Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Mama with the steam iron, Christmas 1973, Stoneburg

When Margot was here last month, she found a small stash of old Polaroids from my past family Christmases that we scanned into my hard drive to save. I was thinking about those images and the gatherings they represented as I went to sleep last night.

For a couple of years in the mid 1960s, while we lived in Dilley, we had what I remember as wholly good Christmas celebrations. Mama had energy to spare, and she was moved to create crafts with us, guide us through the actual making of presents and imaginative baking. She used patterns from Good Housekeeping and Redbook to fashion decorations from inexpensive materials. We could rely on enough to eat for Christmas dinner those years, and my father would be home for more than a day, and we did not spend all our time crammed together in the Chevy driving to see far-flung grandparents.

The truth is, maybe it was just one Christmas that was good. I remember sitting on the floor under the new aluminum tree with the colour wheel rotating on it, and Mama reading to us from Luke or Matthew while we waiting for the turkey to cook. She would then tell us the story of the first Christmas present she ever got, a miniature kerosene lantern, when she was age five, and an entire orange: A huge treat during the Depression for an orphaned girl. She would begin crying as she explained to us that was why we always got a Clementine in our stockings, and I would also weep as I dutifully ate mine.

But maybe it was just the one time.

I did not play with my dolls. I did not sleep with them. They piled up in a corner, and finally stopped arriving when I was 13.

And this, by the way, is one of the things I mean when I talk about a shared girlhood. You cannot acquire this from hormones or empathy or rhetoric. I did not want to be a boy -- I wanted to be a girl who was not forced to wear dresses, have long hair, and care about dolls. Grok that and you will understand radical lesbian feminism.

The photos Margot and I unearthed are of the Christmas where I drove back to Stoneburg to spend it in the trailer with my family during my first year of college. Bill had stolen my room as soon as I left for school that fall. so I was reduced to either sleeping in his filthy cubicle of a prior bedroom or spreading a sleeping bag on our stained living carpet. Bill was not expected to clean the room he'd left behind: Boys did not have to clean up after themselves in our house.

I vaccuumed myself a spot and spread my bag. Daddy gleefully woke me up at dawn, taking a flash photo in my face to capture my disorientation. He resented anyone who slept in.

Someone, likely him, also took photos of us opening presents. Daddy himself is shirtless because it's his time off. He has a Pearl beer in front of him at the breakfast table. Mama is in a tattered, too small nightgown, with much of her exposed, including her snatch in one shot. She did not dress because she literally didn't have a dress that fit any more. I had been doing her grocery shopping all semester because she could not go into town in just a robe.

I was a scholarship kid at college, an academic award that was calculated to include at least $50 a month from parental contribution. (laughs grimly) The total award was somewhat less than $700 a term, from which I had to pay tuition, fees, books, and all living expenses. It was decidedly not enough. When I got that check in September, I set aside $75 of it, a bit more than 10%. I got through by not buying any clothes (wore the same thing day after day) and not eating on Tuesdays and Thursdays, plus eating sheer crap the rest of the week. In mid December I bought a $75 certificate to Sears in my mother's name, and gave it to her along with a catalogue as my Christmas gift to her.

The Polaroids show Bill's present to her -- a cheap knockoff of a statue based on Blue Boy -- and a new steam iron from my father. There is no photo of her reaction to the gift certificate. She burst into tears and tried to shove it back at me. When I wouldn't take it, she stood and declared "I know you are embarrassed of me, but this is hard to take" and retreated to her bedroom. Daddy was furious at me and Bill followed his lead. It was up to me to figure out Mama's meal plans and get them started.

In the end, she used the gift certificate and bought her first pantsuit, along with several other outfits. My father's resentment only grew at seeing her wear pants.

I spent a couple of decades as an adult trying to create my own version of a good Christmas, with friends and lovers and careful visits home. But nothing was ever quite right, or sometimes even close to okay. In the end, I gave up and began spending them alone. Now that the blood family are all dead, it's much easier. And honest. It sucks as a holiday for more people than I think will admit it. I am so relieved Margot hates it to the same degree I do. It will all be over this time tomorrow and we can drop the pretense. Poor people understand very well how we are supposed to act, to be merry and familial even when there is no fucking turkey: God bless us every one.


(Copyright 2013 Maggie Jochild.)


Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Here's the weekly best of what I've gleaned from I Can Has Cheezburger efforts. There are some really creative folks out there.


Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Here's the weekly best of what I've gleaned from I Can Has Cheezburger efforts. There are some really creative folks out there.



Tuesday, December 3, 2013


Here's the weekly best of what I've gleaned from I Can Has Cheezburger efforts. There are some really creative folks out there.


Saturday, November 30, 2013


Talvikettu (Winter Fox), 2012-13 by Paula Mela


When I woke up this morning
The light was fulla ghosts
When I woke up this morning
That sun was streaming ghosts
There's no place that don't have 'em
From caprock to the coast

My brown-eyed baby brother
He ain't with us no more
My brown-eyed baby brother
He ain't with us no more
The darkness kept on knocking
And he walked through that door

My mama and my daddy
They said they loved him same
My mama and my daddy
They said they loved him same
But mama held me closer
And handed me her name

The place we learn injustice
Live mighty close to home
The place we learn injustice
It mighty close to home
We learn to keep our mouth shut
Before we ever roam

It ain't my fault we lost him
They tell me that's a fact
It ain't my fault we lost him
A silver-dollar fact
But what I wouldn't do now
To whistle him on back

© Maggie Jochild; 30 Nov 2013, 11:37 am

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


My morning routine: At 8 am my fabulous attendant Tammi arrives. I take off my BiPAP mask, read my sugar and down the morning meds as she drains my Foley bag. Neither of us are morning people, so a single "Hello" suffices. Next, of course, comes Feeding The Cats, who are fidgeting impatiently, one of them on my chest. Then Tammi starts breakfast while I take insulin, check for letters from my sweetheart (in England and already at work), turn on the vitamin D light for half an hour, and hit the internet.

I have an A-list of sites that give me pleasure and/or substance to read. They are perused in this order: XKCD; ANIMALS TALKING ALL IN CAPS; BagNewsNotes; Hullaballoo; Brilliant At Breakfast; WTF Evolution; Clients From Hell; and final treat, NN. I get to raptly read Nancy's musings and links while enjoying breakfast, and digest it while reading the always interesting comments. By that time, I feel prepared to face the day, whether it's PT, nursing visits, begging for social services, or actually finding the energy to write.

I try to live in daily gratitude. It's a necessary counterweight against the fury of poverty. I am deeply grateful for all those in my generation who have refused to succumb to cynicism, isolation, and shame, and who still find a life's meaning in Making Things Better For All Of Us, however we can manage it. I am grateful each month for making rent on time, having a phone line and electricity (I have often gone without those three), for enough to eat and it not being entirely processed crap, for the unpredictability of cats and the unbelievable competence of some social workers & caregivers.

I am lucky beyond words for those who love me, who love me over time and across barriers, who accept my not-so-buried damage and make me laugh. I know to the average stranger, I look like a Lifetime movie gone horribly wrong, with the worst of endings, but most days, I am in fact happy. Pain and want can, for long minutes, be ignored. In my life, imagination has metabolized as endurance.

Thursday, November 21, 2013


(Needle and thread under a microscope)

Night before last, Scout was acting terrified and hiding constantly. We eventually narrowed the cause down to the work being done on the roof, which was very loud and involved power tools. She apparently thought monsters were burrowing down at us from above.

She did not emerge from seclusion until 8 pm, long after all the ruckus stopped. She scrambled urgently onto my bed then and threw herself at me. I held her close and reassured her lavishly, and we fell asleep together.

Even that did not cut through the deep ache. I spent the night hurting bad, sleepless, distracting myself with games, movies, and holding Scoutie. Waiting for Tammi's arrival at 8 am.

Which brought instant relief when Tammi discovered my Foley bag lying flat on the floor instead of hanging by the bed, and the tubing stretched taut, pulling as hard as it could against the inflated bulb in my urethra. Returning the bag to its regular place stopped the pain right away. I still had residual tenderness, however, not to mention physical exhaustion.

And in two hours, MaiTe was due to arrive to do my monthly Foley change.

It is with miraculous relief I can report that MaiTe, an RN of consummate skill, was able to change my Foley with the least pain I have ever experienced. Tammi, her helper, gave a soft "Whoa" when seconds after beginning the "hard part", MaiTe declared "All done!" We are talking about experience here, folks. I have had no hoohoo pain since, and had a fabulous long sleep last night.

And with the roof work done, Scout is also back to normal. Preparations for Margot's biannual visit continue, and I can think of little else.


Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Here's the weekly best of what I've gleaned from I Can Has Cheezburger efforts. There are some really creative folks out there.