Saturday, November 10, 2007


Myra is the main cook for her family, day in and day out, but everyone contributes to meals and, in particular, Ginny is who brings veggie variety from their year-round garden, her blessed challah and her ever-fresh salad dressings to the table. This novel is, in its lesbian way, a hedonistic delight and that applies particularly to foodies. With that in mind, Myra is going to share her recipes for some of the dishes already mentioned in excerpts from Ginny Bates. These are tried and true. Take one to your next potluck -- it might just land you the love of your life.



(Bill Barnett age two, getting a drink beside trailer, Traypark, Pecos, Texas circa 1960)

Today is the birthday of my little brother, Bill David Barnett. He died at age 42, alone and in torment. Today I will be saying the kaddish for him, listening for a message from him, and missing him.

(Bill Barnett circa 1965, age 7, by living room doors in Dilley, Texas)

When he died, I said one of the eulogies at his funeral. Over a hundred people came, most of them his friends, working-class stoners in the best dress-up clothes they had, standing with disbelieving faces around the edge of the canopy. What I had to say about him did him credit. In a quiet way, I ripped the secrets of my family out into the open and kept his memory honest. I then said the kaddish, right there in front of all the fundamentalist Baptists on Daddy's side of the family. The minister (Daddy's first cousin's husband) who was running the show wanted to come over and forcibly shut me up, it was plain to everybody, but managed to restrain himself to simply standing over me and ranting at me about Jesus. Afterward, every single one of his friends came to shake my hand, many of them weeping, and thank me for living up to Bill's expectation.

(Bill and Maggie Barnett, Christmas 1972, visiting grandparents in Oklahoma)

A year later, I wrote a performance piece about him, "Homemade Kite". A dream in which he appeared was one of the ignition points for the novel I'm writing, Ginny Bates, and he plays a big role in that book as well.

(Fourth of July Parade for Bicentennial 1976, Denton, Texas, L-R: Gretchen, Maggie's partner as suffragist; Bill Barnett as Revolutionary soldier; and Maggie as suffragist)

After the fold is the eulogy, the performance piece, and more photos. I wish you could have heard him play blues guitar. I wish you could have known him.

(Bill with the first of his beloved black Labradors, Thor, in Stoneburg, Texas circa 1970)


Thursday, November 8, 2007


For the very beginning of my novel Ginny Bates, read the post at The Beginning here. The thumbnail version is: In the spring of 1985, Myra Josong wins the Washington State lottery, 7.2 million after taxes. She doesn't know how to handle this kind of money, but is naturally cautious and thrifty -- grew up poor from an endless line of poor people. She has insisted her best friend, Allie, stop work and begin pursuing a career as an artist while Myra likewise pursues her writing and her lesbian-feminist activism.

The next section in the novel begins after the fold.