(Chart showing known country of origin for my ancestors; click on image to enlarge)
(covers 10 generations from current back to mid 1600s; 143 different lineages, with some names having more than one lineage)
Key to ethnicity (strongly likely but not 100% certain)
White (standard test) means earliest known was born in America [73 or 51%, including one documented Native American; all born in Southern states except 1 born in Pennsylvania; Southern states include Georgia 1, Maryland 4, North Carolina 28, South Carolina 2, Tennessee 5, Virginia 32]
Silver means nothing about origins known of earliest name [3 or 2%]
Yellow means born in England [42 or 29%]
Fuscia means born in Denmark [2 or 1.4%]
Lime green means born in Germany [4 or 2.8%]
Dark green means born in Ireland [7 or 4.9%]
Red means Scots [9 or 6.3%]
Purple means born in Holland [1 or 0.7%]
Aqua means born in Switzerland [2 or 1.4%]
Alexander (Origins not known, earliest known born ca. 1794, migrated to Jefferson Co., IN by 1815)
Armstrong [Earliest known born ca. 1725 Scotland; son 1748 in Montgomery Co., NC]
Asher [Earliest known born 1778 in NC, possibly Person Co.]
Atkins [Earliest known is born ca. 1645 in Diseworth, Leiscestershire, England; son John Francis migrated to Lunenburg, VA by 1708]
Ballard [Earliest known born ca. 1720, possibly in Orange Co., NC]
Banaster [Earliest known born ca. 1604 in Lancashire, England]
Barnett [Earliest known born in South Carolina, migrated to Caldwell County, KY before 1800]
Barron [Earliest known born 1617 in London, England, migrated to James City Co., VA]
Basinger [Earliest known born ca. 1785 in North Carolina]
Bayes [Earliest known born ca. 1725 in Lunenburg Co., VA]
Baylis [Earliest ca. 1800 in Weakley Co., TN]
Berkeley [Earliest known born ca. 1593 in VA, possibly Elizabeth City]
Blackwell [Earliest known born ca. 1620 in Watford and Clements Inn, England, migrated to York Co., VA by 1647]
Bolling (Origins not known but had child 1723 in Chesterfield Co., VA)
Boone (yes, THAT Boone) [Earliest known born 1605 in Exeter, Devonshire, England; migrated to Berks Co., PA where eventually descendant Daniel was born; Quakers]
Bourland [Earliest born 1725 Londonderry, Ireland; lived in Augusta Co., VA and Wilkes Co., NC]
Briggs [Earliest known born ca. 1662 in Surrey Co., VA]
Brinker [Earliest known born ca. 1634 in Denmark]
Bryan [Earliest known born 1671 in Denmark; migrated to Chester Co., PA, then Shenandoah, VA; buried in Rowan Co., NC; Morgan Bryan Sr. was expelled as a Tory from North Carolina after the American Revolution]
Butner [Earliest known born ca. 1740, perhaps in MD, but living in Rowan Co. NC by 1762]
Camp [Earliest known born ca. 1559 in Essex Co., England; ; descendant Thomas migrated to Virginia before 1690, probably King & Queen Co.; his grandson Thomas was a Revolutionary patriot who had 24 children, including 5 who participated in the Battle of King's Mountain]
Cannon [Earliest known born ca. 1685 in Lower Norfolk Co., VA]
Caraway [Earliest known born 1590 in Lacock, Calne, England, his son migrated to Lower Norfolk, VA as an indentured servant while in his teens and earned his freedom by his early 30s]
Carleton [Earliest known born ca. 1590 in England, probably Cumberland; migrated to Ballinacarrick, Ireland]
Carothers [Earliest known born ca. 1708 in Howmaine, Scotland; appears to have been involved in Jacobite uprising and deported/fled to Donegal, Ireland; son Andrew migrated to PA in 1765, fought in the American Revolution from North Carolina and was commended for his command of a unit at the Battle of King's Mountain.]
