment.
Ek -- unit of currency on Skene, in coin form. The average salary on Skene is 15 eks a year, but this does not include the allotment given by the state of equally divided amounts of food, cloth, compost, construction materials, kelp plastic and paper, and other essentials (allotments differ in Skene and Pya, based on resources). No one pays rent or utilities, although fines are levied if water usage is abused, such as not recycling grey water, failing to collect rain water from gutters, or putting dirty runoff into the system used for drinking. Fees are also charged for shipping freight, for attending the university, for labor involved in construction or utility repair, postage, and comadrona (midwife) services. Ferries, public schooling, medical care, and other public services are free but paid for by a flat 10% tax against all cash income. Barter, which is the bulk of Skene economy between individuals, is not taxed or recorded. Ek coins are gold; half-eks are silver; tenth-eks are brass. A limited number of platinum two-ek coins are in circulation. Purchases which are smaller than a tenth-ek must be made up in credit or barter, though once hundredth-ek coins were in circulation (made of copper) and still show up from time to time..
Emma -- generic term for any parent, gender irrelevant.
Empat -- fourth day of the week, work and school day; also small island in east Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Ert -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Dodor
Escollo -- name of a Fling in the East Tendril in Skene
Esker-- ridge of gravel deposited by water
Ethicist -- governor, elected every half-year, settles interim questions of public good unless larger vote is required
Exile -- ultimate punishment for crime on Skene, which involves banishment to a remote island named Peisuo with enough dry goods delivered twice a year to keep the exile from starving, but no visiting and no hope of parole; Skene relies on community interference and lack of privacy to keep crime from occurring
Exploit -- Skene island dedicated to mining (mostly minerals and chemicals)
Eyja -- name of a Fling in the East Tendril in Skene

Faar -- Skene island dedicated to sheep-raising
Faburgon -- Truffles
Fadian -- electrical worker
Faryaste -- Ferry boat driver. On Skene, ferries which are in an enclosed lagoon with barriers to keep out leviathans are operated by a chain drive, but still require faryastes to help in case, as has occasionally happened, a leviathan leaps over a barrier. Open-water ferries only run during times of low tide, when Morrie Vaseo can be expected because of pathways between reefs built over centuries of dangerous effort. Open-water faryasters consider themselves superior to chain-drive faryastes because of the much higher risk they face from leviathans, even with the current condition of leviathan truce.
Fisk -- a variety of plentiful fish (equivalent to our sardines) used for drying, a staple of Skene cuisine, and baked into crackers for use as katt food
Fling -- the 24 small islands close enough for morrie vaseo but able to hold only one or perhaps two Manages; flings which do not have a water supply are called secanos. Skene's secanos are Sziget, Selva, and Ziza (the first two are maintained as herb-growing sanctuaries, the latter is a public park). Skene's Flings are Ada, Califia, Escollo, Eyja, Helle, Hynys (double Manage), Icarus, Inish, Insula, Isola, Krk, Motu, Oase, Ostrov, Pulau, Pulo, Refugio, Rho, Saari, Wyspa, and Yanuyanu (double Manage).

Gakusha -- Scholar or professor at the University
Gando (named for shape like crab claw): Large island in west Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, fresh water; not yet inhabited, no ferry link to elsewhere
Genist -- geneticist and genealogist who tracks all lineages on Skene and determines which sperm stock is chosen for an aggie requesting leave to breed; a lifelong position, determined by election when she is an apprentice; only one mother genist and one apprentice at any given time, and the two of them are often at great odds with one another; their records are completely secret
Gilet -- padded linen jerkin, laced; worn for breast support as well as warmth
Ginny -- slang term for genitals (gender irrelevant) or sexual activity itself; not used in formal company but not perjorative
Gisantes -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Koldok
Glebe = field in cultivation to support a specific community institution, such as the university or the Lofthall
Gong Tong -- game involving increasing matrices of cooperation and pattern expansion, played on a grid board with round tiles in blue, red and yellow. Involving team interaction, Skene cultural rules are tested by the game's insistence that during an individual player's turn, she decide on her move without consulting the others or trying to read their expression. Play consists of long periods of tense concentration, followed by a move and explanation, then either cheering or loud criticism from the team. There is no definite end, only mutual satisfaction after hours of intense play.
Grasak -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Koldok
Gul (name means yellow, after color of hot springs): Small island in Pya's west between Mti and Hamsa; has hot springs that are gold in color and toxic to humans; no clean freshwater source, thus uninhabitable

Habibi -- generic term for any great-grandparent, gender irrelevant
Haichen -- kelp harvester (either as sinner or from cortices)
Hai cai -- kelp which is edible and also acts as a thickener
Haidan -- kelp which, when dried, produces the pale green meal that is the basis for Skene bread; also, the name for such bread
Hai luo -- kelp which produces a kind of plastic material used extensively
Hai zao -- kelp which produces the fibers from which linen is made
Hamsa -- A firm white fish with delicate flavor, equivalent to our grouper, very popular on Skene. Also, large island in central west Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited, though is next likely population center after Dvareka; ferry link to a few Pea Pods is planned
Hanshan -- silk dress blouse or shirt, various styles all same name
Hari (named for shape which resembles darning needle): Small to medium-sized island in west Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, fresh water; not yet inhabited, no ferry link to elsewhere
Hayashi (name means forest): Island devoted to forestry, mostly pine, spruce, and other evergreens; has resin and oil distillery plus lumber mill on island
Helle -- name of a Fling in the West Tendril in Skene
Herne: -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Koldok or Saya
Hidraler -- plumber
Hnisa -- A large air-breathing ocean animal which may be a porpoise introduced to Skene waters by early colonists which has mutated somewhat to deal with leviathans. Its meat is highly prized on Skene, but they seldom are caught in sinner nets.
Hore (name means sorrow, after sad fate of original colonists there): Mixed terrain island where original colonists had a small group, including the last known survivor of that colony; has caves were colonists lived and created mausoleum for their dead; has ferry link to Uscat and from there to Dvareka
Hrach -- Pea Pod island; connection by ferry to Dodor
Huerta -- orchard
Huertanera -- orchardist
Huolun -- The large, powerful freighters used to fly cargo and passengers between Pya and Skene.
Hynys -- name of a Fling in the West Tendril with double Manage, in Skene

Icarus-- name of a Fling in the West Tendril in Skene
Ikan -- A kind of fish with small, limber bones, equivalent to our shad, which is pounded flat, flash-fried, and fed to children as a daily source of calcium; also popular as traveling food. Children eat ikan when they won't touch anything else, and it is offered to those who are ill along with broth and sliced apples.
Iki -- second day of the week, work and school day; also small island in east Pya; has ferry link to Pertama; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Inish -- name of a Fling in the East Tendril in Skene
Insula -- name of a Fling in the East Tendril in Skene
Isda -- a fish akin to our tilapia or perch
Isola -- name of Fling where Yoj grew up in East Tendril in Skene

