Saturday, August 2, 2008


(Photo by Stephen Feinstein)

Another installment of my Great American Lesbian Novel (in progress), Ginny Bates. If you are new to reading GB, go to the section in the right-hand column labeled Ginny Bates to read background and find out how to catch up.

December 2012

Over the next few days, Nika opted to again house-sit while they were gone but accepted the panic button to wear around her neck. Once in DC, Myra and Allie had a wonderful time eating breakfast and dinner together as Ginny plunged into yet another painting. During "work hours", Myra haunted some sections of various archives while Allie scoured others. Allie followed Myra's lead by siphoning countless images into an online vault where she could retrieve them later.

Their third night, they met up at a deli near their hotel and got take-out, bringing it back to the hotel room to eat. Ginny was about to take a nap, having no idea what time of day it was once the sun went down,. She decided to eat with them, heaping her plate with dolmas and Greek salad in addition to lamb and eggplant kebab. Allie had chicken schwarma, and Myra was rhapsodic over the hummus and sprouts in her beef gyro.


Friday, August 1, 2008


Another installment of my Great American Lesbian Novel (in progress), Ginny Bates. If you are new to reading GB, go to the section in the right-hand column labeled Ginny Bates to read background and find out how to catch up.

Into December 2012

On Saturday night, all five of the under-30 set, including Nika, went out clubbing with Davonn and his circle of friends. Myra noticed that Margie loaned Nika her Armani jacket, now eight years old but still gorgeous. Gillam was voluble about how much fun Jane was going to have, and Carly smelled strongly of Axe when she hugged him goodbye.

Once they eddied out the front door, the house became abruptly silent except for the jangle of Narnia's collar as she stood in the foyer, looking at the space where Margie had just been. Ginny said to Myra "What shall be do with ourselves?"

"Well, I don't think Narnia got her evening constitutional, so I want to get that out of the way. Afterward, how about if we sit in the peace of the hot tub?" said Myra.

"I'll walk with you" said Ginny. Narnia's ears lifted.


Thursday, July 31, 2008


In 1978-79, I often visited a lesbian household in Castro Street which included Hillary Carlip. She was mostly unknown at that time, though I did see her perform several times in a local theater troupe of four Jewish lesbians who were all around 5 feet tall -- I can't remember the name of the troupe, just that it had "short" in the title. I do remember vividly, however, that intermittently Hillary would appear on a bare stage with a shopping cart, dressed as a variety of characters, reading aloud from a shopping list as she mimed buying the items.

Turns out, the shopping lists were real, ones she picked up at check-out stands, in grocery store parking lots, left behind in carts -- something she'd been doing for years. She created the "characters" based on the list, what it contained, how it was written, on what kind of paper, etc. These were absolutely brilliant snapshots of personality, and her vignettes were by far the most popular part of the troupe's bill of fare.

Hillary and her anthropological talent have stayed strong in my memory. I've written about her twice, once fleetingly in Ginny Bates (where Myra meets Kat Whitaker while living in San Fran the summer of 1979) and once in my short story "The Red Queen". She's gone on to do a wide range of creative endeavors, such as teaching Ellen Degeneres how to be a fire-eater, winning a prize on the Gong Show, writing books like Girl Power: Young Women Speak Out and Queen of the Oddballs: And Other True Stories from a Life Unaccording to Plan, and a bit part in Xanadu.

But she's continued her shopping list characterizations, and I was thrilled to find out yesterday, via an NPR story, that she has now written a book about her lists and their creators. It's called A La Cart: The Secret Lives of Grocery Shoppers, and you can go here to watch a funny promotional video about it (with a bonus cameo by Amy Sedaris). You can also check out her website at Hillary Carlip.

It's funny that in our wet-behind-the-ear twenties we knew each other and have each gone on to become memoirists in very different ways. I'm glad to share her with you. You go, girl.


(Etta Candy, sidekick to Wonder Woman)

Hey, ya'll, just want to remind you, I'm posting regularly over at Group News Blog, as in this new post Accountability Versus Blame.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


From YouTube: Cab Calloway with Fayard and Harold Nicholas in Stormy Weather, 1943. Fred Astaire said this sequence was the finest piece of tap dancing ever filmed. Damn right.

Another installment of my Great American Lesbian Novel (in progress), Ginny Bates. If you are new to reading GB, go to the section in the right-hand column labeled Ginny Bates to read background and find out how to catch up.

Thanksgiving 2012

They made pies for 250 people that night, 14 different varieties. With Myra and Ginny picking up the bill, no canned filling or pre-made crusts were used. Myra rolled dough until her forearms ached while the rest of the crew chopped fresh fruit or pumpkin and got the innards ready to fill crust after crust. As the pies baked in stages -- there weren't enough ovens to do all of them at once -- Myra went over the next day's plan with her crew.

After years of planning the menu and buying ingredients, the shelter's head cook had decreed Myra competent to run the holiday shifts on her own. A single shelter staff member showed up to deal with emergencies; otherwise, it was up to Myra and family to pull things off. Myra had created laminated task sheets and timelines which were now taped to the refrigerator door. She asked Nika and Jane to decide which area of responsibility they thought they would enjoy the most, and attach themselves to someone already doing that work.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Here's the weekly best of what I've gleaned from I Can Has Cheezburger efforts. There are some really creative folks out there. As usual, those from little gator lead the pack.


Monday, July 28, 2008


Another installment of my Great American Lesbian Novel (in progress), Ginny Bates. If you are new to reading GB, go to the section in the right-hand column labeled Ginny Bates to read background and find out how to catch up.

October to November 2012

Carly left early Monday morning with a platter of salmon croquettes he had personally cooked. Myra and Ginny met with Nancy and Alveisa, but the last hour of the paperwork with Alveisa showed Ginny was distracted and needed second explanations of items, quite unlike her. On the way home, Myra said "Painting?"

"I'm sorry, yes. Another big canvas. I don't know why I've switched over to large format."

"It's fine, Gin. I'll check in with you as seeds arrive in the mail and get things planted. Otherwise, I'll be working my ass off this week as well."

On Sunday evening they caught a flight to Atlanta, leaving Nika as housesitter again. After three days of research, Myra slept 12 hours and had a long conference call with Allie and Chris, talking about what she had learned or was beginning to wonder about. The conversation eventually shifted to Chris's dictionary and Allie's final draft of her latest graphic history, and when Myra got off the phone, she said to Ginny, "I can't believe what all we are doing. Who'da thunk it?"


Sunday, July 27, 2008


Just a few. More after the fold.



Hey, lovelies. I'm doing better -- the breathing is nearly back to normal -- but still extremely low energy. So, I'm not writing like I wish I was. Still, I wanted to share some great news that was waiting for me in my inbox just now. Three of the poems I've previously had published in the Texas Poetry Calendar -- in 2007, 2006 and 2000 respectively -- have been requested to be republished in the forthcoming "best-of-the-first-decade" anthology of the Texas Poetry Calendar, Big Land, Big Sky, Big Hair: Best of the Texas Poetry Calendar's First Decade. I'm enormously pleased, and of course will accept the offer from Scott Wiggerman and David Meischen, the vibrant new-ish editors of the TPC and founders of Dos Gatos Press.

So you don't have to wait for the calendar to come out to read my three selected poems (although I do earnestly hope you buy copies of the calendar, they are great publications), I'll copy in the poems after the fold.