Carter [Earliest known born 1762 in Dinwiddie Co., VA, served in the American Revolutionary Army in the company of Captain Peterson Goodwin, who is mentioned in the song "Yankee Doodle"]
Catford [Earliest known born ca. 1600 in Devonshire, England]
Cheisand [Earliest known born ca. 1652 in England, migrated to New Kent Co., VA before 1685]
Cook [Earliest known born ca. 1766 in NC, perhaps Anson Co.]
Crenshaw [Earliest known born ca. 1621 in England, migrated to York Co., VA before 1647]
Davis (more than one line) [Earliest known (1) born 1686 in Manokin, Somerset Co., MD; (2) origins unknown but married 1793 in Pittsylvania Co., VA]
Delahay/Dillahay [Earliest known born ca. 1707 in Surrey Co., VA]
Dixon [Earliest known born ca. 1554 in Deal, Kent, England]
Dolman [Earliest known born ca. 1609 in Yorkshire, England.]
Donaldson [Earliest known born ca. 1725 in Glasgow, Scotland; migrated to America before 1748 and lived in Orange Co., NC; son was a Revolutionary soldier from Person Co., NC]
Duke [Earliest known born ca. 1712 in Granville Co., NC]
Dykes [Earliest known born ca. 1759 in Jackson Co., GA]
Ewens [Earliest known born 1594/95 in St. Botolph, Aldgate, London, England; daughter Margaret migrated to James City Co., VA]
Farmer (more than one line) [Earliest known (1) born ca. 1667 in Taunton, Somersetshire, England; (2) born ca. 1560 in London, England]
Fitzgerald [Earliest known born ca. 1574 in Ballymoe, Ireland]
Forehand [Earliest known born ca. 1790, possibly Johnston Co., NC]
Foster [Earliest known born around 1600 in England]
Fuller [Earliest known born ca. 1550 in Deal, Kent, England; grandson William migrated to Anne Arundel Co., MD by 1655]
Gilliam [Earliest known origins not sure but died ca. 1738 in Surrey Co., VA]
Gillespie [Earliest known born late 1600s in Scotland]
Goheen [Earliest known was Revolutionary soldier from Rowan Co., NC]
Green [Earliest known born ca. 1770 in VA, possibly Lunenburg Co.]
Gunning [Earliest known was born ca. 1565 in Bristol, Gloucester, England]
Hancock (Origins not known, had first child in Snow Hill, Worcester Co., MD in 1776)
Hardy (more than one line) [Earliest known (1) Origins not known, lived early 1700s in Bertie Co., NC; (2) born ca. 1725 in Amelia Co., VA]
Harrell [Earliest known born ca. 1690 in Bertie Co., NC]
Harrison [Origins unknown but married 1710 in Richmond Co., NC]
Hastings [Earliest known born ca. 1670 in Henrico Co., VA]
Hatchett [Earliest known born ca. 1663 in Holland]
Hill (more than one line) [Earliest known (1) born early 1800s in Darlington Dist., SC; (2) origins unknown, born ca. 1684 and died 1723 in Sussex Co., VA]
Holloway [Earliest known born ca. 1720, possibly in Orange Co., NC]
Howcott [Origins not known; lived in Bertie Co., NC]
Hudson [Earliest known born ca. 1800 in NC]
Hutchinson [Earliest known born ca. 1625 in England, migrated to Lower Norfolk Co., VA.]
Huntley [Earliest known born 1745 in Gulledge Twp., Anson Co., NC]
James (Origins not known but married 28 Apr 1775 in MD]
Jarman [Earliest known born mid 1700s in NC, possibly Duplin Co.]
Jones (more than one line) [Earliest known (1) born ca. 1660 in Upper Norfolk or Nansemond Co, VA; (2) origins unknown but born ca. 1719, living in Albemarle Parish, Sussex Co., VA in 1740s]
Kemp [Earliest known born in mid 1600s in Lower Norfolk Co., VA]
King [Earliest known born 1780 in Sampson Co., NC]
Lancaster [Origins not known; lived in Duplin Co. NC in mid 1700s]
Littleton (more than one line) [Earliest known (1) origins not known; lived in Somerset Co., MD in mid 1600s; (2) origins not known but married 1667 in Nansemond Co., VA]
Lisle [Earliest known born ca. 1400 in England, probably Isle of Wight; first documented in this line, George de Insula, chose the surname of Lisle when all England was forced to assume surnames by decree of Henry V.]