Jari -- Date palm.
Jaskinia (named for caves on island): Medium-sized island in central west Pya; has network of large caves in western part of island, possibly usable for silkworm industry; otherwise mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Jian -- fourth month of year, still cold but starting to warm at end of month, sheep shearing time; also small island in south Pya; has ferry link to Sepek; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Jichang -- airfield of any size
Jigong -- aircraft maker, mechanic
Jirekinu -- silk vest for dress occasions
Juh -- Skene island dedicated to sheep-raising
Junca (named for reeds near ponds): Small to medium-sized island in central west Pya; has several ponds surrounded by reeds; otherwise mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere

Kaas -- pecorino or sheep cheese (as opposed to djoste, goat cheese)
Kaasyaste -- maker of sheep cheese (as opposed to djostiker, maker of goat cheese)
Kabwiri -- a fish akin to our fresh sardines
Kacang: Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Koldok
Kahe -- a fish akin to our salmon
Kahel -- tangerine
Kaidang ku -- Canvas pants with open crotch covered by tie flap, favored for children and field workers (easy to take a piss in these).
Kala -- a fish akin to our mackerel which is often extracted of oil for other use before making into fishcakes
Kall -- third month of the year, coldest month, overcast and sometimes frosty; also small island in west Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Kalsonger -- wool pants (can be dress or work, depending on cut and occupation)
Katt -- Early colonists brought out cats from their biological store, breeding them for size and human loyalty, and eventually they became known as katts. Almost every Manage on Skene has one or more katts in residence to control shu. Public instutitions like the Lofthall or the U have a dozen or more katts, and Pomar (with its fruit orchards ringed by rocky cliffs) has a population of hundreds of katts, some of whom are allowed to breed uncontrolled in order to supply the rest of Skene with kittens. Female katts are called malkins, males are called toms when it is necessary to discuss breeding; otherwise all are katts. On Pya, katts share shu-patrol with owls, who do their hunting at night while katts are locked indoors. Also, large island in north Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Kawali -- paella
Kelapa -- Coconut.
Keramiker -- potter/ceramicist
Kiatu -- canvas lace-up shoes worn by children, dyed bright colors
Kiefer (named for pines on island): Medium-sized island in central west Pya; half-covered in pine forest, otherwise mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Kinusan -- silk farmer
Koldok -- town on western side of Dvareka Island in Pya, site of lofthall, school, chevre dairy, and clinic
Koukei -- a rongyanger on Yanja with the special, secret duty of using an illegal-grade laser to keep the magna vent open
Krk -- name of a Fling in the West Tendril in Skene
Kuono -- bay
Kumme (named for shape which resembles bowl): Small to medium-sized island in central west Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Kuvual -- a kind of fish equivalent to our squid which produces ink sacs which are prized for dying and other crafts

Lamminsade -- seventh month of the year, spring continues, at end of month another two week period of storms but these are less severe and warm rains to launch crops; also small island in south Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Lawei -- a fish akin to our cod
Leraar -- teacher at school for children, in contrast to teacher at university who is called a gakusha. For more information about school grades and leraar to student ratio, see note at end of this post.
Lev -- short for leviathan, used as profanity; levs/leviathans are the whale-sized sentient carnivores who dominate the oceans of Skene, making boat travel perilous or impossible for 500 years
Lighter -- small aircraft used for light hauling (home lighter) or interference for fishing craft (wasa lighter), or the pilot of such a craft
Linmu (name means forest): Large island in far east Pya; devoted to forestry, mostly nut trees, beech, hickory, walnut, pecan, and filbert; has lumber mill and nut processing plant, plus Manages of workers there; no ferry link elsewhere
Ljeto -- ninth month in Skene calendar, time of high summer; also small island in south Pya; has ferry link to Cogio; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Lofthall -- the guild-like structure which regulates all air flight on Skene, headed by a Sheng Zhang and funded by the state; also the building where the guild is located, with pilots' residence and adjacent airfield
lupanalom -- "land of dreams" from a children's story
Luwise -- one of two moons for Skene, the other being Delma; larger of the two, has more tidal pull

Maillot -- thin woolen undershirt
Maanadi Guild -- geothermal guild in Pya (maanadi means underground heartbeat in Skenish)
Manage -- family home, home farm; belongs to the state but can be inherited through a lineage if occupied by an ongoing family
Manteau -- Long wool cloak for cold weather wear.
Maxa -- corn meal treated with a mineral so it becomes dough-like, used to make tamale-like food items where maxa is filled with spicy ingredients, then wrapped in banana, fig or avocado leaves, or kelp; also the name for these wraps themselves, popular especially for workers' breakfasts.
Mbili Kilima (name means two hills): Medium-sized island in central west Pya; has two prominent hills with surrounding highlands; otherwise mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Mchele -- tenth month in Skene calendar, cooling begins, time of rice harvest; also small island in south Pya; has ferry link to Cogio; a few Manages there do specialized farming. The Mchele Fair is like a state fair and one of the largest events all year on Pya in particular.
Med -- eighth month of year, time eel migration and harvest, beginning of summer, first light harvest, first honey harvest, school lets out; also, small island in south Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Meragi Guild -- A Skene-based guild peopled by the djostikers, kaasyastes, tofu and tempeh makers, and those who produce rice syrup. (Meragi is Skenish for fermentation.)
Mezi -- The laser ray carried by pilots to reinforce the Pax Piscata. In the event of leviathan attack, the offending leviathan is shot by the laser on a specific blue spot near its right flank, which has the effect of relaxing all muscular structure and connective tissue in the leviathan body, killing it instanteously. Mezi is an old Skenish word meaning "balance", and in this instance it is a euphemism. Also refer to the lightning bolt symbol painted on craft carrying a mezi ray.
Moja -- first day of the week, back to work/school; also small island in north Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Morrie -- sea
Morrie Strati -- The vast fields of red-colored ocean where leviathans congregate, named for the increased viscosity of seawater there. It has never been determined if these regions are created by leviathans extruding something from their bodies or if they are naturally occurring and somehow preferable to leviathans as habitat.
Morrie Vaseo -- Meaning "safe ocean" or "easy path", this is any waterway between islands which is considered relatively defended from leviathan attack, because of shallowness, protective reef, and/or low tide. This phrase is also the most common farewell on Skene.
Motu -- name of Fling where Halling grew up in West Tendril in Skene
Mti (name means wood): Third-largest island in Pya, far west; devoted to forestry, with mixed forest, though mostly oak, maple, chestnut, hornbeam, poplar, and cherry; has lumber mill and woodworking shops, plus Manages of workers there; no ferry link to elsewhere

Nan -- Honorific for any adult, used with their name or title
Nastere -- sixth month of year, spring month, lambs and kids born, culling of the sheep and goat herds, planting of crops begins in earnest; also small island in south Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Nec (name means forest): Large island in east Pya; devoted to forestry, with mainly sequoia; has lumber mill and Manages of workers on island; no ferry link to Dvareka
Nian cheng -- harvest report for the year
Nudzaak Guild -- A Skene guild is chaired by the Sheng Zhang of Tanyan which interfaces between all farm products and the Allotment Ministry, theoretically insuring that basic nutritional needs are always met on Skene. (Nudzaak is Skenish for necessity.)

