Saturday, August 8, 2009


(Pya, showing island names; click to enlarge)

To begin reading this sci-fi novel or for background information, go to my Chapter One post from yesterday. To read about the background of the first novel, read my post here, which will also direct you to appendices. There is a glossary of sorts for this chapter at the end of this current post. Terms first introduced in previous chapters will not be re-explained here.

Blue, I hope you're having a speedy recovery! I rushed this just for you. Lub, Mags


The huolon raced the sun, flying into yesterday's dark of night, back into Moja. When Pyosz heard Abbo rouse Maar, she sat up and looked out the window: Impossible darkness in all directions, but who knew what kind of life below, and to what depth? It was the dark of one moon and crescent of another, not much in the way of light to reflect off the water.

After 20 minutes, though, Pyosz sensed a change in the blackness below, as if they'd passed over land. In the next second, she saw a dim light, unmistakably human, and knew they were over Mti, the small settlement of foresters, pig farmers, and woodworkers who perched on one edge of a woods-heavy island. She had family down there: Halling's siba Tu, her partner Pank who had also been Pyosz's habibi Veida's sibiya and so was kin in her own right, their only child Nk and her partner Frahe. She wished it were daylight and they were awake, because she felt sure they'd be out watching for her, to give her a wave. She like these cousins very much.


Friday, August 7, 2009


(Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni; pewter miniature designed by Alan Dickinson.)

I watch television with captioning turned on. Partly this is simply professional interest: As a transcriber, I want to see how fast and accurate others are. Mostly, I've not been impressed. More about that in a paragraph. Also, I have friends who are deaf/hearing impaired and I want to see what limits are in place on their access to TV. Third, I often watch in the middle of the night and if I have on captioning, I can reduce volume so much that I'm sure I'm not disturbing my apartment neighbors. Lastly, some information comes through in captioning (background song titles and artists, specialized terms, foreign language vocabulary) that isn't available in audio.

On regular channels using the captioning commercial TV provides, the performance has been absolutely shitty. Those hired to do the simultaneous translation -- because that's what on-the-spot transcription is -- clearly have only one time through to hear and type the information, and if they get behind (which they do), drop-outs occur. Big drop-outs in information, and sometimes actual reversal of meaning. Or, more likely, long strings of ASCII-like gobbledegook.

This changed recently, however, when HDTV came along and one of the options you can select during set-up is alternative captioning services. I tried a few of these, and settled on the first in the line-up. The transcription is exponentially better, and the additional information I mentioned above started appearing. There are occasional small errors, and even more rare, a howler of a mistake.


Thursday, August 6, 2009


(A string of cosmic pearls surround an exploding star; click on image to enlarge.)

Every Thursday, I post a very large photograph of some corner of space captured by the Hubble Space Telescope and available online from the picture album at HubbleSite.

Thunder is shaking the roof of my car
I will go through a desert for you
My thoughts are flying to where you are
I will go through a desert for you

Right on the edge of the storm
Tonight I'll be with you and warm
Oh, to lie in the circle of your arms
I will go through a desert for you
And for me
I will go through a desert for you

Oh, the sky had been falling
When I heard your voice calling me by name
Calling me by my name
Out of the corner of my eye
I saw you blazin' brightly by
You're such a shooting star
That's what you are
You're just a shooting star

Mountains are moving in the desert sun
I am crossing this desert for you
It is a lesson and it must be done
I am crossing this desert for you

Oh, the sky had been falling
When I heard your voice calling me by name
Calling me by my name
Out of the corner of my eye
I saw you blazin' brightly by
You're such a shooting star
That's what you are
You're just a shooting star

~~"Shooting Star", from The Changer And The Changed by Cris Williamson

(Eternal love to Annie Bell, who was the first to sing me this song and call me her shooting star.)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


(Footprint on the moon, July 1969. Photo from NASA. Click to enlarge.)

I can tell you in detail what I was doing this morning 40 years ago. It's the recent Moon Landing anniversary, and other hallmarks, which make it possible to be so precise. Plus my freaky memory, of course.

The previous Christmas, we had returned from a year in Aracaju, Brazil to spend holidays with family in North Texas and Southern Oklahoma before leaving for another year on my father's overseas contract, this second year to be in Singapore. The week between Christmas and New Year was spent in Stoneburg, Texas, where my mother (and many generations before her) had grown up, in the home of her adoptive mother, my grandmother Zura. Zura was in her 80s by that time, living alone in a crumbling farmhouse, and I think that is the reason my mother decided we -- her, me and my little brother Bill -- would stay in Stoneburg through the spring semester while Daddy went on to Singapore, taking his time in finding us a place to live.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Here's the weekly best of what I've gleaned from I Can Has Cheezburger efforts. There are some really creative folks out there. As usual, those from little gator lead the pack.

Kitteh Potty Training Gone Bad


Monday, August 3, 2009


(Pya, with named islands; click on image to enlarge)

To begin reading this sci-fi novel or for background information, go to my Chapter One post from yesterday. To read about the background of the first novel, read my post here, which will also direct you to appendices. There is a glossary of sorts for this chapter at the end of this current post. Terms first introduced in previous chapters will not be re-explained here.


Pyosz arrived at the Yanja jichang by 7:00 on the day she was going to Pya, delivered by the school sinner, whose pilot helped unload her trunk, her crate of books, a lunch hamper from the abbas, her katt Curds screaming non-stop in a carrier, and her carry-all. She was wearing her new otos, her red hat, her burzaka, and some of the work clothes which she had already washed once so they didn't look utterly new.