Thanks those of you keeping tabs and wondering at my silence. It's pretty tough right now: Extreme physical weakness and no nursing help, intermittent diarrhea, and not eating enough -- no real appetite plus making a meal leaves me exhausted. In addition, to get around the hit-or-miss wifi on my bedroom netbook, Barbara brought me a router which I couldn't get set up right for 24 hours, bumping me offline (which some of you noticed).
Good news is the wifi is now working and throbbingly strong, your donations continue to arrive, my incision is clean and tightly knit, Thanksgiving is not a holiday where I miss my family, and Dinah's devotion is striking. So I push on. Facebook is a fun diversion at the moment, as is the early release of Westward IV. I'll write more now that I can get through reliably. Love and cornbread stuffing to y'all.
What a gorgeous painting. The look on her face...
Sending you lovins, as always.
I don't know you and you don't know me, but your writing is what I look forward too. I hope that 'all is well that can be'.
mmmm cornbread stuffing....
love and hugs and glad that the wifi is strong!
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