Oase -- name of a Fling in the West Tendril
Opicha -- monkey (from ancient bestiaries)
Ostrov -- name of a Fling in the East Tendril
Ot -- fifth day of the week, last day of work and school; also small island in east Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Oto (named for shape which resembles boot): Small to medium-sized island in south Pya; has a few oil wells and refinery there; has ferry link to Cogio
Otos -- Heavy leather boots worn by outdoor workers and pilots.

Pabo (name means turkey): Large island in east Pya; set aside as wild turkey preserve but also has domestic turkey farms and Manages of workers; has ferry link to Fjer
Pax Piscata -- the "balance" or truce between humans and leviathans, implemented by Halling as Sheng Zhang of the Lofthall, which keeps leviathans from hunting and killing human pilots while fishing or gathering kelp; not entirely trusted by humans, specially when juvenile or baby leviathans are involved
Pea Pods: A group of small islands in central west Pya which appear to be "falling from a pod", Saya Island to the north; all names mean a variety of pea or bean in Skenish; all have mixed terrain, arable land, and fresh water; plan is to eventually link them all to a mainland; ideal for one or two Manages who want to individually farm or exploit another resource, and available only to families which can offer the bodies and expertise to do so
Peisuo -- Skene island set aside for exiles (prison)
Pirinc -- Pya island, northern side, which had been steep and rocky, covered with shu, at first discovery. Powerful lasers were used to reshape the terrain into a multitude of terraces which could be flooded with water for rice farming. A well and central pond were created, a small town of Manages was settled, and floating duck/goose houses were placed on large paddies. Pirinc supplies all the rice and fowl Pya could use, plus exports a significant extra to Skene. Has Manages of workers and a few businesses; no ferry link to Dvareka
Pomar -- central island on Skene, dedicated to orchards, soybeans, apiary, and large public park accessible by ferry from two main islands
Potenza -- ministry governing utilities including electricity, water, geothermal, radios, plus ferries
Prase (name means pig): Medium-sized island in west Pya; devoted to pig production, with charnel house, smokehouse, and production factory there, plus Manages of workers; has ferry link to Dvareka
Prym : A sweet, fudge-like goat cheese made by cooking goat milk until it caramelizes.
Pubu (name means waterfall): Large island in west Pya; rocky with several streams and prominent waterfall; not a great deal of arable land due to uplift; not yet inhabited and no ferry link elsewhere
Pulo -- name of a Fling in the West Tendril in Skene
Pya -- a cluster of dozens of islands with land mass many times that of Skene, discovered/deduced by Halling, Yoj and Bux in Year 557; explored by their oldest child, Mill, and her partner Oby; settled by emigrants from Skene in Year 559

Qi gong -- steam worker

Raccolto -- first month of the year, New Year, main harvest begins this month, school resumes, autumnal weather, storms begin at end of month; also small island in west Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Rahat -- ministry of health and education which oversees school, university, scholars, hospital, midwives, genist (including leave for aggies and partnering), vets
Rambla -- stream
Rauta (name means iron): Medium-sized island in east Pya; home to several mines, including iron; has forge and foundry, plus Manages of workers there; has ferry link to Pertama
Recursos -- ministry overseeing natural resources including mining, lava, petroleum, wood, gravel, lasers
Refugio -- name of a Fling in the East Tendril in Skene
Riesig -- largest central island on Skene, containing airfield, university, sigrist, genist, archives, school, fish docks all in town of Riesig Pliss, and acting as hub for the West Tendril
Rho -- name of a Fling in the West Tendril in Skene
Robin -- native island bird, blue-green in color, neither useful nor an extreme pest
Roku -- sixth day of the week, Market Day, school is out; also small island in east Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Rongyan -- lava sculpted into rocks
Rongyanger -- Skene worker who sculpts lava into walls, furniture, etc.
Ropox -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Koldok
Rudni (name means minerals): Medium-sized island in south Pya; home to several mines; has ferry link to Cogio
Ryba -- a fish akin to our haddock

