Friday, August 29, 2008


Image by Darkblack
Just a reminder, I'm also a staff writer over at Group News Blog and I have a new post up there today: Noun, Verb, POW.


Del Martin, circa 2008
Today I received an e-mail containing the personal statement of Kate Kendell, executive director of the National Center of Lesbian Rights, about her mourning the loss of Del Martin. I wanted to share it with all of you.

It is always hard for me to write when the topic is personal. This is such a moment. Today, August 27, 2008 a personal hero, transformative icon, deeply cherished role-model and my friend, Del Martin, died at the age of 87. Even though Del had been in the hospital for almost two weeks and those of us who visited her could all see her steep decline and knew this moment was inevitable, I still can’t quite grasp a life and career without Del as a larger than life influence. I am heartbroken for Phyllis Lyon, who for 55 years made a vibrant intimate and public life with Del.

Phyllis and Del certainly had their own individual interests and personalities, but their life and love as a couple and their commitment to living that life openly, with honesty and integrity, is what millions of folks around the world will remember. The picture of Del and Phyllis marrying 4 years ago and then again on June 16, in the wake of our landmark victory in the California State Supreme Court, is an image that melted hearts and opened minds. They were the face for our fight to win the right to marry the person we love—and after 55 years of commitment to one another, who could possibly deny them that cherished right?

Del’s entire life was marked by moments of singular courage, intelligence and insight. She was always ready to discuss—and argue—politics, international affairs, women’s issues, social justice causes and the history of the LGBT movement. My fondest memories were laughing and gossiping as we sat in their modest home with the million-dollar views of San Francisco. Over these past months, we were able to do that often and over that time it was clear that Del’s health was slipping. But her mind and wit never left. In one of my last hospital visits Del was in pain, with doctors trying all sorts of combinations of medication to ease her discomfort. At one point she grimaced. “Oh, Del I am so sorry,” I said. “Not as sorry as I am,” she replied with a wry smile.

In so many ways, I have lived a life filled with extraordinary gifts. My work, my family, my friends and colleagues are all a rich and varied quilt of enriching relationships and profound connections. I have been mentored by women and men of enormous talent and generosity. In all my life I have never known a person more remarkable than Del Martin. I will miss her every day.

My pledge is to honor her unsurpassed legacy by working every day to keep alive her vision for full equality and justice for all of us. Now, more than ever, I am committed to waking up on November 5 with Prop 8 defeated with a brighter future for every LGBT person assured. Now I am doing it for Del and her beloved widow, Phyllis. I hope you will, too.

We now have a fierce and mighty angel on our side. Please hold Phyllis in your hearts and take just a moment to be grateful that our world and community knew Del Martin.

With a heavy heart,
Kate Kendell (NCLR) National Center For Lesbian Rights

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Ihara Saikaku
Here's another installment of my Great American Lesbian Novel (in progress), Ginny Bates. If you are new to reading GB, go to the section in the right-hand column labeled Ginny Bates to read background and find out how to catch up.

7 June 2013

Myra slept to her usual time, and when she got up, Gillam had left hotcakes in the oven for her made with leftover corn from the night before. She sandwiched these with ricotta and sliced fruit, and carried her plate out to the carport. The smell of petroleum products strong enough when the opened the door. She pulled a folding chair from the camping gear in the cupboard and set it up several feet away, in clear air.

"Where are Jane and Gillam, I thought they'd be out here with you" Myra asked.

"They ran to a store which sells fancy-schmancy knobs and hardware, to pick out a clasp and new hinges. I put some pigment down on a card, of what I'm planning to use in the way of color, to help them in their decision." Ginny was as focused and happy as she was when in Painterland, but not quite as uncommunicative. That was interesting.


Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Phyllis Lyon and Del Martin in the 1950s Del Martin, a lesbian-feminist activist whose life work for liberation on a number of fronts never stopped, died today at the age of 87. Her lifelong partner Phyllis Lyon, whom she married legally at last in California in June 16, 2008, was by her side. Kate Kendell, executive director of the National Center of Lesbian Rights, announced Martin’s death today at a San Francisco hospital following complications from a broken arm which aggravated her previously existing health problems.



Here's another installment of my Great American Lesbian Novel (in progress), Ginny Bates. If you are new to reading GB, go to the section in the right-hand column labeled Ginny Bates to read background and find out how to catch up.


On Thursday, June 6, which was their actual anniversary, Ginny woke Myra up and they made love. They always promised the night before that it was not mandatory to make love on their anniversary, and somehow that agreement always cleared the decks for desire. They laughed about it afterward, showering together. As they were dressing, Ginny said "What would you like for brex, I'm making."

"Too bad we don't have the makings for leblebi. How about Ginny eggs, with those pumpernickel muffins we got yesterday and fried tomatoes?"

"We've got big lovely green tomatoes on the vine outside -- I'll make fried green tomatoes" said Ginny.

"With your buttermilk dressing? I'll eat as many as you can make" said Myra. She decided to have a 15-minute workout upstairs while Ginny was harvesting. When she joined her in the kitchen, she said "I need something to keep me busy. Besides starting those beef short ribs braising for lunch, I mean. I'm anxious."


Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I'm back on line. Living without internet access for FIVE DAYS was, well, harrowing.

Here's another installment of my Great American Lesbian Novel (in progress), Ginny Bates. If you are new to reading GB, go to the section in the right-hand column labeled Ginny Bates to read background and find out how to catch up.

April - May 2013

Nika stayed for dinner one night when Edwina was there, Allie having returned to another month of book tour. After they began eating, Nika said "I have some news. Thanks to Dr. Coy's -- I mean, Edwina's suggestion and intervention, I'd guess, I'm being allowed to pursue a double doctorate simultaneously instead of one. But it would affect my ability to work for you, starting next semester."

"Wow" said Myra. "Two Ph.D.s at once?"

"It'll make her doubly hirable wherever she wants to go" said Edwina. "She's brilliant, as you know."

"I do know. I'm sorry, Nika, I'm terrible at academese, I know the thesis you've been working on is a women's studies/linguistics amalgam about the evolving rhetoric of lesbian-feminism in the 70s, is that close enough?"

"Yeah" grinned Nika.

"So what's the second?"

"A comparison of Nez Perce vocabulary, grammar and gender-based word construction from earliest recorded sources to current usage" said Nika. "Chris offered to include me in her project."

"Hot diggity!" said Myra. "You'd be doing research for her, too?"

"Well, if you wouldn't feel slighted" said Nika.



Here's the weekly best of what I've gleaned from I Can Has Cheezburger efforts. There are some really creative folks out there. As usual, those from little gator lead the pack.