Thursday, February 27, 2014


I agreed to an 8 am appointment for the Star Plus Review program I am applying for (third attempt -- will pay for DME plus attendant care). The intake nurse showed up at 7:50. But we launched in, and an hour later I had given, once again, an exhaustive medical history, signed countless forms giving away my firstborn child, and was very ready for breakfast.

Tammi is out now getting copies, etc, preparing the last of my 20 page financial review portion of the Star Plus application. Exact same form I filled out earlier this month for food stamps, but when I called to see if one HHS department could share their info with the other department, I got a merry laugh and then a quote about the penalities of providing incorrect information. Your Republican "cost-cutting" process at work, all you fuckers who have voted for Dubya and Perry.

In other news, the cats are sequestered from each other all but five hours a day. I spend nights with Scout, afternoons with Dinah, and am always missing one of them, it feels like. But it is keeping Dinah eating. I need a cat whispered to come in and rewire Scoutie's brain.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Here's the recent best of what I've gleaned from I Can Has Cheezburger efforts. There are some really creative folks out there. {NOTE: Due to ICHC's filtering change. the offerings there are much less imaginative and plentiful, and weekly selections are often not possible to gather in a decent number.}