Saari -- name of a Fling in the East Tendril in Skene
Sakana -- a kind of fish, akin to our sole, with buttery and tender flesh, very popular
Samaki -- a kind of fish akin to our tuna
San -- third day of the week, work and school day; also small island in east Pya; has ferry link to Pertama; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Saya Island -- A long curved island immediately west of Dvareka in Pya and the "pod" for which the Pea Pods are named: South of Saya are 14 small roundish islands which look like peas falling from a pod. A chain ferry connects Saya to Koldok on Dvareka and three other Pea Pods, including Arta Island where Mill and family live. Saya has rocky elevations at either end, one holding the goat barn and hut plus a few trees, the other end holding the mineral hot springs, a planted orchard, and bee hives. Immediately east of the orchard is a native woods, which drops down into the saddle of Saya, a grassy plains ideal for grazing.
Schmatta -- Nightgown, long-sleeved and of wool for cold weather, short-sleeved and of linen for warm weather; comes down to mid calf
Seabeak -- native bird somewhat analogous to seagulls, except larger and only partially feathered on head and underside; scavengers
Secano -- island without fresh water on it
Seda -- Skene island dedicated to silkworm cavern and mulberry trees
Shamsjooz -- hottest pepper found on Skene, small and golden, name means "nut of the sun".
Shaoxing -- rice wine
Shati -- pullover linen shirt, ubiquitous, worn long for work, tucked in for company, various sleeve lengths and colors
Shima -- stripe (also the name of Yoj's katt)
Shmonah -- eighth day of the week, school is out, no work except for certain occupations, traditionally used for rest and gathering with beloveds; also small island in east Pya; has ferry link to Cogio; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Sheng zhang -- governor of limited powers, mostly an administrator, elected every half-year
Shu -- Indigenous life-form to shu, a greenish-grey lizard-like creature that is 2 feet long when grown, mostly land-based but can also swim. It has a bite that is mildly venomous, producing local swelling and pain, plus fever and sometimes retching in children. They live in rocky areas, especially near the coast, but are also prone to infest the upper areas of building and are drawn to fruit trees. They are repelled by the smell of human urine and thus avoid privies. They are omnivorous, aggressive, reproduce swiftly, and seem utterly unable to learn -- they will launch themselves in attack at any other living thing despite size difference or witnessed assault on their kind. Considered vermin, they are killed on sight. Early colonists brought out cats from their biological store, breeding them for size and human loyalty, and eventually they became known as katts. Almost every Manage on Skene has one or more katts in residence to control shu. Public instutitions like the Lofthall or the U have a dozen or more katts, and Pomar (with its fruit orchards ringed by rocky cliffs) has a population of hundreds of katts, some of whom are allowed to breed uncontrolled in order to supply the rest of Skene with kittens. Female katts are called malkins, males are called toms when it is necessary to discuss breeding; otherwise all are katts. On Pya, katts share shu-patrol with owls, who do their hunting at night while katts are locked indoors. Also: Large island in north Pya; extremely rocky with no arable land; entirely covered by shu; has rough jichang and no other sign of human presence; no ferry link elsewhere
Sib -- sibling, any other child of shared emmas, gender irrelevant
Siba -- older sibling
Sibashte -- sisterhood/brotherhood, communal feeling
Sibemma -- sibling of one's emmas
Sibiya -- Niece or nephew, the child of one's sib.
Sibu -- younger sibling
Sinner -- A pilot who uses special aircraft to fish the ocean or harvest deep-water from above the surface, a skill evolved to avoid leviathans. Also the term used for the aircraft itself, which is large and relatively slow-moving. Specialized sinners are also used to haul freight and large numbers of passengers. They are powered by solar panels on the upper surface of stubby wings, and use downward-turning jets to land. Sinners are protected in their ocean-going endeavors by smaller, highly agile aircraft called lighters. Sinner pilots wear a uniform of mustard yellow. The uniform of lighter pilots is said to be robin blue, because robins on Skene (actually a native life-form more reptilian than avian) are a bright blue closer to the color of robin's eggs on Earth.
Sigrist -- state position similar to watchtower, keeping eye out for trouble coming from ocean; has radio with receiver in every building, gives times, tides, general announcements, calls for emergency help
Sju -- seventh day of the week, school is out, no work today except for certain occupations, day traditionally set aside for community meetings, performances, or visiting; also small island in east Pya; has ferry link to Cogio; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Skarpetki -- Thin wool or silk socks, dyed deep colors, for dress wear.
Skene -- skein of 39 islands, 14 of which are large by their standards/small by ours; 22 flings (tiny, one-house-sized islands), and 3 secanos (islands without fresh water, thus uninhabitable) which for 500 years held all the human life on a water planet in the constellation Alhena; also the name of the planet, and the name of the language humans now speak there.
Sokken -- thick wool socks for everyday wear, especially for outdoor workers.
Sui -- Only real limit Skene places on whom one may select as a sexual partner, referring to age grade/color year; every child is born into a color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, or violet) and number (current generation is in the 60s) which determines their age grade -- adults from age grades too far distant from one another may not partner, aggie, or have sex with each other; for adults over 21, sui is four years or less
Sziget -- name of a Secano in the West Tendril in Skene

Takashkinu -- silk weaver
Takashlany -- wool weaver
Takashrashon -- linen weaver
Tanim -- tomatillo (Tanim is Skenish for gift, especially those small wrapped presents given to children at midwinter candle-lighting.)
Tanyan -- ministry which oversees all community interest in agriculture including ejidas, compost and recycling, silkworms, orchards, rice, livestock, seafood
Tiang -- rice syrup
Teppe (named for shape and coloring which resembles Lofthall blanket): Large island in west Pya; southern third is rocky upland, northern two-thirds is level savannah; not currently inhabited but planned ferry link to Saya may change that
Tetama (name means earthquake): Large island in east Pya; frequently experiences earthquakes from seismic activity; fairly rocky but has some hayfields in cultivation and coffee plants on slopes; no permanent residences there due to constant quake damage to structures; has no ferry link to Dvareka
Tillage -- the cultivated fields belonging to a Manage, usually
Timmer -- Carpenter.
Tolt -- an uplands so narrow and steep it cannot be shaped into usable territory
Trumpinne (named for shape which resembles drumstick): Second-largest island in Pya, far southwest; home to ancient olive groves, plus new vineyards; has olive processing plants and wineries; Manages there are occupied mostly by carny folk; no ferry link to elsewhere

Uo -- a kind of fish, akin to our herring
Uominori -- fish processor
Uorui -- sorter of the fish that gets brought in by a sinner
Uscat (name means dry): Small to medium-sized island in west Pya; secano with no fresh water source; very rocky; has ferry link to Dvareka, is transit route for ferry to Hore

Vaccio -- desert (used metaphorically as a kind of hell)
Verzin -- large central island on Skene, heavily used for manufacture, hub of the East Tendril
Verzinnen -- ministry overseeing manufacturing and commerce including weaving, dying, metallurgy, ceramics, paper and book making, printing, glassmaking, shopkeeping
Vetriste -- glassmakers on Yanja
Vis -- a kind of fish akin to our pollock whose dried flesh renders easily to meal, used heavily in soups, breads and sprinkled on salads

Wain -- Farm wagon.
Waadvogel -- rice grower (means wader)
Wandmaler -- muralist who paints each Manage's pictorial ancestry on their walls; works closely with historical lineages
Wasa -- ocean
Wasem (name means steam): Small island in west Pya; has several steam vents in ground; not certain if arable or habitable; no ferry link to elsewhere
Woman -- any adult human over age 16, regardless of whether they are X or Y; interchangeable with human being; only pronoun in use on Skene is she
Wyspa -- name of a Fling in the West Tendril

X -- gendered term for a human with a vulva and.or uterus; considered extremely offensive and only used or known by one's immediate family or those with a medical need to know
Xiao -- octopus

Y -- gendered term for a human with a penis; considered extremely offensive and only used or known by one's immediate family or those with a medical need to know
Yagi -- Skene island in the Western Tendril dedicated to goat herding and cheese-making.Yanja -- Skene island dedicated to lava sculpting, glass-making, and olive trees
Yanja -- Skene island dedicated to lava sculpting and glass-making
Yanjanger -- lava sculptor
Yanjiang -- lava
Yanuyanu -- name of a Fling in the East Tendril (double Manage), in Skene
Yaomur -- fifth month of year, rains all month, much fog, rice planting time; also, small island in south Pya; has ferry link to Sepek; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Yejiniste = metallurgist

Zaoxue -- Dress boots/shoes, ankle high with polished or dyed leather finish.
Zhao Ze (name means marsh): Large island in far west Pya; mostly covered in marshes and swamps; fresh water but little dry land; not yet inhabited, no ferry link elsewhere
Zayit -- olive oil
Zold (name means green, for color of hot springs): Small island in Pya's west between Mti and Hamsa; has hot springs that are gold in color which are invigorating bathing for human in limited exposure; not inhabited, no ferry link elsewhere

