Thursday, February 5, 2009


(On 10 November 2008 while visiting the White House, President-elect Barack Obama waves while walking with President George W. Bush. Photo by Tim Sloan/Agence France-Presse.)


At a press conference yesterday, President Obama pointed out Who Won The Election, you morons, and who didn't (why is ANYBODY quoting McCain's comments on the economy? why not dig up Pat Paulsen and ask him that he thinks?)

"In the past few days, I've heard criticisms that this [stimulus] plan is somehow wanting, and these criticisms echo the very same failed economic theories that led us into this crisis in the first place, the notion that tax cuts alone will solve all our problems, that we can ignore fundamental challenges like energy independence and the high cost of health care, that we can somehow deal with this in a piecemeal fashion and still expect our economy and our country to thrive.

"I reject those theories. And so did the American people when they went to the polls in November and voted resoundingly for change."
Even Letterman worked this into his monologue. Keep it up, President O.

[Cross-posted at Group News Blog.]


Viwe of yard throught night vision goggles
Here's another installment of my Great American Lesbian Novel (in progress), Ginny Bates. If you are new to reading GB, go to the section in the right-hand column labeled Ginny Bates to read background and find out how to catch up.

(Winter 2018-2019)

Allie and Chris were still there an hour later when Margie walked over with one of Frances' rustic loaves and a bowl of seafood marinara. "Franny said she wasn't sure you'd have fresh bread and, well, we always have marinara" said Margie. "Plus, I wanted to see how you were doing."

"Better, thanks to all your help last night" said Myra. At that moment the doorbell rang and Margie said "I'm up, I'll get it." She returned with a package, setting it before Myra. Myra used the butter knife to open it and said "My night vision goggles!"

"Your what?" asked Allie.

"Myra went shopping as a way of dealing with her sasquatch visitation, before we called Nancy" said Ginny.

"Your what?" repeated Margie. Ginny gave her the short version as Myra installed batteries and tried on her goggles. "It's too bright in here, I can't tell how they'll work" complained Myra, as Margie kept repeating "No way, no way" to Ginny.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009


(Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama attend the Middle Class Working Families Task Force event in the East Room of the White House in Washington, January 30, 2009. Photo by Larry Downing for Reuters.)

The Senate is not listening. I'm willing to bet they never will, really. We have to replace them.

In the meantime, we have work to get done. And instead of doing that work, the Right is in lockstep to send our new President into Fail as soon as possible, no matter who goes down with him. (They have their money and protection already, thanks to Bush, and it will take more than short while to actually get them out from behind their gates.) While people all over this country are without heat or light, not eating reliably, being evicted and foreclosed on, losing jobs and not qualifying for ANY kind of assistance except the sporadic "faith-based" kind, giving up on college, sliding into disability and death because of no health care, afraid to eat peanut butter or spinach or (fill in the blank this week), worried about dams and bridges and overpasses -- while we are under SIEGE because of failed conservative policies, Republicans and some idiot Democrats are filling the corporate-controlled airwaves with bleating about how the economic stimulus package must not be passed for this or that reason.

The real reason behind their opposition is to strip President Obama of the power which we, the masses, awarded him in this election.



(Graphic provided by ZenComix.)

I'm celebrating Blogroll Amnesty Day today for the first time. For a full explanation, see the originator Jon Swift. The short version is, it's a chance for bigger blogs to promote smaller blogs whom they read and/or wish to support. But I'm a small blog, so I'm employing the caveat that it doesn't have to be smaller than me: It just has to be choice blogs for whom I'd like to blow a celebratory horn.

Below is my "Check These Out" list. Not all of these blogs publish every day, or even every week. But I love each and every post they produce, I learn from them, I find my energy and spirits raised by reading them. Some of these bloggers have become my (cyber)friends because of exchanges we make to each other's blogs. And, it just so happens, they are all blogs created by women. Go figure.

Flip Flopping Joy mastheadFlip Flopping Joy -- by BrownFemiPower (whom I discovered at La Chola because of last year's B.A.D.): BFP writes about everything pertaining to the human condition, from a WOC, no limits perspective. She IS the leading edge, the event horizon.

Liza Cowan in greef scarf January 2007 See Saw -- by Liza Cowan at Pine Street Art Works, Burlington, Vermont: About art + retail, plus politics, pop culture, and did we mention art?

Sue Katz Sue Katz: Consenting Adult -- by Sue Katz: Frank talk, critical views and a belly laugh now and again

Ojibway Migis Bineshii Ojibway Migisi Bineshii -- by Ojibway Migisi Bineshii: News and information about Aboriginal, First Nations, Indigenous and Native people worldwide from an Ojibway feminist perspective.

Crow logo for Kat of BitchCraft BitchCraft -- by Kat: Feminism, music, and geekiness, free of party lines or pontification.

Womanist Musings Masthead
Womanist Musings -- by Renee: Humanist, pacifist, womanist, deep deep voice against racism and classism -- thank god this woman is also raising children.

Carolyn Gage Carolyn Gage -- by Carolyn Gage: Lesbian-feminist plays, musicals, one-acts, and monologues


Here's the weekly best of what I've gleaned from I Can Has Cheezburger efforts. There are some really creative folks out there. As usual, those from little gator lead the pack.


Monday, February 2, 2009


Sumeg Village House, Patrick's Point, California (Sumeg Village House, Patrick's Point, California)

Here's another installment of my Great American Lesbian Novel (in progress), Ginny Bates. If you are new to reading GB, go to the section in the right-hand column labeled Ginny Bates to read background and find out how to catch up.

Late October 2018

Myra began laughing. She and Ginny looked at each other without hurry. Myra had always been someone who preferred to keep her eyes open when kissing, but she could remember, before Ginny, this was almost always colored by fear. With Ginny, it was joy, the kind of anticipation before opening a present from your oldest friend, sure it was going to be a good one.

Ginny closed the gap slowly. As her mouth met Myra's, she made a sound of appreciation, as if tasting an extraordinary food, and breathed out slightly. Myra found herself literally dizzy with desire. Without remembering how it came to be, Myra found she was lying on the couch with Ginny full on top of her, their thighs between each other's knees, making out with abandon and a lifetime of practice.

Myra found she was not worried about the boundary that existed at the moment. She knew neither of them would cross it without prior communication. Kissing was its own universe, and they went on for a pile-up of minutes, stopping to catch their breath, laugh, and take in another look at their illuminated faces.


Sunday, February 1, 2009


(Still from the Patterson Film, Bluff Creek, California, 1963)

Here's another installment of my Great American Lesbian Novel (in progress), Ginny Bates. If you are new to reading GB, go to the section in the right-hand column labeled Ginny Bates to read background and find out how to catch up.

Late October 2018

Myra felt a second shock at hearing Ginny's words. She listened to Ginny sketch out what had occurred last night and today. One thing she had to say for Ginny, she could do succinct and thorough at the same time.

At the end, Ginny said “So what do we do? Run back to Seattle and get help there? Buy an AK-47 and let her get arrested for shooting it off in a municipal area?” Ginny wasn't laughing, and Myra guessed Nancy wasn't either.

“From my end? Well, I thought it was going extremely well. We haven't gone somewhere that wasn't a book tour or a gallery opening since our trip to Brazil, and before that, really, it was when we went to the Clabbered Scablands right after we got together. We simply haven't gone away from home alone together enough. This was working, at least for me. I felt like we were deepening our connection. We were doing some art, but more we were spending time as companions. And – this may play a role in what went awry – I feel like the sexual tension has been a lot thicker. In a good way.”

Myra realized she was staring at Ginny. She had to agree, now that she heard it put in bald terms like that.