Saturday, August 25, 2007


In an article titled The Trouble With Anonymity on the Web , Annalee Newitz, columnist at Alternet, states "It turns out that the people who are hiding behind anonymity online for nefarious or selfish reasons are not little guys in pajamas but the very bastions of accountability that haters of the Web have deified. It's not a mean dude with a grudge who is spreading lies on Wikipedia but rather a member of the federal government or a journalist at The New York Times. Cultural anarchy online is coming not from the hordes of scribbling bloggers but from the same entities that have always posed a danger to culture: corporations and governments who refuse to take responsibility for what they're doing."

A software designer named Virgil Griffith has created a tool called Wikiscanner, which you can use to quickly check on who has been editing Wikipedia entries anonymously. Newitz writes "Virgil Griffith created Wikiscanner for a frankly political reason. As he told the Times of London, he did it 'to create minor public relations disasters for companies and organizations I dislike.' In the process, however, he's revealed something far more fundamental than the fact that acolytes of Pepsi and the CIA will stop at nothing to propagandize on behalf of their employers: he's undermined the myth of the anonymous blogger in the basement."

Now we need a tool to get by the proxies being used by woman-hating anonymous group assaults on feminist and Lesbian websites.

Also posted at Alternet, Barbara Ehrenreich remarks in Smashing Capitalism! we may be witnessing "the first case in history in which the downtrodden manage to bring down an unfair economic system without going to the trouble of a revolution."

She explains: "The American poor, who are usually tactful enough to remain invisible to the multi-millionaire class, suddenly leaped onto the scene and started smashing the global financial system...First they stopped paying their mortgages, a move in which they were joined by many financially stretched middle class folks, though the poor definitely led the way...Then, in a diabolically clever move, the poor - a category which now roughly coincides with the working class -- stopped shopping. Both Wal-Mart and Home Depot announced disappointing second quarter performances, plunging the market into another Arctic-style meltdown."

"All the evidence suggests that the current crisis is something the high-rollers brought down on themselves. When, for example, the largest private employer in America, which is Wal-Mart, starts experiencing a shortage of customers, it needs to take a long, hard look in the mirror. About a century ago, Henry Ford realized that his company would only prosper if his own workers earned enough to buy Fords.

"Wal-Mart, on the other hand, never seemed to figure out that its cruelly low wages would eventually curtail its own growth, even at the company's famously discounted prices. The sad truth is that people earning Wal-Mart-level wages tend to favor the fashions available at the Salvation Army. Nor do they have much use for Wal-Mart's other departments, such as Electronics, Lawn and Garden, and Pharmacy."

Go read it -- Barbara Ehrenreich is our consolation prize for losing Molly Ivins.

Painting by Lindee Climo
A post by Iva Skoch lists the Top Ten Least Religious Countries in the world:
1. Sweden (up to 85% non-believer, atheist, agnostic)
2. Vietnam
3. Denmark
4. Norway
5. Japan
6. Czech Republic
7. Finland
8. France
9. South Korea
10. Estonia (up to 49% non-believer, atheist, agnostic)

Skoch comments: "The one that surprised me was Israel, ranking 19th, with up to 37% claiming to be non-believer, atheist, agnostic. Compare that with the US, ranking 44th, with 3-9% non-believers, atheists, agnostics."

She quotes the survey as saying "high levels of organic atheism are strongly correlated with high levels of societal health, such as low homicide rates, low poverty rates, low infant mortality rates, and low illiteracy rates, as well as high levels of educational attainment, per capita income, and gender equality. Most nations characterized by high degrees of individual and societal security have the highest rates of organic atheism, and conversely, nations characterized by low degrees of individual and societal security have the lowest rates of organic atheism. In some societies, particularly Europe, atheism is growing. However, throughout much of the world – particularly nations with high birth rates – atheism is barely discernable." [emphasis mine]

(Thanks to Shadocat for the cartoon!) has concluded its contest for Best Political Bumper Stickers for 2008, and the results are below:


5. "GOP: Never surrender" -- LiberalArtist.
4. "It's our mess, it's only fair we clean it up" -- Drachen.
3. "GOP in '08! No, seriously!" -- DerekJ.
2. "9/11/2001. 9/11. 911. NineEleven. Boo! GOP in '08" -- monsteroflove.

And the winner:
1. "GuantánamoRE!" -- dirge.


5. "Remember America?" -- norm wilner.
4. "Bush/Cheney '08" -- :~)face.
3. "We Shouldn't Even Need A Slogan" -- ScottyRVA.
2. "Osama Still Has a Job. Do You?" -- myiq2xu.

And the winner:
1. "I'll drink beer with my friends, thanks" -- OMalley8.

Lastly, Dinah the Crack Kitty insists I mention an article on a study about How Felines Create Memories which indicates "memories involving actions are more long-lived for cats than those involving sight." She says this justifies her need to personally test out whether pushing an object off a high shelf will actually break said object. It's all about kinesthesia, she claims. I'd put her exact phrasing but you likely wouldn't be able to read it and it's obscene, anyhow.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

LITTLE MISS NO NAME (correction to earlier post)

(Photo by Liza Cowan, copyright hers)

Liza Cowan wrote me regarding my Poor Pitiful Pearl essay of 20 August 2007 below to say she didn't believe the doll my father brought me could have been a Poor Pitiful Pearl doll because she did not have a teardrop affixed to her cheek. She also knew they were quite expensive even back then. Liza owns a few of these dolls -- they were designed by William Stieg, and she intends to do a William Stieg exhibit at her gallery, Pine Street Art Works. She sent me this poster she's created for her exhibit, and the minute I looked at it, I realized it wasn't the doll I remembered.

Liza is seldom wrong, especially about matters of art and pop culture.

I plunged into research. I knew something about William Stieg -- his radical class politics, his long career as a cover artist for The New Yorker, his famous children's book Shrek (read the original, folks, don't rely on the movie). The Poor Pitiful Pearl doll was big at the time of my birthday as indicated, but...

I have a diary for the years 1964-1968. I kept it sporadically, and at times it is in code, but it's been immensely useful for verifying what occurred to me and my family during that terrible period. However, there was no entry for my birthday that particular year.

Finally, an extensive Google search turned up another doll from the same era named Little Miss No Name. When I found a photo, I had a visceral reaction -- That was it. Teardrop, rags, and the entire air of downtrodden poverty.

So, I correct the name here, but not the memory. And, in fact, the doll I did get was even worse, both in appearance and moniker, than Poor Pitiful Pearl. Did I unconsciously "upgrade" the memory?

Re-reading my diary also stirred up another set of memories about dolls, gender, gay identity, and child abuse. It's sparked a new essay, which will be forthcoming.

Stay tuned.


In the August 28, 2007 issue of The Advocate, the closing article "Mommy and Me" (not linked online) covers the work of Lesbian psychiatrist Nanette Gartrell and her largest-ever longitudinal studies of Lesbian mothers and their children. Beginning in 1986, she and her colleagues set out to "develop a database of the first generation of Lesbian families whose children had been conceived by planned insemination." Using a patchwork of small grants and her own savings, the National Longitudinal Lesbian Family Study has followed 156 Lesbian mothers in Boston, San Francisco, and Washington, DC since before their children were conceived until now. She met with them again when the children were 2, 5 and 10 years old. She intends to interview them again when the children are 17 and 25 years of age.


Monday, August 20, 2007


Maggie on her first birthday, 1956. I was allowed to demolish that angel food cake on the floor.

There were times as a child when I received no gifts at Christmas, or for my birthday.

You have no idea how hard that is to admit. I want to keep you from blaming my mother, but I cannot.