School Grades: Public school on Skene consists of grades one through four. Children begin school at age 3 and usually graduate when they are 16. Grade One includes children from ages 3-7; Grade Two has children ages 8-10; Grade Three has children ages 11-13; and Grade Four is for teenagers 14-16. This clustering eliminates much of the developmental pressure associated with age year-matched grades in our culture, and provides children with a larger exposure to those within their sui, invaluable when they are grown and seeking sexual/lifetime partners. It also fosters community by encouraging older children to stay in close relationship with and assume a helping role for those children who are at the younger end of their grade. Schooling lasts for 14 years. Beginning children at age 3 helps emmas/abbas stay in the work force, helps toddlers socialize faster, and offers concrete assistance to families who might be having trouble providing for their children. Ending school by age 16 or 17 means teenagers who are in developmental need for greater independence are pushed into the workforce, where liberty is matched by responsibility. On Skene, being single and dating does not usually mean privacy or freedom from community observation/supervision. Thus, sexual liberation occurs in a setting where a young person actively dating must still show up for a job, apprenticeship, or the University; has to share/pay for housing; and because of the fertility issue, the risk of unwanted pregnancy plus widespread STD's is virtually nil. Student-teacher ration is about 8 to 1, and about one out of every five Skeners is of school age. This means that on Pya, for example, with a population of 650 currently, 120-130 children attend Pya School, broken down into grades as follows: Grade One, 40 students; Grades Two through Four, 24 students each. Consequently, there are around 5 leraars (teachers) for Grade One and 3 each for the upper grades. Thus, all teaching is team teaching, embodying Skene emphasis on cooperative work and giving children enhanced learning environments.

Naming Pattern: Everyone on Skene and Pya have a single name, which no one else has ever had. It is usually constructed from key letters and syllables of parents and other ancestors, arranged in a new configuration.

Pronunciation Key:
ç -- spoken as ssch.
J -- spoken as sh with a tiny rasp, audible mostly to Skeners
Lj -- spoken as leey followee by vowel sound.
Ng -- spoken as ing.
Sz -- spoken as soft, slurred j
X -- spoken as Hebew ch with an aspirate
Zh -- spoken as English ch

Most names have emphasis on first syllable; Halling, however, is pronounced with equal emphasis on both syllables, as Hahl - Ing.


There are 24 hours to each day, 8 days to a week, 5 weeks to a month, 10 months to a year
One year = 400 days, 50 weeks
First five days of the week are work days for all occupations and school days for children, followed by a three-day weekend where the first day is market day, next day popular for performances and social gatherings as well as community meetings, last day often given over to rest and quiet. Exceptions are lighters and sinners -- they must work when the weather allows.
In Skene, ferry schedules (and consequently some work and performance/meeting schedules) are run according to tides -- many ferries cannot run during high tide because there is no morrie vaseo when leviathans can approach shores or inlets.


Day one: Moja
Day two: Iki
Day three: San
Day four: Empat
Day five: Ot
Day six: Roku
Day seven: Sju
Day eight: Shmonah


Month one: Raccolto (main harvest begins this month, New Year, big honey harvest, apples dipped in honey -- school resumes, autumnal weather, storms at end)
Month two: Burzas (onset of winter, long storms, hog slaughter)
Month three: Kall (coldest month)
Month four: Jian (cold but starting to warm at end -- sheep shearing)
Month five: Yaomur (rain month, much fog, rice planting)
Month six: Nastere (spring month, lambs and kids born, some slaughter, planting in earnest)
Month seven: Lamminsade (spring continues, two week period of storms)
Month eight: Med (eel migration and harvest, beginning of summer, first light harvest, first honey harvest = school out)
Month nine: Ljeto (high summer)
Month ten: Mchele (late summer, cooling begins, rice harvest)

© 2009, Maggie Jochild


(Click on image to enlarge)

© 2009 Maggie Jochild.

Monday, August 9, 2004


(Two Girls, Spanish Harlem painted by Alice Neel 1959
CAST OF CHARACTERS FOR PYA: (information current through latest chapter posted)

Abbo (pronounced Ab-BOH): Youngest child of Mill and Oby; first lover was Maar; pilot on Pya
Adnes: Emma of Maar, Adon, Su, and Thleen; partner of Dru; miner on Chloddia
Adon: Second child of Adnes and Dru; inherits Manage on Chloddia; refinery supervisor; partner to Lark, aggie to Laad
Aleri: Resident of Kacang Island; partner to Meko and Nezi; emma to Ziri, Koben, Meamea, Ura, Falle, Tsipi, and Whard
Api: Former Ethicist on Skene; partner to Ollow; aggie to Oby and Lowitt; migrates to Pya, becomes first Ethicist there
Aro: Oldest child of Danaan and Rark
Avani: (Now deceased); lived in Skene, worked as biochemist; partnered with Nioma, aggie to Xani
Avik: Child of Xani and Rika, lives in Talaba; siba to Eoma, sibu to Xoan and Ryar
Aza: Youngest child of Mlis and Jinya (aggied by Mlis) on Grasak Island in Pya

Bara: Resident of Eastern Tendril in Skene who was two years older than Pyosz and on whom Pyosz had a crush in school
Briel: Raised on Hynys Fling; partners with Dodd; curandera; aggie to Mruch and Qoj; migrates to Pya and is curandera there
Bux: [pronounced boochs using aspirated ch of Hebrew] youngest child of Yerush, Qen and Veida; partner to Yoj and Halling; aggie to Mill, Ndege, Dodd, Prl and Speranz; wandmaler and eventual Sheng Zhang of Rahat, then Ethicist of Skene

Cremen: Friend of Uli's who lives in Dudor, plays Gong Tong with them. Works as land surveyor and in records section of land use management.

Dalling: Youngest child of Danaan and Rark
Danaan: Child of Iro and Ektr; partner to Rark; raised on Abfall; lighter pilot whom Halling saves; later explores new secano, helps Halling capture baby levi; eventually becomes Sheng Zhang of Lofthall after Halling retires; aggie to Aro and Dalling
Dekkan: Sibu of Uli, child of Udek and Licoro; new pilot on Pya
Dru: Aggie of Maar, Adon, Su, and Thleen; partner of Adnes; miner on Chloddia; child of Gusu and Daareen
Dodd: Second child (twin to Ndege) of Bux, Yoj and Halling; sigrist when grown, then leraar of second grade after migrates to Pya; partners with Briel; emma to Mruch and Qoj; (Y)

Ehall: Child of Ngall and Ehuy; siba to Omill and Vlapi
Ehuy: Raised on Seda; partners with Ngall; emma to Ehall, Omill, Vlapi
Eoma: Child of Xani and Rika, lives in Talaba; sibu to Ryar, Avik, and Xoan

Falle: Fifth child of Meko, Aleri and Nezi; sib to Ziri, Koben, Meamea, Ura, Falle, Tsipi, and Whard
Ferk: The capriste on Saya Island for whom Pyosz takes over.
Fohol: Sinner pilot on Pya, friend of Maar. Once had an affair with Maar.
Frahe: Raised on Bosco; partner to Nk; emma to Frank (Y)
Frank: Child of Nk and Frahe; comadrona