Lott (more than one line) [Earliest known (1) born ca. 1759 unknown but had first child in Mecklenburg Co., VA in 1779; (2) born ca. 1758 in Fairfield Co., SC]
Loveringe [Earliest known born ca. 1600 in Bradninch, Devonshire, England]
Lucas [Earliest known born ca. 1666 in Surrey Co., VA]
McCarthy [Earliest known born ca. 1596 in Clodane, Ireland; migrated to Westmoreland Co., VA]
McDaniel [Earliest known born ca. 1740 in NC, possibly Orange Co.]
McElroy [Earliest known born 1775 Laurens Dist., SC]
Mark [Earliest known born 1638 in Mosedale, Cumberland, England; died 1698 in Ballylekin, Kings, Ireland; granddaughter migrated to Rowan Co., NC]
Marshall [Earliest known born ca. 1570 in Kerry Co., Ireland; son John migrated to Westmoreland Co., VA]
Martiau [Earliest known born ca. 1547 in France, son born ca. 1590 in York, Yorkshire, England and migrated to York Co., VA by 1622]
Massey [Earliest known born 1832 in TN, possible Lawrence Co.]
Maugridge [Earliest known born 1590 in Bradninch, Devonshire, England]
Mayes [Earliest known born 1710 in Hanover Co., VA]
Meadors/Meadows [Earliest known born ca. 1612-1618 in Bristol, Suffolk, England and migrated to Charles Parish,York Co., VA by 1637]
Milton [Earliest known born ca. 1590 in Devonshire, England]
Moore (more than two lines) [Earliest known (1) born mid 1750s in Henrico Co., VA; (2) origins not known, had child mid 1700s in Bertie Co., NC]
Morgan [Earliest known born ca. 1783 in NC]
Morris (Choctaw) [Earliest known is Elijah born 1827-1829 in TN or perhaps AL; died 13 July 1865 in Pulaski, Giles Co. TN while serving in Union Army, Company C, 6th Tenn Cav; no more is known]
Morrison [Earliest known born early 1700s in Scotland]
Morton [Earliest known came to America ca. 1670, place of origin not known; grandson Thomas fought in Virginia Colonial Militia, 1651-1776; great-grandson Thomas served in Captain John Dalton's Company, 2nd Regiment of the Tennessee Militia at the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812, died on the way home via the Natchez Trace.]
Murphy [Earliest known born ca. 1794 in Pittsylvania Co., VA?]
Myers [Earliest known born 1777 in Lexington, Davidson, NC]
Neely [Earliest known born ca. 1722 in County Tyrone, Ireland; migrated to PA, probably County of York or Cumberland Co.]