Gerra: Child of Asha, Ludo and Kint; sigrist on Skene; partners with Ndege; aggie to Vasha, Ndera, and Hallud
Gitta: Grocery store owner in Koldok; partners with Kolm and Taamsas
Gusu: Raised on Chloddia; bullied Yoj when they were both children; miner on Chloddia; aggie to Dru; partner of Daareen

Halling: [pronounced hahl - ling with equal emphasis on both syllables] third child of Mwezi and Ng; partner to Yoj and Bux; emma to Mill, Ndege, Dodd, Prl and Speranz; first partnered with Xaya; later some-time lover of Szebel; lighter and then sinner; later Sheng Zhang of Lofthall; grew up on Motu Fling, later lives in Manage on Riesig
Hallud: Youngest child of Ndege and Gerra
Henar: Lives in Talaba; partnered with Lpika; emma to Lehen and Rika; works for ejida

Jiips: Radio operator on Pya
Jinya: Sculptor on Grasak Island in Pya, partner to Mlis, emma to Raki and Aza (aggie to Raki); close friend of Pyosz
Jomad: Teenaged child of grocery owner on Chloddia at time Maar discovers her emma has been selling allotment goods
Juny: Sinner pilot at Pya Lofthall

Klosa: Kolm's sib, runs used clothing and furniture store in Koldok; partner with timmer Mrebbe
Ko: Resident of Kacang Island; partner to Ramea and Uben; aggie to Meko; abba to Ziri, Koben, Meamea, Ura, Falle, Tsipi, and Whard
Kolm: Djostiker in Koldok, partners with Taamsas and Gitta
Kuus: Pilot for Pya who is responsible for burying the dead in offshore volcano; paints a blue hand on her face

Laad: Child of Adon and Laark on Chloddia
Laark: Partner to Adone, lives in family Manage on Chloddia; emma to Laad
Lawa: Youngest child of Mwezi and Ng; after graduation works at ejida on Byli, then comes to work at ejida on Riesig; eventual partner of Qala; acts as live-in abba for Prl when she has Pyosz
Lawoj: Fourth child born to Maar and Pyosz, aggied by Maar
Lehen: Lives in Talaba; child of Lpika and Henar; siba to Rika; works for ejida
Licoro: Emma to Uli and Dekkan, partner to Udek; ejida worker in sugar beets field
Lpika: Lives in Talaba; partnered with Henar; aggie to Lehen and Rika; works in woolen factory
Lowitt: Younger child of Api and Ollow; Oby's younger sib; lives on Pya, sometimes in their Manage but more often in Cogio; runs kelp products factory in Cogio
Lmape: Sinner pilot who leads first exploration of Pya

Maar: Child of Dru and Adnes; pilot of lighters, sinners, and huolon; raised on Chloddia, migrates to Pya after finishing flight school; siba to Thleen, whom she helps raise
Meko: Resident of Kacang Island; child of Ko, Ramea, and Uben; partner to Aleri and Nezi; aggie to Ziri, Koben, Meamea, Ura, Falle, Tsipi, and Whard
Mill: Oldest child of Bux, Yoj and Hallinger; lighter pilot when grown; partners with Oby; one of first exploration team of Pya; part of first migration to Pya; settles on Arta Island (one of the Pea Pods) and becomes Sheng Zhang of Pya Lofthall; aggie to Ngall and Abbo
Mlis: Mollusk farner on Grasak Island in Pya, partner to Jinya, emma to Raki and Aza (aggie to Aza)
Moko: Young pilot in Pya who dies on her first huolon flight to Skene
Mrebbe: Timmer; partner with Klosa; sib-in-law to Kolm, Taamsas and Gitta
Mruch: Oldest child of Dodd and Briel; curandera/surgeon
Mwezi: Aggie to Halling, Moasi, Tu and Lawa; partner to Ng; silkworm worker and haicen; died young; lived on Motu Fling; child of Lranz, Maras and Qalaw

Naki: Photographer/printer in Koldok
Nalt: Resident of Trumpinne in Pya, olive grove worker; sweetheart of Su
Ndege: Second child (twin to Dodd) to Bux, Yoj and Halling; partners with Gerra; sigrist on Skene; emma to Vasha, Ndera, and Hallud
Ndera: Second child of Ndege and Gerra
Nezi: Resident of Kacang Island; partner to Meko and Aleri; emma to Ziri, Koben, Meamea, Ura, Falle, Tsipi, and Whard
Ng: Emma to Halling, Moasi, Tu and Lawa; partner to Mwezi, later lover of Qen; faryaste to Seda, keramiker (fertile Y); lived first on Motu Fling, then in Manage on Riesig
Ngall: Oldest child of Mill and Oby; return to Skene to attend University but falls in love with Ehuy and leaves school after a year to become orchard worker on Pomar; aggie to Ehall, Omill, Vlapi
Ngus: Third child born to Pyosz and Maar, aggied by Pyosz, with red hair and blue eyes
Nilma: Emma to Yoj, Myrd and Owera; partner to Rosz; worked as qigong on Yanja; lived on Isola Fling intermittently; child of Amyr and Malin
Nioma: Lives in Talaba on Pya, partnered with Avani (deceased); works for ejida as specialist in animal behavior; emma to Xani
Nk: Only child of Pank and Tu; migrates to Pya with them; woodcarver; partner with Frahe; aggie to Frank

Oby: Child of Api and Ollow; partner to Mill; lighter and sinner pilot; one of first exploration team of Pya; part of first migration to Pya; settles on Arta Island (one of the Pea Pods); emma (Y) to Ngall and Abbo
Ollow: Emma to Oby and Lowitt; migrates to Pya, build first kelp processing factory there
Omill: Second child of Ngall and Ehuy; sib to Ehall and Vlapi

Pank: Child of sib to Veida, raised on Beras; partners with Tu; aggies Nk late in life; migrates to Pya; forester and farmer
Pava: Eldest child of Poth and Thava, best friend of Dekkan
Poth: Ejida worker on Pya, fills in as capriste between Ferk's death and Pyosz's arrival; lives in Pertama; partners with Thava, another ejida worker; emma to Pava, Thont, and Sziem
Prl: Fourth child of Bux, Halling and Yoj; Genist when very young; has first child on Skene born via deliberate self-egg fertilization; aggie to Pyosz
Pyosz (pronounced Py-YODGE): Main character, only child of Prl the Genist, first child on Skene born by self-egg fertilization; trained as mathetician, but after moving to Pya becomes capriste

Qala: Raised on Exploit; radio operator at Lofthall; eventual secretary to Lofthall Sheng Zhang; eventual partner of Lawa; acts as live-in abba for Prl when she has Pyosz; (Y)
Qen: Emma to Bux, Paha and Culisa; partner to Yerush and Veida; later lover of Ng; leraar; grew up on Byli; child of Ndigo, Curak and Lisan; (unknown XXY)
Qoj: Youngest child of Dodd and Briel; meteorologist and astronomer

Raki: Eldest child of Jinya and Mlis on Grasak Island in Pya, aggied by Jinya
Ramea: Resident of Kacang Island; partner to Ko and Uben; emma to Meko; abba to Ziri, Koben, Meamea, Ura, Falle, Tsipi, and Whard
Rark: Raised on Abfall; partners with Danaan; lighter pilot, becomes radio operator when Qala retires; emma to Aro and Dalling
Ried: Curandera in hospital on Riesig, Skene; lives in Verzin; partnered with Foln
Rika: Lives in Talaba, works as soil builder on Doimoi; child of Lpika and Henar; sibu to Lehen; partner to Xani; emma to Xoan, Ryar, Avik, and Eoma
Roln: Allotment center clerk on Chloddia
Ryar: Child of Xani and Rika, lives in Talaba; siba to Avik and Eoma, sibu to Xoan

Schlih: Geothermal expert from Skene
Sey: Former lover of Pyosz who leaves her abruptly after two years for Woalt; chemiste
Sherr: Resident of Yanja who aspired to run as Ethicist but was revealed by Prl's green lineage directory to have partnered and borne children with her half-sib; close cousin to Sey
Speranz: Fifth child of Bux, Yoj and Halling; partners with Tlunu; aggie to Xunu and Yeraz; inherits Manage on Riesig
Szebel: Halling's some-time lover on Yanja; mathematician to the vetriste guild
Sziem: Third child of Poth and Thava

Taamsas: Hardware store owner/blacksmith in Koldok, partners with Kolm and Gitta
Thava: Ejida worker who is partners with Poth, lives in Pertama, aggie to Pava, Thont, and Sziem
Tlunu: Raised on Abfall (aggie was sib to Xaya, Halling's first great love); lighter and sinner pilot; partners with Speranz; emma to Xunu and Yeraz
Tsipi: Sixth child of Meko, Aleri and Nezi; sib to Ziri, Koben, Meamea, Ura, Falle, Tsipi, and Whard
Tu: Second child of Moasi and Ng, siba to Halling; partners with Pank; emma to Nk; migrates to Pya; forester

Uben: Resident of Kacang Island; partner to Ko and Ramea; emma to Meko; abba to Ziri, Koben, Meamea, Ura, Falle, Tsipi, and Whard
Udek: Aggie to Uli and Dekkan, partner to Licoro; weaver and basketmaker, as well as accounts manager for sugar mill
Uli: Friend of Pyosz's; geographer and cartographer; child of Udek and Licoro
Ulodd: First child of Qoj and Uli in Koldok on Pya; aggied by Qoj
Ura: Fourth child of Meko, Aleri and Nezi; sib to Ziri, Koben, Meamea, Ura, Falle, Tsipi, and Whard

Vants: Second child of Moasi and Ktiva (Y); capriste on Yagi
Vasha: Oldest child of Ndege and Gerra
Veida: Emma to Bux, Paha and Culisa; partner to Yerush and Qen; first partner was Maszon; was originally a lighter, retired after Maszon's death and became comadrona; grew up on Beras; child of Espara and Hamt
Vlapi: Youngest child of Ngall and Ehuy; siba to Ehall and Omill

Whard: Seventh and last child of Meko, Aleri and Nezi; sib to Ziri, Koben, Meamea, Ura, Falle, Tsipi, and Whard
Woalt: The woman for whom Sey leaves Pyosz; raised on Verzin

Xani: Lives in Talaba, works as wool weaver; child of Avani and Nioma; partner to Rika; aggie to Xoan, Ryar, Avik, and Eoma
Xante: Timmer on Mrebbe's crew, gifted woodworker
Xoan: Child of Xani and Rika, lives in Talaba; siba to Ryar, Avik, and Eoma
Xunu: Oldest child of Speranz and Tlunu

Yeraz: Youngest child of Speranz and Tlunu
Yerush: Aggie to Bux, Paha and Culisa; partner to Veida and Qen; only child of B'ruch and Melli; gakusha in history and teaches at University; sometimes elected ethicist; some-time lover of Raisa; grew up in Manage on Riesig and inherited it
Yoj: [pronounced yosh with long o] oldest child of Rosz and Nilma; partner to Halling and Bux; emma to Mill, Ndege, Dodd, Prl and Speranz; dichter and later gakusha as well; grew up on Isola Fling, later lives in Manage on Riesig; becomes Archivist

Ziri: Resident of Kacang Island; Thleen's best friend; child of Meko, Aleri and Nezi; siba to Koben, Meamea, Ura, Falle, Tsipi, and Whard