Norvell [Earliest known born ca. 1648 in James City, VA]
Ochsner [Earliest born late 1600 in Volken Schweyh, Switzerland; migrated to Moore Co., NC]
Parker (more than one line) [Earliest known (1) born ca. 1624 in Lancashire, England; (2) lived in Somerset Co., MD in 1690s]
Pinkston [Earliest born 1767 in Rowan Co., NC]
Pitman [Earliest known born 1785 in Orange Co., NC]
Randolph [Earliest known born ca. 1723 in Chesterfield Co., VA]
Rasco [Earliest known born 1754 in Bertie Co., NC]
Reicher [Earliest known born 1747 in Pennsylvania]
Ritchie [Earliest known born ca. 1760 in VA]
Robertson (Origins unknown but had child ca. 1725 in Lunenburg Co., VA]
Sandefer [Earliest known born 1675 in York Co., VA]
Sappenfield [Earliest known born 1743 in Germany; migrated to Rowan Co., NC by 1760]
Sewell/Sowell [Earliest known born ca. 1576 in England, possibly Gloucestershire; line migrated to Lower Norfolk Co., VA and Chowan Co., NC]
Shelton [Earliest known born 1664 in VA]
Sherwood [Earliest known living mid 1600s in Old Rappahannock Co., VA]
Smith (more than one line) [Earliest known (1) born 1793 in NC; (2) born ca. 1798 in NC, migrated to Fayette Co., TN by 1840s]
Speight [Earliest known born ca. 1715 in Wake Co, NC]
Spivey [Earliest known born ca. 1650 in Isle of Wight Co., VA]
Starling [Earliest known born 1720 in Accomack Co., VA]
Stafford [Earliest born ca. 1790 in Devonshire, England]
Stewart [Origins not known]
Stone [Earliest known born ca. 1686 in Anson Co., NC]
Stroud/Strode [Earliest known born ca. 1515 in Shepton Mallet, Somerset, England]
Stutts [Earliest known born 1688 in Switzerland, migrated to Moore Co., NC]
Sumner [Earliest known born ca. 1778 in NC]
Taylor [Earliest known born ca. 1776 in VA]
Thompson [Earliest known mid 1600s in Wexford, Ireland]
Truitt (Origins not known; may have lived in Somerset Co., MD in 1600s)
Turner (more than one line) [Earliest known (1) born 1729 in Northampton Co., VA; (2) born ca. 1820 England, migrated to Fayette Co., TN by 1843]
Uppey [Earliest known born 1628 in Stoke Canon, Devonshire, England]
Ussery/Eure [Earliest known born ca. 1604 in Belton Isle Axholme, Lincolnshire, England; son migrated to Virginia before 1685.]
Wade (Origins not known)
Walker [Earliest known born 1768 in Orange Co., NC]
Watson [Earliest known born ca. 1633 in Shropshire, England; line migrated to Kings and Carlow Cos., Ireland]
Weatherford [Earliest known born ca. 1721 in Amelia Co., VA]
Wells [Earliest ca. 1800 in Weakley Co., TN]
Whitaker [Earliest known born ca. 1506 in England, probably Yorkshire region]
White [Earliest known born ca. 1633 in England and migrated to VA by 1657]
Whiting [Earliest known born ca. 1517 in Shepton Mallet, Somerset, England]
Whittington [Earliest known was born ca. 1580 in Bristol, Gloucester, England]
Williams (more than one line) [Earliest known (1) circa 1790s in Moore Co., NC; (2) born mid 1600s in Chowan Co., NC]
Woodson (Origins not known)
Worsham [Earliest known born ca. 1675 in VA, possibly Henrico Co.]
Wyatt [Earliest known born ca. 1670 in Taunton, Somersetshire, England]
Wynns [Earliest known born ca. 1654 in VA]
Young [Earliest known born ca. 1684 unknown but living in Norfolk Co., VA in 1721] (Click on image to enlarge)
(Click on image to enlarge)
(Click on image to enlarge)
© 2009 Maggie Jochild
Sunday, August 15, 2004
(Chart showing known country of origin for my ancestors; click on image to enlarge)
(covers 10 generations from current back to mid 1600s; 143 different lineages, with some names having more than one lineage)
Key to ethnicity (strongly likely but not 100% certain)
White (standard test) means earliest known was born in America [73 or 51%, including one documented Native American; all born in Southern states except 1 born in Pennsylvania; Southern states include Georgia 1, Maryland 4, North Carolina 28, South Carolina 2, Tennessee 5, Virginia 32]
Silver means nothing about origins known of earliest name [3 or 2%]
Yellow means born in England [42 or 29%]
Fuscia means born in Denmark [2 or 1.4%]
Lime green means born in Germany [4 or 2.8%]
Dark green means born in Ireland [7 or 4.9%]
Red means Scots [9 or 6.3%]
Purple means born in Holland [1 or 0.7%]
Aqua means born in Switzerland [2 or 1.4%]
Posted by
Maggie Jochild
7:13 PM
Labels: genealogy, surname research