© 2009 Maggie Jochild


Arancia (named for orange color of hot springs): Small island in Pya's west between Mti and Hamsa; has hot springs that are bright orange and toxic to humans; no clean freshwater source, thus uninhabitable
Arta -- Pea Pod island where Mill and Oby have Manage with Oby's emmas Api and Ollow, plus Oby's sib Lowitt and child (with Mill) Abbo, both residing there only part-time; has fresh-water pond, three medium-sized fields rotated between wheat, millet, and corn, plus tillage, chicken run and roost, large landing pad, and rim of woods around most of island. First of Pea Pods to be settled. Connected by ferry to Koldok.
Baun -- Pea Pod island; connected by ferry to Dodor
Bezelye -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Koldok
Borso -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Koldok
Bupkis -- Pea Pod island; connected by ferry to Dodor
Burzas (one of ten small islands named for months in Skenish): Small island in west Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Bysen -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Hamsa
Chwet (named for owl): Medium-sized island in east Pya; set aside as owl preserve; covered with mixed-growth forest; also home to wild pigs and squirrels; has Manages of a few families, the "Owl People", who live in conservation of the environment there; has ferry link to Dvareka
Doimoi (name means renew): Island in Pya's north, has ferry link to Dvareka from Talaba; devoted to recycling and soil creation
Dou -- Pea Pod island; connection by ferry to Koldok
Dvareka (name means two rivers): Main island in Pya's center; has two large rivers, plus Puaa Stream; has seven towns, Pertama, Koldok, Dudor, Sepek, Cogio, Fjer, and Talaba; most population lives on Dvareka; heavily devoted to farming, plus most of industry in Pya
Empat (one of eight small islands named for days of the week in Skenish): Small island in east Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Ert -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Dodor
Gando (named for shape like crab claw): Large island in west Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, fresh water; not yet inhabited, no ferry link to elsewhere
Gisantes -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Koldok
Grasak -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Koldok
Gul (name means yellow, after color of hot springs): Small island in Pya's west between Mti and Hamsa; has hot springs that are gold in color and toxic to humans; no clean freshwater source, thus uninhabitable
Hamsa (named for shape which is like fish called hamsa): Large island in central west Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited, though is next likely population center after Dvareka; ferry link to a few Pea Pods is planned
Hari (named for shape which resembles darning needle): Small to medium-sized island in west Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, fresh water; not yet inhabited, no ferry link to elsewhere
Hayashi (name means forest): Island devoted to forestry, mostly pine, spruce, and other evergreens; has resin and oil distillery plus lumber mill on island
Herne: -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Koldok or Saya
Hore (name means sorrow, after sad fate of original colonists there): Mixed terrain island where original colonists had a small group, including the last known survivor of that colony; has caves were colonists lived and created mausoleum for their dead; has ferry link to Uscat and from there to Dvareka
Hrach -- Pea Pod island; connection by ferry to Dodor
Iki (one of eight small islands named for days of the week in Skenish): Small island in east Pya; has ferry link to Pertama; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Jaskinia (named for caves on island): Medium-sized island in central west Pya; has network of large caves in western part of island, possibly usable for silkworm industry; otherwise mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Jian (one of ten small islands named for months in Skenish): Small island in south Pya; has ferry link to Sepek; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Junca (named for reeds near ponds): Small to medium-sized island in central west Pya; has several ponds surrounded by reeds; otherwise mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Kacang: Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Koldok
Kall (one of ten small islands named for months in Skenish): Small island in west Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Katt (named for shape which resembles curled-up katt): Large island in north Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Kiefer (named for pines on island): Medium-sized island in central west Pya; half-covered in pine forest, otherwise mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Kumme (named for shape which resembles bowl): Small to medium-sized island in central west Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Lamminsade (one of ten small islands named for months in Skenish): Small island in south Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Linmu (name means forest): Large island in far east Pya; devoted to forestry, mostly nut trees, beech, hickory, walnut, pecan, and filbert; has lumber mill and nut processing plant, plus Manages of workers there; no ferry link elsewhere
Ljeto (one of ten small islands named for months in Skenish): Small island in south Pya; has ferry link to Cogio; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Mbili Kilima (name means two hills): Medium-sized island in central west Pya; has two prominent hills with surrounding highlands; otherwise mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Mchele (one of ten small islands named for months in Skenish): Small island in south Pya; has ferry link to Cogio; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Med (one of ten small islands named for months in Skenish): Small island in south Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Moja (one of eight small islands named for days of the week in Skenish): Small island in north Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Mti (name means wood): Third-largest island in Pya, far west; devoted to forestry, with mixed forest, though mostly oak, maple, chestnut, hornbeam, poplar, and cherry; has lumber mill and woodworking shops, plus Manages of workers there; no ferry link to elsewhere
Nastere (one of ten small islands named for months in Skenish): Small island in south Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Nec (name means forest): Large island in east Pya; devoted to forestry, with mainly sequoia; has lumber mill and Manages of workers on island; no ferry link to Dvareka
Ot (one of eight small islands named for days of the week in Skenish): Small island in east Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Oto (named for shape which resembles boot): Small to medium-sized island in south Pya; has a few oil wells and refinery there; has ferry link to Cogio
Pea Pods: A group of small islands in central west Pya which appear to be "falling from a pod", Saya Island to the north; all names mean a variety of pea or bean in Skenish; all have mixed terrain, arable land, and fresh water; plan is to eventually link them all to a mainland; ideal for one or two Manages who want to individually farm or exploit another resource, and available only to families which can offer the bodies and expertise to do so
Pirinc (name means rice): Medium-sized island in north Pya; rocky and steep but with strong fresh water wells, terraced into rice paddies that produces all of Pya's rice, plus most of their ducks and geese; has Manages of workers and a few businesses; no ferry link to Dvareka
Prase (name means pig): Medium-sized island in west Pya; devoted to pig production, with charnel house, smokehouse, and production factory there, plus Manages of workers; has ferry link to Dvareka
Pabo (name means turkey): Large island in east Pya; set aside as wild turkey preserve but also has domestic turkey farms and Manages of workers; has ferry link to Fjer
Pubu (name means waterfall): Large island in west Pya; rocky with several streams and prominent waterfall; not a great deal of arable land due to uplift; not yet inhabited and no ferry link elsewhere
Raccolto (one of ten small islands named for months in Skenish): Small island in west Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Rauta (name means iron): Medium-sized island in east Pya; home to several mines, including iron; has forge and foundry, plus Manages of workers there; has ferry link to Pertama
Roku (one of eight small islands named for days of the week in Skenish): Small island in east Pya; mixed terrain, arable land, freshwater, but not yet inhabited; no ferry link elsewhere
Ropox -- Pea Pod island; planned connection by ferry to Koldok
Rudni (name means minerals): Medium-sized island in south Pya; home to several mines; has ferry link to Cogio
San (one of eight small islands named for days of the week in Skenish): Small island in east Pya; has ferry link to Pertama; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Saya (name means pod): Medium-sized island in central west Pya, the "pod" of the Pea Pods; set aside for goat-farming; also has small forest heavily populated by nut trees; orchard; beehives; hot springs; connected by ferry to Koldok
Shmonah (one of eight small islands named for days of the week in Skenish): Small island in east Pya; has ferry link to Cogio; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Shu (named for shu which cover the island): Large island in north Pya; extremely rocky with no arable land; entirely covered by shu; has rough jichang and no other sign of human presence; no ferry link elsewhere
Sju (one of eight small islands named for days of the week in Skenish): Small island in east Pya; has ferry link to Cogio; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Teppe (named for shape and coloring which resembles Lofthall blanket): Large island in west Pya; southern third is rocky upland, northern two-thirds is level savannah; not currently inhabited but planned ferry link to Saya may change that
Tetama (name means earthquake): Large island in east Pya; frequently experiences earthquakes from seismic activity; fairly rocky but has some hayfields in cultivation and coffee plants on slopes; no permanent residences there due to constant quake damage to structures; has no ferry link to Dvareka
Trumpinne (named for shape which resembles drumstick): Second-largest island in Pya, far southwest; home to ancient olive groves, plus new vineyards; has olive processing plants and wineries; Manages there are occupied mostly by carny folk; no ferry link to elsewhere
Uscat (name means dry): Small to medium-sized island in west Pya; secano with no fresh water source; very rocky; has ferry link to Dvareka, is transit route for ferry to Hore
Wasem (name means steam): Small island in west Pya; has several steam vents in ground; not certain if arable or habitable; no ferry link to elsewhere
Yaomur (one of ten small islands named for months in Skenish): Small island in south Pya; has ferry link to Sepek; a few Manages there do specialized farming
Zhao Ze (name means marsh): Large island in far west Pya; mostly covered in marshes and swamps; fresh water but little dry land; not yet inhabited, no ferry link elsewhere
Zold (name means green, for color of hot springs): Small island in Pya's west between Mti and Hamsa; has hot springs that are gold in color which are invigorating bathing for human in limited exposure; not inhabited, no ferry link elsewhere

© 2009 Maggie Jochild.